/ / How to make apricot jam in a multivark

How to make apricot jam in a multivark

Абрикосовое варенье в мультиварке готовится quite simply and quickly. After all, this kitchen device significantly speeds up the process of making this sweetness, and also preserves the taste and all useful substances of fruits.

How to cook apricot jam in a multivariate with almonds

Necessary ingredients:

apricot jam in the multivariate

  • sand sugar - 300 g;
  • fresh ripe apricots - 600 g;
  • Peeled almonds - 100 g;
  • lemon - half a large fruit.

The process of processing the main product

Apricot jam in the multivar followscook only from ripe fruits. After all, unripe fruits are too hard for such useful sweetness. Thus, 600 g of large and soft apricots are required to be placed in a colander, and then carefully washed in warm water. In this case, it is recommended to separate all available branches from the fruits. After that, each individual fruit must be cut with a knife, divided into two halves and remove the bones. If desired, the apricots can be chopped into smaller pieces, but some housewives prefer to make this sweetness from whole halves of the fruit.

Heat treatment

to cook apricot jam

Before boiling apricot jam inmultivark, you need to take half a large lemon and fully squeeze it into the bowl. Then the processed and cut fruits should be put in the container of the device, and then pour 300 g of granulated sugar, 100 g of purified almonds and add the lemon juice. After that, the multivark should be put in the quenching mode (it is possible and baking) for exactly 60 minutes. In this case, do not forget that jam should be regularly mixed, especially after 20 minutes of cooking. This is necessary in order that the apricots do not burn to the surface of the dishes, which may well happen in the baking mode.

Sterilization of dishes

After the apricot jam in the multivarkwill become a homogeneous viscous consistency, it is recommended to distribute it in hot form over small glass jars. For this, the dishes must be sterilized. It can be kept under steam for a quarter of an hour or simply scalded with steep boiling water. It is also necessary to prepare metal covers, which must also be sterilized.

apricot jam with almonds

The final stage in the preparation

Ready-made apricot jam with almonds should beput in glass jars and roll up. After that, the filled dishes should be turned upside down and covered with a thick blanket or multiple terry towels. In such a state, the sweet billet is recommended to be kept for 24 hours, after which it should be sent to a cold store or cellar before the winter period.

Useful properties of apricot jam

The sweetness of these orange fruits possessesa huge amount of vitamins and useful elements. Of course, some substances decompose during the heat treatment, but micro- and macroelements still remain. Apricot jam helps to normalize acidity in the stomach, remove toxins from the body, clean the gallbladder and kidneys, restore the pancreas and liver.

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