Every second likes to pamper themselves with a bun withjam. It can be anything to your liking. The absolute leader is apple jam. Unfortunately, industrial products do not always meet all the requirements of gourmets. And the product made by own hands, is always tastier and more useful. Jam in the multivark of apples is also quickly prepared, you just need to know the recipe and have a little patience.
Key points
Each model of the equipment has a number of its functions. Jam in the multivark of apples can be brewed on the following:
For those who have a special program, you canjust follow the instructions to the equipment. If not, then you can use the universal mode - "Quenching". The amount of ingredients is selected depending on the volume of the bowl in the multivark.
Which varieties of apples are better to use?It all depends on your taste. For those who love jam, it is better to take sour and juicy fruits. Those who prefer sugary - sweet. The amount of sugar is measured individually.
How to cook jam from apples
First of all, they must be carefully selected.For jam slices fit only whole, without dents and ripeness, fruits. For grainy - any ripe and juicy. After that, all the apples are washed and peeled, the core is removed. What else is needed? Citric acid to conserve the product in the future, and sugar. For 800 grams of apples is enough 300-400 grams. Citric acid will require a pinch. All ingredients are added to the bowl, then the desired program is turned on. Depending on the type of prepared jam, there are several differences in the technology of preparation.
Jam in a multi-apple from apples, grain
For this recipe you need to crush it thoroughlyfruit. You can do it with a knife, cutting small cubes, or in a combine. In the bowl, apples are laid in layers, each is peppered with sugar. Do not close the multigrade lid, warm everything up in the "Quenching" or "Baking" mode for 15 minutes. During this time apples will give juice. Then you can close the lid and set the cooking mode "Jam" if there is, or the mode "Soup", "Quenching", "Baking" not less than 1.5 hours. After the signal, add citric acid, stir jam and close hot in jars.
Gem with lobules
For this recipe you need to cut the fruit into small slices. Jam in the multivark of apples cook like this:
After the signal, the ready jam is not mixed, otherwise the slices will be washed. Just put it hot in a jar, then add citric acid.
Jam from apples in a multi-cook to cook mucheasier than on an ordinary plate in a saucepan. The process takes much less time, strength and ingredients. In addition, you can be sure that the jam will not run away, will not boil over, will not burn. Who said that the blanks should be made only in the way our grandmothers did? The XXI century allows you to cook deliciously and simply, without any extra effort! Every mistress can!