/ / Ormatek Group of Companies: Employee Reviews, Job Description and Features

Group of companies "Ormatek": feedback from employees, description and features of work

Today we have to find out what gets"Ormatek" staff reviews about their work. The thing is that it is not enough to satisfy the consumer - much depends on the workers too. They can both completely destroy the company's reputation and vice versa, glorify it. How are things going with Ormatek? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

Ormatek employee reviews


The first thing to find out is what our group of companies is doing. On this depends on the flow of customers in most cases. What is Ormatek doing?

In general, this company is positioning itself asa group of companies that manufactures and sells high-quality products for sleeping. Here you can find everything - from mattresses to upholstered furniture (beds, sofas). That is, it leads quite popular and useful activities. It is here that you can also find pillows, mattress covers and bases for your bed. Consumers are happy with all this. Only what "Ormatek" employee reviews receive? How are things with the company from the inside?


The first stage that will have to go isinterview. Here workers leave very ambiguous opinions. The thing is that the quality of the interview depends on your region of employment. Somewhere are selected good managers, somewhere not very.

But in general, the Ormatek Group of Companies reviews staff in thisThe plan gets pretty good. You will be invited to the office where you will have to hold a small dialogue with a potential employer, as well as fill out an application form. Next - submit your resume and wait for a response. By the way, sometimes you can even do the usual filling in the form you are offered. Resume is not required. Indeed, during the dialogue, the recruitment manager will know everything that interests him. The atmosphere reigns friendly.

GK Ormatek employee reviews

However, in some regions "Ormatek"employee reviews in terms of interviewing earns terrible. You will communicate with a little hamovito, arrogantly and without any respect. Such cases are, but rarely. This is not a reason to refuse employment.


Also pay attention to the proposedcompany vacancy. Here employees are often satisfied with everything. After all, the company mainly requires sales managers. For many, this job is just some kind of career benchmark. Especially when you consider that many "sellers" are promised good salaries.

"Ormatek" staff reviews (Moscow or anyanother city of Russia) earns good jobs in terms of vacancies, since only occasionally warehouse workers are required. So, you do not have to "dirty hands". Executive positions, unfortunately, are usually occupied. And they rarely look for staff. But the prospect of career growth in the company is available. So, for now there are no compelling reasons to refuse employment.

feedback from employees about the company Ormatek


The next moment, which is literally praisedemployees are a work schedule. Most employers simply violate the terms of the contract or directly indicate that they will have to “plow” for days. But not in "Ormatek". Responses of employees (SPB, Moscow and other cities) about the length of the working day and days off are encouraging.

Many emphasize the fact that you will be offeredseveral options: 2/2, 3/2, 5/2. Of these, you can always choose the appropriate work schedule. True, it will have to decide on him at the time of signing the contract. Otherwise, then the problems begin. You can change the schedule, but for this, according to the company's employees, you should have good reasons. Of course, they need to be somehow proved.

But in general, the situation is very good.You will not be called on a day off for a part-time job, but in your shift you will have to work in full force. The working day is from 8 to 12 hours. Depending on the duration of your office. True, most often, according to the workers, there are offices with an 8 hour working day.


In terms of its promises group of companies "Ormetek"(Russia) receives employee reviews better than competitors. Many emphasize that you really will be lured with big words. But a great deal of truth is in them.

Ormatek staff reviews Moscow

For example, the employer assures that it is here that yoube able to get career growth. Pretty quick and good. All this with the condition of flexible working hours, with a social package, as well as surrounded by a decent team. In addition, the salary in "Ormatek" will have to please you. And this is understandable. After all, this company pays the "white" salary. Plus monthly premium guaranteed. Leave and breaks to the session (in the case of higher education) are given without any problems.

This is exactly how our today'scompany group. Of course, few people will resist such promises. But do not forget that "Ormatek" employee reviews in this regard are far from excellent. Some of the conditions offered to you will either not be respected or not always provided. What is it about?

Social package

Well, all the "surprises" begin with one importantitem - social package. Of course, every employer is obliged not only to provide it, but also to comply with it in accordance with the law. Practice shows that rarely does that.

And with Ormatek, the situation is no better.More precisely, this group of companies complies with and proposes only some items of the social package. For example, training. It is free and passes very quickly. Here you will be explained the meaning of your work, as well as teach you the basic skills that help to sell the product. In addition, you will have the right to lunch during the work day.

Ormetek spb staff reviews

On this conscientious observance andthe provision of a social package at Ormatek ends. Leave, according to many employees, is almost impossible to achieve. Either you will have to sit and wait until the leadership deigns to give you a “break”, or you will have to seek time off with the fight. Hospitals are provided, but they are not fully paid, and even payments make up a penny. At the session, students are also released without much hunting, with battle and scandals. So get ready for such cases.


With the working team in "Ormatek" things are ambiguous. Here, according to many workers, it is not known whether good people will work with you or not. If we get lucky.

However, many point out that oftena team of subordinates really happy. Ordinary employees are friendly and rarely have conflicts among them. But the leadership in the team is often just awful. Sometimes you will not be considered at all. The attitude of managers to their subordinates can be compared with serfdom, which was already long ago abolished. As you can see, employee feedback on the Ormetek company is ambiguous in terms of the working team. But if you are really lucky, then you will work in a friendly and more or less calm atmosphere. It already pleases, because in some firms there is literally everywhere a tremendous tension that interferes with the normal work of employees.


As you can see, quite diverse reviews aboutthe employer. The group of companies "Ormetek" receives mixed opinions from their subordinates. The main feature of the company is wages. It is in this moment that some moments of work that make up earnings are taken into account. In truth, most employees are not happy with such a system.

group of companies Ormatek russia employee feedback

Why?The thing is that you will be officially paid a "white" salary with a small salary - about 10,000 rubles. This means that all official payments like maternity and vacation pay will also be scanty. In practice, all employees receive "gray" salaries. And they depend on the quality of your work.

В основном заработок сотрудников "Орматек" formed as a percentage of sales. The more sold the better. With all this, over every potential customer guide literally makes flit. And to do so that the visitor did not leave without a purchase. Failed? Not only will you be accounted for, you should not count on interest on earnings.

Awards are generally a separate conversation. According to many ordinary workers, they are paid to you scanty and only on holidays. Otherwise, no bonus you will not wait.


The last moment for which "Ormatek" reviewsemployees earn simply disgusting - this is the imposition of fines. Here, as in most firms, they are superimposed literally for everything. Being late, failing to check (which, by the way, is carried out every 2 weeks), bad mood of the authorities and so on.

employer reviews ormatek group of companies

In general, if you carry out a work plan forsales, then all earned interest will not go to your pocket, but to pay fines. Complete anarchy in this regard is created by Ormatek. Thus, many enter the company in the "black list" of employers. In general, if you work for days here, and also be ready for injustice, then you can build a career in a company. And make money too. But is it worth it? Sometimes it is better to choose a company for employment, which behaves more fairly. However, everyone decides for himself.

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