/ / Viennese schnitzel: recipe with photo

Viennese schnitzel: recipe with photo

Every European cuisine has its own crowndish. In the Italian city of Naples, it's pizza, in German Munich - Bavarian sausages, in the capital of Austria - Viennese schnitzel (photo is presented in the article). Try this popular European dish in the original performance only in Vienna. However, it is not necessary to go on such an expensive gastronomic trip. It is enough to use one of the schnitzel recipes presented in our article.

History of the dish

Первое упоминание о венском шницеле в кулинарной the book dates back to the end of the XIX century. According to one version, this dish, which became traditional in Vienna, came from a chop, popular in Upper Italy. But in the Austrian capital, schnitzel was prepared for the first time at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries. And since then it has become the "calling card" of Vienna.

The original dish seems to be thinSchnitzel made of veal, cooked in breading from flour, eggs and bread crumbs. As for the size, it very often exceeds the diameter of the dish itself. The thickness of this schnitzel is 4 mm. Fry it in a large amount of pork fat or butter until golden brown. This ensures a uniform roasting inside and a crisp on the outside.

Vienna Schnitzel in Vienna enjoys a specialpopularity. This dish does not bypass any tourist. It can be found in every public catering establishment in the city. But, according to tourists, the best schnitzel in Vienna can only be sampled at the restaurant Figlmuller, whose doors were first opened to visitors in 1905.

Classic Viennese Schnitzel

Classic Viennese Schnitzel

Традиционно для приготовления этого блюда beef or veal is used. It is from this meat, according to experienced culinary experts, the most delicious Viennese schnitzel. The classic recipe for the dish involves the following:

  • Beef is cut into pieces 1-1.2 cm thick.
  • A piece of parchment is folded in half and lubricated with vegetable oil.
  • In the middle lay a piece of meat and beat off the flat side of the culinary hammer so that the thickness of the schnitzel is no more than 4 mm. In this case, it will several times increase in size.
  • Of 2 eggs, milk, salt and pepper in a deep bowl, prepare lezones.
  • Flour and bread crumbs are added to the other two flat dishes.
  • In the frying pan pour vegetable oil, add a piece (20 g) of creamy.
  • Meat is lowered first into a plate of flour and paned on both sides. Then it should be transferred to a bowl with lezones, and the third time to roll in bread crumbs.
  • In the melted butter, the schnitzel is fried at first 2 minutes on one side, and then again on the other with the same. The prepared dish is laid out on a paper towel, after which it is immediately served to the table.

Recipe for schnitzel with potato salad from Miratorg

Viennese schnitzel according to the recipe from Miratorg

Known in Russia, the company prepared forlovers of this traditional Viennese dish are already sliced, suitable for the thickness and other parameters of veal steaks. Mistresses can only beat off the meat, roll it in the correct breading and send it to the pan.

Step by step Viennese schnitzel from Miratorg with potato salad is prepared in this order:

  1. Schnitzel (3 pcs.) Cover with a food film and discourage with a rolling pin from both sides to a thickness of 3 mm.
  2. Опустить их поочередно сначала на тарелку с мукой and roll on both sides, then into the egg and into the bread crumbs. Put the schnitzels on a flat dish and send to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. This time will be enough for the breading to be fixed.
  3. For salad, fresh potatoes (500 g), brush, wash and boil in boiling water for 15 minutes. Still hot cut it into circles measuring 1.5 cm, sprinkle with vinegar and cool.
  4. Chop the green onions, celery stalk, parsley, dill.
  5. Combine the cooled potatoes with herbs, season with lemon peel, salt and pepper, mix with mayonnaise. Send the prepared salad to the fridge for 5 minutes.
  6. In a frying pan pour 100 ml of melted butter, heat, lay out the schnitzels.
  7. Fry them one at a time. First 3 minutes on one side, constantly pouring oil on top, and then 2 minutes on the other. Serve with salad.

Viennese Pork Schnitzel

Viennese Pork Schnitzel

The process of cooking from this type of meat is practically the same as the classical recipe. As a result, you will receive an excellent dish that can decorate and festive table:

  • For Viennese pork schnitzel, traditionallya loin is cut, cut across the fibers into pieces, 1 cm thick. They need to be salted, peppered, wrapped in a film and hammered off from both sides to make them thin, but without holes.
  • In the recipe of Viennese schnitzel, pork uses traditional breading from three components: flour, eggs and ground breadcrumbs. In them each piece of meat is lowered in turn.
  • The Viennese Schnitzel is fried in a frying pan withstrongly heated vegetable oil. It should be poured on a height of at least 7 mm. Fry the schnitzel should be on medium heat, without covering the frying pan with a lid, on both sides. Serve hot.

Schnitzel made of chicken, Viennese

Viennese schnitzel made from chicken

From chicken fillet is obtained no less delicious dish:

  1. The washed and dried fillets are cut in thicknessalong and open the butterfly. It turns out a fairly large chicken steak. It is covered with a film and carefully beaten, so as not to tear to holes.
  2. The prepared fillet is piled with a bowl.From above through the press squeeze garlic (3 slices), add salt, red and black pepper. The fillet is gently mixed with spices and left to marinate on the table for 20 minutes.
  3. Viennese schnitzel from chicken pan and fry in a frying pan in a traditional way. It should be cooked no more than 2-3 minutes in large quantities of vegetable oil, almost deep-fried.

Schnitzel from turkey

Viennese schnitzel from turkey

Delicate, juicy, with golden breaded schnitzel from dietary poultry meat can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • The turkey breast is cut across the fibers and is beaten through the bag.
  • Each prepared piece falls in flour from two sides. Surplus shakes on the plate.
  • Next, the turkey falls into a whipped egg with a little water.
  • Immediately after the Llezon, a piece of meat should be rolled in breadcrumbs from corn flour with paprika, salt and pepper.
  • But fried Viennese schnitzel is similar to the previous recipes in a lot of oil.

How to cook schnitzel from beef liver?

Schnitzel in Viennese from beef liver

From the offal, you get a tasty schnitzel. It should be prepared in the following order:

  1. Cut a piece of liver (800 g) from the films and live, cut into steaks 1 cm thick.
  2. Prepare breaded from eggs, ketchup (6 tablespoons) and spices. Pour the flour and breadcrumb into two other flat plates.
  3. Roll the liver in flour, dip into the egg-tomato mixture and fix the breadcrumbs in the crumb.
  4. Fry the Viennese Schnitzel from the beef liver first on one side, then turn, reduce the heat, cover and bring to the ready.

Features of preparation and recommendations

And finally, we will present you with the advice of experienced culinary experts who will help to prepare really delicious and appetizing Viennese schnitzel:

  • Meat for this dish should be cut only across the fibers. Then, if necessary, a thick steak is additionally notched along the piece and opened with a butterfly.
  • Instead of ready crushed breadcrumbs for breading it is better to use fresh baked bread crumb.
  • To fry a slightly chopped and breaded piece of meat is recommended at a temperature of 160 ° C, in a large amount of fat - at least half its height.
  • In the process of cooking, schnitzel must be poured with melted butter.
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