/ / Pork neck skewers. Pickles options

Pork neck skewers. Pickles options

The most popular and widespread dishis a pork neck skewers. Pork is a classic culinary kebab genre. Statistics says that eight out of ten people (if they are not prohibited by this religion) will choose pork for cooking on charcoal.

pork neck skewers

What to cook from pork neck?

This type of meat is combined with so manyproducts. For pickling, you can use completely different spices, vegetables and drinks. Pork goes well with greens, loves a large amount of onions, will be juicy and tender thanks to the addition of kefir or wine. Moreover, it is important to remember that if you chose a kebab recipe from pork neck, it is better to give preference to white dry wine from aromatic grape varieties.

Pork neck - the perfect choice for kebabs.This part contains not only tender and juicy meat, but also a small amount of lard, which is simply necessary in a kebab. If you take just pieces of meat for marinating, they can turn out to be dryish. A small greasy layer will give a sufficient amount of fat, and pork-neck skewers will turn out amazingly tender, juicy and soft.

marinade recipe for pork neck kebabs

Recipe classic with onions

  • Two pounds of meat.
  • Four large onions.
  • Coarse salt.
  • Mineral water - 1.5 liters.
  • Coriander.
  • Greens - cilantro or parsley.
  • Pepper with peas.
  • Ordinary ground pepper.

How to cook

Serious and long marinating, likeuse of vinegar, pork-neck kebab does not require. This type of meat is able to quickly absorb the aromas of spices and herbs. Professional chefs say that ordinary onions are the best for cooking pork dishes. It can be taken in any quantities, such a product will never spoil a meat dish.

what to cook from pork neck

So, we cut the pork into portions,which will be convenient to string on a skewer and convenient to eat. Onions are peeled and chopped. If you plan to add onions to a skewer, then cut it into large rings. If he just takes part in the marinating of meat, then the usual half rings or chopped large pieces will do. In some cases, onion pulp is even used, but we'll tell about it in the next recipe.

Add all the above spices and finelychopped herbs. It remains to pour the meat with mineral water and leave it to soak for two to three hours. It is better if the dishes with pork neck skewers will be in a cold place.

Kefir marinade

As we have noted, no experienced chefadvise to use for pickling meat vinegar. It can always be replaced by more benign types of marinade. The second most popular, after mineral water and onions, is a marinade recipe for pork-neck kebab using kefir. Meat in this case is surprisingly tender and juicy. And no unpleasant and sharp vinegar smell.


  • On 1 kg of pork neck - 0.5 liters of kefir.
  • Three large onions.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Some aromatic herbs, for example, cilantro or basil.
  • A teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  • If desired, hot sauce or a couple of pieces of chili pepper (for those who like spicy food).


Meat, as usual, we will cut into mediumpieces that can marinate quickly, and then also quickly roast on the coals. Onions in this recipe is recommended not to cut into pieces, and grated. Add it to the meat. Then "goes" finely chopped cilantro or basil, ground pepper and, of course, salt. Fill with kefir.

If you want to make the marinade more spicy,You can add a few small pieces of hot red chili peppers, or mix kefir with spicy tomato sauce. Thoroughly mix the meat with the other ingredients and cover the container with a plate on which we place the load. Then the structure is removed in the refrigerator for several hours.

pork neck kebab recipe

What else can you marinate pork-neck skewers?

  • Soy sauce.
  • Beer.
  • Red wine.
  • Pomegranate juice.
  • Kiwi pulp.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Honey with mustard.

What to cook from the pork neck besides the kebab?

This type of meat is not only perfect forcooking fragrant tasty kebabs on the coals, but also for the creation of other culinary masterpieces. The easiest option - baked pork neck in the oven entirely. In this case, the meat is flavored with spices, salted and sent to the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 200 degrees. If you want pork to cook faster, just use a special baking sleeve. Then the cooking time will be forty minutes.

what to cook from pork neck

For those who count calories but cannotTo deny yourself the pleasure of eating pork, we offer the recipe for pork neck in foil steamed. Meat can be cut into pieces or cooked whole. Marinating in advance of such meat is not necessary. Depending on the size of the steamed pork neck, it will be cooked in thirty to fifty minutes. Do not forget to add fragrant spices and various herbs to pork. A spoon of sweet mustard and mushrooms or a pair of juicy tomatoes will not hurt either. And remember that the more onion will be in the meat dish, the more tasty it will be.

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