/ / Mutton liver: cooking recipes from experienced chefs

Mutton liver: cooking recipes from experienced chefs

Among the most popular offal, according toexperts, in the first place in the list is liver mutton. Its recipes are simple enough and do not require special skills from the chef. Even a novice hostess will be able to master any of the proposed methods. Usually, the liver is made to stew or fry. For example, you can consider several of the most popular options.

Liver with vegetables

In eastern countries, this delicacyIt is considered the mutton liver. The cooking recipes here are mainly designed to maximize the flavor of this rather delicate product. As an excellent example, you can consider in detail the option of quenching the liver with vegetables.

lamb liver cooking recipes

To prepare such a dish you will need:

800 grams of beef liver - 4 tomatoes, 3 bell peppers, 2 onions, salt, a bunch of greens, 1 chili pepper, a little vegetable oil and ground black pepper.

The whole process takes place in several stages:

  1. Сначала печень надо вымыть и тщательно обсушить paper towel. After that, it should be cut into cubes of 3 cm, sprinkle with pepper, salt and leave to marinate in this state for about 10 minutes.
  2. This time can be spent on chopping vegetables. Onion is better to cut into half rings, tomatoes - slices, and sweet pepper - in cubes. Greens can be arbitrarily chopped.
  3. Cauldron to put on the fire and heat it in vegetable oil.
  4. In boiling fat, lower the prepared liver and lightly fry it with constant stirring for a couple of minutes, until the meat brightens.
  5. Put vegetables on top of the liver in a certainsequences: onions - tomatoes - peppers. Sprinkle everything with greens and put chili. After that, the cauldron should be covered with a lid, make the flame of fire smaller and leave the products in this position for 20 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, open the lid, add salt, pepper and, after thorough mixing over high heat, let the products boil for another 3-4 minutes.

В результате получается очень мягкая и нежная mutton liver Cooking recipes can vary among themselves only by the set of selected spices. For example, hops-suneli or universal vegetable seasoning will only enhance the already pleasant aroma.

National traditions

Karaite cuisine also has dishes in whichthe main ingredient is lamb liver. Their recipes are very similar to the previous version. One of the ways also contains vegetables. For work required to have:

0.5 kilograms of lamb liver, the same number of tomatoes, a little salt, 1 onion, sugar, 100 grams of baked butter, ground pepper and 2 tablespoons of wheat flour.

Preparing the dish quickly enough:

  1. First, the liver must be washed, cleaned of films and cut into pieces. After that, they need to pepper, salt, roll in flour, and then fry a little until a pleasant pink tint.
  2. Separately, fry onion with tomatoes in a pan. After that, pour the water over the vegetables and add the remaining spices. It will be the aromatic base of the dish.
  3. Transfer the liver to the frying pan, mix the food and leave to stew for 25 minutes.

The result is sure to please even those who do not like offal.

Dumba Jigar

In the East, people know a lot about meat dishes.The most popular version of this product is, of course, kebabs. And as the main ingredient does not necessarily have to be the meat itself. For example, the Uzbeks really like it when the lamb liver is on a skewer. The recipes of this dish depend on the place where the cook lives. Each city or town has its own individual version.

lamb liver cooking recipes

For the national Uzbek “dumba-jigar” it is necessary:

500 grams of fresh liver, 300 grams of lamb fat, 1 teaspoon of salt and jira, and 2 tablespoons of minced cilantro.

Everything is prepared very simply:

  1. Remove all films from the washed liver so that they do not interfere with good roasting of the product. After that, it should be cut into sufficiently large cubes of 4 centimeters and put in a separate deep container.
  2. Add salt, cilantro and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. At this time it is necessary to cut the fat. True, its pieces should be already slightly smaller.
  4. Strung the liver on the skewers, alternating it occasionally with pieces of bacon, and cook on charcoal for 15 minutes.

This barbecue is surprisingly tender and very juicy.

Dish with creamy flavor

If waiting for guests you need to quickly cooksomething tasty and unusual, it is best suited for this liver mutton. Cooking recipes with sour cream is a great opportunity to add a nice creamy flavor to the by-product.

lamb liver cooking recipes with sour cream

The following components are required for cooking:

per kilogram of liver - 4 tablespoons of flour, a little salt, a can of sour cream, 5 cloves of garlic and ground pepper.

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Сначала печень надо порезать ломтиками средней size, roll them in flour and fry in butter until golden brown. Heat treatment should last only a few minutes so that the product does not become tough.
  2. After that, you need to add spices, chopped garlic, sour cream, 200 ml of water and leave the liver to stew for 20 minutes over medium heat.

Before setting the table, such a liver should be laid out on a plate and sprinkled with plenty of greens. The dish can be eaten both with and without side dish.

Quick breakfast

There are still many interesting dishes for whichuseful mutton liver. Cooking recipes, photos and useful tips - this is what every hostess needs in order to replenish her professional luggage. Beginner cooks can recommend to start with the simplest. This is a pate.

lamb liver cooking recipes photo

For its preparation will require:

0.5 kilograms of sheep liver, salt, a pack of butter, 2 onions and ground pepper.

To do everything right, you need to do the work in steps:

  1. Wash the by-product and cut it into large enough pieces.
  2. Transfer them to a deep frying pan and fry with the addition of half the existing oil. The rest will be needed at the last stage.
  3. Crumble onions in any convenient way and alsosend to the pan with salt and pepper. Temperature treatment should be carried out until it finally softens. At the same time, you need to adjust the strength of the flame so that the liver does not burn.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and grind using a blender.
  5. Add oil residue and turn products into a homogeneous mass.

After that, the paste should be temporarily sent tothe refrigerator so that it should cool down. Now cook breakfast will not be difficult. It will be necessary only to spread with a fragrant mixture a slice of soft black or white bread. It turns out not only very tasty, but also useful.

The usual option

For what other dishes can a liver be useful?lamb? Cooking recipes: fried and stew are considered the most popular. A huge number of different options sometimes confusing. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to use the proven method and simply fry the by-product correctly.

fried mutton liver recipes

To do this, you will need:

mutton liver, vegetable oil pepper and salt.

To prepare the dish you need:

  1. Freshly chilled liver rinse well, remove the protective film from its surface and cut out all the bile ducts.
  2. Cut the product into several pieces.
  3. Salt each piece, sprinkle with pepper and fry on both sides until droplets of blood stand out on the surface.

The dish is ready.Now it can be shifted into portions and served on the table. And as a side dish is best suited boiled potatoes, onions, deep fried, or fresh tomatoes. In principle, you can add nothing but greenery.

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