/ / How to store red caviar at home: recommendations of specialists

How to store red caviar at home: recommendations of specialists

Red caviar is not just a delicacy, it's a uniquein its way a product. It is used to create snacks and salads. Not all housewives know how to store red caviar at home. All the necessary information is contained in the article.

How to store red caviar at home

Beneficial features

Red caviar is a source of protein,necessary for the restoration and development of muscle tissue. Also, the product contains 12-13% fat, providing protection of the nervous system, heart and kidneys. In the red caviar there are vitamins of different groups. They take part in rejuvenating the cells, strengthening the nails and bones.

With the regular and moderate use of thisproduct can delay the development of atherosclerosis. The red folic acid contained in red caviar is necessary to maintain immunity. It contains iron, nickel, zinc and other substances on which the condition of hair, nails and skin depends. How to store red caviar at home so that it does not lose its useful qualities? This we will talk about later.

how to store red caviar home tricks

Terms of storage

Red caviar belongs to the category of perishable products. The period of its storage depends on certain factors. We list some of them:

  • speed of disinfection after fish extraction, caviar processing and conservation;
  • compliance with the sanitary norms in the processing of raw materials (the same applies to the conservation process);
  • compliance with the temperature regime when storing eggs.

If at least one condition of the aboveviolated, you can talk about the product damage. If you purchased a factory sealed jar of caviar, then read the rules for its storage. Such information is indicated on the packaging. The closed container can be stored in the refrigerator for a year. Here you need to navigate by the date of manufacture (packaging) of the product.

How to store red caviar useful tips

The question of how to store red caviar correctly,usually set when the jar is already open, or in the absence of the factory packaging. In these cases it is necessary to proceed as follows. First, scald the eggs with salted water. Second, put it in glassware. Third, grease the top with olive oil. Then the jar is closed with a food film and is taken to a cool and sheltered place from the light.

How to store red caviar: home tricks

To avoid the process of oxidation and rapid deteriorationproduct can not be left in a tin can (if it is opened). We take the glass containers. We spread the caviar in a dense layer. It is necessary to act extremely accurately. The main thing is not to break the integrity of the eggs. We close the jar with a lid. It should not be metal. The most suitable option is a plastic cover.

Caviar storage in the refrigerator

The ideal temperature to maintain thisof the product in its normal state is from -2 to -6 ° C. In this mode, properly packaged and packaged caviar can be stored for up to six months. Decrease in temperature by a couple of degrees is permissible. Most modern brands of refrigerators are able to work in this mode. But there are also some nuances that need to be considered.

How to store red caviar correctly

How to store red caviar at home infridge? Not everyone knows that the temperature on the shelves exceeds the zero mark. And in the freezer it drops from -20 to -25 ° C. To your favorite delicacy is not frozen and not spoiled, you must correctly place it. The best place to place a jar of caviar will be the shelf closest to the freezer. Try to remove the packaging in the far corner. A well-packaged product will stay there for no more than a week.

If necessary, you can extend the storage periodcaviar. For this we find a large container. At the bottom we place crushed ice, and from above we spill caviar. We remove the product in the same compartment of the refrigerator. Now he can stand longer. But ice as melting will have to change, so do not forget to look in the refrigerator and check its condition.

Many mistresses make the mistake of placing eggs infreezer. The fact is that at too low temperatures, its taste qualities deteriorate noticeably. And when thawing, caviar turns into a formless mass, which looks completely unappetizing.

Storage Tanks

The answer to the question of how to store red caviar inat home, implies the use of special containers. Earlier we talked about the fact that you can not leave the product in an open tin can. The ideal option is glassware. It can be a small container for baby food or a flat container with a round shape. Plastic containers are also suitable. But in them the product should be no more than two weeks.

How to store loose red caviar

How to store loose red caviar?The rules are the same as for caviar in factory jars (if they are not opened). It is enough to shift it into a sterilized container. Then take a paper sheet, moisten it with vegetable oil and put on the neck of the jar. In this case, you can do without a cover. The main thing is to remove the caviar in the refrigerator to the coldest shelf.

100% guarantee that the expensivethe product will not spoil, no one can give. Therefore, you should check its status from time to time. If the roe began to resemble a herring by a smell, then it is necessary to eat it urgently, because it already spoils.


Now you know how to store red caviar. Useful tips, described in this article, will help to extend the shelf life of your favorite delicacy.

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