Many good housewives and professional chefsin modern times often think about how it is better and tastier to prepare a salad in a hurry. If you have this question before you, then pay attention, first of all, that this dish should also be exquisite and unique in its beauty. And only then take the necessary products and make a salad for the long-awaited guests. Note that the culinary recipes of some salads usually include ingredients such as: tomatoes, cabbage, greens, cucumbers, carrots and boiled or smoked meat.
Then start cooking
Potatoes - 6 pieces,
Carrots - 3 pieces,
2 apples,
Eggs - 5 pieces,
Cucumbers (best salted) - 3 pieces,
Onions - 2 heads,
A jar of green peas,
Marinated Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces,
Greens and spices - to taste,
Sour cream or mayonnaise - for refueling.
Запомните то, что эти ингредиенты будут нужны для of the salad which in modern times is called the Kremlin Chimes. Next, take the potatoes and carrots, wash them well with running water and peel. Then put in a pan, pour water into it and put on the fire to boil. You can also do this using a microwave or a double boiler. When your vegetables are ready, take them out of the dishes and place them in a deep dish to cool them.
Then open the iron lid on the glass jar with the key and remove the pickled cucumbers from it. Next, cut them into small cubes. Also do with carrots and potatoes.
Peel and core the apples and rubthem on a coarse grater. Then open a jar of peas and pour the brine out of it. Peel the onions and chop them very finely. Then put apples, boiled vegetables, cucumbers and onions on a flat dish first.
Then boil eggs in a separate bowl, drainhot water and fill them with cold water. Next, peel them from the shell and rub on a fine grater, after separating the yolks from the proteins. Then make the dial as on the Kremlin clock. And from the red pickled pepper cut long and short arrows. Cut out Roman numerals with scissors from the remaining pepper. In order for all this to be preserved and unique, first blot the chopped egg yolks with mayonnaise, and then fix the clockwork for the salad on them. However, make it so that the arrows point at seven minutes to twelve at night.
When you have a quick salad ready, thenserve it to the table right in the salad bowl. Having tasted this charming dish to your taste, they will surely thank you very much and take its recipe to cook it at home. Enjoy your meal!