/ / Chinese apple jam: nostalgia for the past

Jam of Chinese apples: nostalgia for the past

Chinese apple jam
Why do you want to cook Chinese jamapples? Not just from apples, but from these, overseas? It is thought, to blame nostalgia. You shouldn’t tell you that large apples with ruddy sides are an achievement of the national economy, and years, this achievement is not so much from a historical point of view. And long ago wild trees grew on the ground, the fruits of which were small and often not very tasty. Of these, our ancestors made the first desserts. In the beginning, most likely, these were frozen apples (yummy!), Then compote, and only after hundreds of years - jam.

Из китайских яблочек варить его стали всего-то a couple of hundred years ago, in the middle of the eighteenth century, when apple seedlings were brought from China to China - trees that bloom beautifully in spring, with fruits ripening in late autumn, growing up to ten meters up. It is true, however, to say that in pure form these apples are not very much (sorry for the tautology), and the Chinese themselves prefer completely different varieties, but our housewives made an amazing dessert dish out of them.

apple jam
Chinese apple jam is cooked according to the principledigesting the fruit in a clear syrup. Therefore, you first need to prepare a syrup. To do this, lay out the sugar and pour a quarter cup of water. Sugar is taken at the rate of 1: 1 (sugar: apples). Capacity for cooking should be taken wide, in order to less traumatized fruit. The pelvis is perfect. Over low heat bring the liquid to a boil and boil slightly.

By the way, during cooking syrup, you can flavor it with cinnamon or lemon, vanilla or cloves, orange peel or tangerine. The taste will not spoil, and the variety will be pleasantly surprised.

Chinese apples are washed, not tearing the stem(beautiful, and there is a convenient), dry and make a little nakol below, so that they do not lose shape when cooking. In some recipes, it is advised that the fruit be pre-blanched in boiling water, then dipped in cold water for cooling. Dry and only then send to further cooking.

Apples are put into syrup only whenboils well. Bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 15 minutes. Then leave to cool at room temperature. During cooking, they will lose their color and become transparent. Capacity should not be covered with a lid, so that excess liquid evaporates, but you can put oppression on the pop-up apples so that they are constantly in the syrup and do not cringe.

chinese apples
Процесс с медленным закипанием и последующим by cooling it is worth repeating three times. During this time, the excess liquid boils away, and the fruit will remain in caramel-colored syrup. After the last boil, the finished apple jam is rolled into sterile boiling jars.

Вся прелесть этого десерта в изумительных apples with fruit stems, which look incredibly attractive, and the taste is transformed into a divine one, and no one can say that the fruit originally tasted so good. Chinese apple jam is brewed in the same way as from the heavenly, more cherry-like, common in the Urals and in Siberia. In Central Asia, jam is boiled from small fruits of apple trees with bark of plum-colored blooming with large purple flowers.

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