/ / Hepatic cutlets: recipe with photo

Hepatic cutlets: recipe with photo

Long since the liver is considered to be one of the mostuseful products of animal origin. It is recommended even for those who observe a diet without meat. After all, this product contains a huge amount of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. And the most popular dishes based on liver are cutlets and pancakes. Many people mistakenly think that this is, in principle, the same thing, because these dainties are prepared almost the same: from flour, chopped liver, eggs and auxiliary ingredients.

However, in reality, there are some differences betweenthese dishes are available, as well as small tricks in the preparation of liver chops according to the recipe. Cleverly made treats are much more tender, fragrant, lush and softer. In addition, the taste of such cutlets is much closer to the more familiar dishes from beef, pork and chicken.

Many cooks classify the liver as a category"capricious" products, which are difficult to work with. However, the preparation of the liver chops according to the prescription is within the power even of amateurs in cooking. So stock up all the necessary ingredients, a drop of patience and a couple of hours of free time to please your family with aromatic treats.

Secrets of skilful preparation

Before starting the process, be sure to read the recommendations of experienced chefs who have repeatedly dealt with this dish:

  • Mincemeat for liver pancakes should resemblea mixture for ordinary cutlets, that is, to be quite dense. This is the main secret of juiciness and splendor. Remember, the thicker the layer of meat, the more likely it is to dry it.
  • In order to give a stuffing of density, add tohis pulp of bread, previously soaked in milk and squeezed. This product perfectly copes with absorption of surplus of a moisture which necessarily arise after a grinding of meat. And then the same bread makes the mixture more lush, airy.
  • Another trick of cooking for realdense stuffing consists in the addition of various cereals and ground oat flakes. Being in meat, such products swell, and when frying with ease easily reach the ready. So, as a result, the consistency of the liver chops according to the recipe is even more delicate and softer. In addition, no one even suspects the presence of fritters in any cereals.
  • There is one more subtlety of cooking gentleCutlet, which is well known to most of the hostesses. After frying in a frying pan, you should pour very little water, in which the dish is slightly steamed and becomes softer. Do not be afraid, the liquid evaporates in just a few minutes.
    Recipes of hepatic cutlets

Try at least once to cook delicioushepatic cutlets from the liver by prescription, taking into account these simple recommendations. You will certainly make sure that making this dish is very easy, and the result is able to exceed any expectations.

Features of the choice of products

For such cutlets, the pork, andchicken, and beef liver. Of course, the quality of the final result depends largely on the original products from which the dish is prepared. Therefore, the question of selecting a liver for cooking liver patties by step-by-step prescription should be approached with all responsibility.

Try to choose freshproduct, since the use of frozen is not the best option. Be sure to pay attention to the smell and shade of the liver - it should not be too dark or too light.

How to cook cutlets from pig liver

Before further processing, the chicken by-productit is necessary to wash and distribute with boiling water to rid of bitterness. Beef liver should be cleaned of film, blood vessels and hard veins. Pork product should just be well washed and cut off any excess. Then the liver is cut into pieces and sent to a blender or a meat grinder. This completes the preparation of the main component.

Traditional step-by-step recipe for hepatic cutlets (with photo)

This is the simplest and most common waycooking appetizing dishes from the by-product. To thicken in this recipe for liver chops, ordinary flour is used. And in the role of the main ingredient can act any liver: chicken, beef or pork.

How to cook burger cutlets


What is required for cooking? Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of liver;
  • a teaspoon of starch;
  • 100 g of flour;
  • egg;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 100 g of fat;
  • a large onion;
  • melted fat or vegetable oil.

Manufacturing process step by step

Step # 1. Pass through a meat grinder or chop the blender with the liver itself, as well as pre-peeled onion and fat.

Step number 2. In a separate container, whisk the egg a little and pour it into the mixture. Then send flour and starch.

Step # 3.All ingredients, season with salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. This is the preparation of minced meat for the liver cutlets is over. Now you can proceed directly to frying "pancakes" from the liver.

Step # 4.Pour a tiny bit of vegetable oil or fat on a hot pan. Using a tablespoon, form and spread the cutlets. To fry them it is necessary absolutely not for long - usually pair-three minutes from each party it appears quite enough. At the same time, maintain the average power.

Preparation of hepatic cutlets step by step

It is very important not to overdo the patties in the frying pan- otherwise they will simply lose their delicate texture and appetizing appearance. Try to form not too thick pancakes, which will be fried fast enough.

Serve cooked with a prescription (with photo)hepatic cutlets can be practically with any garnish. For example, a great addition to this dish will be mashed potatoes, buckwheat, all sorts of vegetable salads and even simple pasta. Here everything depends on your preferences.

Recipe for liver liver cutlets from beef liver

Perhaps this is one of the best wayscooking this dish. This recipe is simple and unpretentious, besides it does not take you much time. In addition, even such a simple stuff you can add all kinds of spices and spices, making your dish truly unique and perfectly combined with any garnish.

For preparation of hearty and fragrant cutlets take:

  • 400 g of beef liver;
  • 200 g of hard bread;
  • a large onion;
  • egg;
  • a glass of milk;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper and other seasonings according to your taste;
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal.
    How to cook minced meat


Cut out the flesh from the bread and cutlarge pieces. Fold them in a deep container and fill with milk. This is necessary in order for the bread to swell and become soft. This process will take about 10 minutes.

And while the bread swells, grind withblender or meat mincer liver to a state of homogeneous porridge. Bulb clean, wash and cut into several parts. Add it to the liver and beat the egg in here. Pepper and salt the mixture, then grind again. This is for those who work with a blender. If you have a meat grinder at your disposal, grind the ingredients one at a time, and mix the mixture by hand.

Swell the bread and squeeze it well.hepatic mass. In the end, add oat flakes to the rest of the ingredients and stir again. The prepared forcemeat cover with polyethylene and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes. This is necessary for the flakes to soften a little. After a specified time you will notice that the stuffing has thickened significantly. Only now you can start frying cutlets.

Secrets of cooking liver burger

As in the previous case, pour on the preheatedpan the butter and lay on it a spoon-shaped fritters. Fry the cutlets until the crust is on a slow fire. After they reach the ready, pour half a glass of water into the pan and lightly extinguish. So your statues cutlets are much softer and tastier. The evaporation of water will take a maximum of 5 minutes. To cooked on the prescription hepatic cutlets from the beef liver necessarily submit sour cream - it perfectly combines with a gentle and simultaneously piquant taste of a dish.

Appetizing pancakes with a manga

From the use of such a useful product asliver, can not refuse in any case. If you do not believe that with proper preparation it can turn into a culinary masterpiece, be sure to try liverballs with a manga. Such a simple recipe will immediately dispel all your doubts.

Prepare in advance:

  • 0.5 kg of pork liver;
  • onions of medium size;
  • egg;
  • 4 tablespoons mango;
  • salt and spices;
  • frying oil.
    Traditional recipe for hepatic cutlets

Cooking method

Liver thoroughly rinse, cut off the filmand chop small pieces. Onion peel and cut into several pieces. Now skip the prepared foods through the meat grinder. Then beat the mince into the egg and add the mango. Finally salt and pepper the mixture and mix thoroughly, best of all with your hands.

Prepared minced meat let it brew for half an hour. Then mix it again and start frying the nutritious and extraordinarily useful cutlets.

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