/ / Chocolate roll: recipes with photos

Chocolate roll: recipes with photos

Chocolate roll can be purchased at any time.the store. However, it will be better if such a sweet product you cook yourself. After all, this is how you get not only a very beautiful, but also a delicious, tender dessert.

chocolate roll

In general, there are many different ways to make chocolate roll. We decided to present you only simple and accessible recipes.

Chocolate roll: a recipe for step by step preparation

Tastier and sweetest of all, this product is obtained from biscuit dough. You can do it in different ways. Consider the classic version. For him we need:

  • high fat sour cream - 180 g;
  • light sugar is not very large - 250 g;
  • high-grade flour - one glass;
  • chicken eggs of medium size - 4 pcs .;
  • cocoa - 4.5 large spoons;
  • soda (to extinguish with vinegar) - an incomplete small spoon;
  • refined oil - to lubricate the form;
  • dark chocolate - 2 tiles (for the filling);
  • butter - 45 g (for the filling);
  • whole milk - 5 large spoons (add to the filling).

Making biscuit dough

Chocolate roll, the recipe of which weWe consider, prepares quickly enough. But before you bake it in the oven, you should knead the dark biscuit dough. To do this, egg yolks strongly fray with sugar, add fat sour cream and leave aside. Then chilled whites are strongly whipped (with a mixer) and spread to the previously prepared mass. After that, slaked soda, cocoa and wheat flour are added to the ingredients.

Having a homogeneous chocolate dough, proceed to its heat treatment.

chocolate roll

Form and bake roll basis

Chocolate roll should be baked on a largebaking sheet with sides. To do this, it is well lubricated with oil (can be lined with baking paper) and pour out the entire base. The dough should be evenly distributed on the sheet. If this does not happen, we recommend using a wide spatula or a knife with a blunt end.

After the described actions, the pan is sent topreheated oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the dough is baked for half an hour. During this time, it must be fully prepared, become lush, soft and tender.

Cooking stuffing

Chocolate roll can be made with any filling.We decided to use the glaze. To make it, two dark chocolate bars are broken into slices and placed in a bowl. Then send the same butter and whole milk. The ingredients are put on a very weak fire (you can steam bath) and slowly heat up.

Heat treatment of chocolate is carried out until it has completely melted and forms a dark thick and sweet mass.

We form the product

Chocolate roll is necessary to form a veryquickly. To do this, the prepared base is removed from the oven and immediately gently hooked with a spatula so that it is completely removed from the pan. Then hot biscuit smeared with hot icing and rolled into a thick roll.

chocolate roll recipe

Placing the product on a flat plate seam down, it is cooled at room temperature. After that, the roll is sent to the fridge, after cutting off from it ugly edges.

How to serve for a family dinner?

As you can see, chocolate roll, photo of whichpresented in this article, it is easy and simple to prepare. After the product hardens in the refrigerating chamber, it is shifted to a beautiful cake plate and sprinkled with powdered sugar. In this form, roll is presented to the table, and then cut into pieces no more than two centimeters thick. After distributing the dessert to saucers, it is served to guests along with a cup of tea.

Making a delicious chocolate roll with cream

As mentioned above, cook sweet roll homecan be in different ways. The classic version was presented above. Now I want to tell you about how to make a festive dessert with condensed cream. For this we need:

  • cocoa - 8 large spoons;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • chicken eggs of medium size - 4 pcs .;
  • high-grade flour - one glass;
  • soda (quench with vinegar) - an incomplete little spoon;
  • refined oil - to lubricate the form;
  • condensed milk - can (for filling);
  • Almond plates - used for decoration;
  • sugar syrup - 2/3 cup;
  • butter - 100 g (for the filling).
    chocolate roll photo

Knead chocolate dough

Chocolate biscuit roll with condensed creamIt turns out very soft and literally melting in the mouth. This dessert is well served to the festive table instead of the usual cake. But before you bake it in the oven, you should knead the base. For this, egg yolks and sugar are ground, and then ½ can of condensed milk is added to them. Next, whip proteins separately until the formation of persistent peaks and spread them to the previously prepared sweet mass.

Adding to the ingredients slaked soda, cocoa (4 large spoons) and wheat flour, get a viscous and dark dough.

The process of formation and heat treatment of the cake

Чтобы испечь шоколадный рулет, используют широкую and not very deep form (for example, a baking sheet). Dishes greased with butter, and then pour all the dough. Evenly distributing it over the sheet, the base is placed in a heated cabinet.

Biscuit dough chocolate cake is baked for 27 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cream Preparation

Condensed chocolate roll cream is preparedsimply and easily. The butter is softened at room temperature, and then whipped together with a mixer. Having added residues of condensed milk and cocoa to cooking fat, it continues to interfere for some time. At the exit receive magnificent and air cream of dark color.

chocolate biscuit roll

How should I form?

Usually chocolate roll is formed in hotthe form. However, it is not recommended to place condensed cream on the still cold cake. To do this, the finished product is removed from the oven and hooked with a spatula. To make the cake cool a little, but it does not break apart, it is soaked with a small amount of syrup. Then the product is smeared with cream and rolled into a roll.

Decoration process

After the chocolate dessert will beformed, it is moved to the cake holder with a seam down. Pre cut from the roll ugly edges. Then its surface is abundantly smeared with the remnants of condensed chocolate cream, then generously sprinkled with almond slices. In this form, the product is sent to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, when the cake is soaked with sugar syrup and condensed cream, it can be safely presented to the festive table.

How to serve guests?

Infusing home roll in the refrigerator, it is removed and presented to guests. Cutting the product into portions, they are distributed in plates and served to the table along with a cup of tea.

It should be noted that properly prepared chocolate roll is not comparable to what is sold in the store. It is very tasty, soft, tender and melting in the mouth.

chocolate roll with cream

Let's sum up the results

Now you know how home should becook chocolate roll. It can be done not only according to the above recipes, but also in other ways. For example, someone prepares a cake based on kefir or milk, while others use mayonnaise. It should also be noted that as a cream for such a dessert, you can apply jam, jam, fresh fruits and berries, whipped cream (or sour cream) with sugar, etc. In any case, whichever of the presented methods you choose, sure to get a delicious homemade dessert, which is simply impossible to refuse.

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