/ / Cooking for beginners: Recipe for Indochinese

Cooking for beginners: The recipe for Indochinese

Indots are domesticated musk ducks,living in South America. They are unpretentious in their content and have delicate dietary meat. Due to these qualities, indotics are becoming more popular in our country. Today you can buy an indo-jacket in the market, and it's not harder to cook than a simple duck or chicken.
We offer a simple recipe for Indotka with lemons.Of all the products you will need an indoutka, three lemons, three onions, several tablespoons of soy sauce and red ground pepper. It is not necessary to salt the dish, as the sauce is salted. The bird needs to be washed, dried and divided into parts. Onions are cut into rings or semirings, and lemons are cut into circles.
After all components are prepared,It is necessary to lay a baking tray with several layers of foil and to spread portions of meat. On top of the indoctuke sprinkle with red pepper and cover with a layer of onions, and then - a layer of lemons. All you need to pour well with soy sauce, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for two hours. In order for steam to leave, you need to leave a small hole on top, and about 20 minutes before full availability, you need to turn the top of the foil. This recipe for Indochina can be slightly modified by replacing lemons with apples and oranges. If the carcass is not very large, it can be baked entirely.
Индоутка хороша в любом виде — и в жареном, и в baked. But if you put out the indotka, it turns out to be softer. For example, an indotka stewed in sour cream or stewed with prunes. These recipes from Indotka are also quite easy to prepare.
To cook a bird in sour cream, you will needan indoutka itself, two or three medium bulbs, as many large tomatoes, one large carrot, several cloves of garlic, 250 grams of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
Preparation of an indoteck according to this recipe will takehours and a half. To begin with, it must be divided into four parts - first along the ridge, and then in half. Salt is mixed with pepper and rub this mixture with each piece. Then we prepare vegetables: on a large grater we rub carrots, finely chop the onion and garlic. In a deep frying pan pour vegetable or olive oil, spread the vegetables and fry until golden brown.
After the vegetables are fried, in the panlay out prepared slices of Indotka, add a little water and put the dish stewed on a slow fire almost to the ready. In the end, when the meat becomes soft, add sliced ​​tomatoes or tomato paste and pour sour cream. In fifteen minutes this excellent dish will be ready. The sauce that was formed during cooking is mixed with a small amount of flour and brought to a boil to thicken it. The stewed indoctka is served on the table with any side dish.
The next recipe for Indochinese, stewed with prunesis prepared this way: you need to take an indoctuka, one onion, one lemon, two or three apples, 100 grams of prunes, as much or slightly more butter and a few cloves of garlic. The carcass is well washed and rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. Now they make minced meat from onion, garlic, apples and lemon. To do this, all the components must be finely chopped and mixed. Lemon can be used as a whole, or you can remove the zest from it beforehand. In the resulting mixture you need to add prunes and stuff her a bird. The pan is lubricated with oil, the prepared indoctka is spread and placed for an hour and a half in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. The pan should be deep enough, because during cooking, a lot of fat is heated. They need to periodically water the indoctuka so that it becomes covered with a ruddy crispy crust. As a side dish, you can use rice or fried potatoes.

As you can see, this recipe for Indotka, like the previous ones, is not at all complicated. Having mastered the simple ways of making this bird, you can go on to more complex recipes.

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