/ / How to store cranberries in the home: useful recommendations for the housewives to note

How to store cranberries at home: useful tips to the hostess on the note

Издавна клюква считалась кладезем витаминов.Berry is rich in ascorbic acid, which is why it is recommended for the prevention of colds. It is used both in folk medicine and in cooking. But not everyone knows how to store cranberries for a long time. We will talk about this.

how to store cranberries at home

From the berries you get delicious mousses, salads,fruit drinks and even second dishes. And how useful are vitamins filled with cranberry juice! They differ in curative strength and piquant taste. Doctors recommend eating berries year round.

How to store cranberries at home so that it remains as healthy and tasty?

Yes, very simple.Remember: the sour berry is stored longer and best of all. After collecting it does not need to be cleared of debris, it is under the moss moss the fruits remain fresh for a long time. So, how to store cranberries at home in different ways? We turn to the important part of the article.

To the berries lay all winter without losing theirutility and taste, use ordinary water. But only unripe fruits are stored this way. Cranberry is laid out in a container, filled with boiled water and stored in this form all winter.

how to store cranberries for the winter

Many grind it with sugar andfreeze. To begin, the fruit must be sorted, remove the leaves. Next, we wash and dry them, laying out on a towel. Dry berries skip through a meat grinder or whisk in a blender together with sugar (1: 1 ratio).

Если взять меньше сахарного песка, то клюква will begin to wander and spoil. We shift the fruit mass into a clean and dry jar, cover it from above and transfer it to the attic or to the basement, where there is no moisture.


How to store cranberries?In the winter you can freeze it. This is a great and most acceptable option. Collect the intact fruits, rinse them thoroughly and place in a special container or plastic bag. Periodically shake the container, preventing the berries from sticking together. From the freshly frozen cranberries cook jelly, fruit drinks and fruit drinks. Can be diluted with dried fruit.

how to store cranberries

In dried form

How to store cranberries at home in the driedthe form? Washed berries slightly blanch until the flesh itself does not move away from the skin. In a uniform layer lay the product on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 60 ° C for 5 hours. A simple and effective method will have hostess like.

In the wet form

Fill the fruits with water, add some honey, spices (cloves, cinnamon). From above we establish oppression. After a month, you can eat cranberries. In the wet state, it is even tastier.

In the form of jam

We recommend cranberries to cook delicious jam,which will save you from avitaminosis in the winter. Per kilogram of berries is taken a half cup of water and the same amount of sugar. Cook the syrup, add the fruit to it and leave to simmer for 15 minutes. By the way, for piquancy, some put walnuts or apple slices. The finished jam is laid out in glass containers and sealed.

So we told you how to store cranberries inhome conditions without the use of harmful impurities - all recipes are fairly simple and accessible. Similarly stored any fruit. Agree: it is better to eat fresh, cooked with your own handles products, knowing that they will bring tremendous benefits to the body.

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