/ / Banknotes of Belarus: history, stability

Banknotes of Belarus: history, stability

Since the adoption of the sovereignty of the banknoteBelarus experienced a very interesting story. This article will tell you about the way the Belarusian money went from the beginning of the country's independent existence to the present days, interesting facts about this currency, stability of the monetary unit, indicators affecting its stability, and ways that should help in this are discussed.


Even before the collapse of the USSR in the BSSR,to develop a plan to create their own national currency. But it did not lead to anything good, because there was a terrible economic crisis in the republic. Despite this, after a while the currency was created and approved by all states of the world. Banknotes of Belarus at first wanted to be called "thalers", because so-called coins in Germany in the Middle Ages. But the residents did not agree with this name, because the name "rabbits" was widely used in the republic.

Belarus began to issue its own moneyliterally immediately after the acquisition of sovereignty. In the following year, after the collapse of the USSR, coupons appeared in Belarus, and a few months later, in May, the government introduced settlement tickets. All these funds were used throughout the country together with the ruble. Also, the banknotes of Belarus could be combined, for example, you could pay half of the purchase with rubles, and the other half using coupons.

banknote of Belarus

But there was practically no cash in circulation, they were all kept on electronic bills. To make even calculations, using for this purpose the Russian ruble, it was forbidden.


In 1993, cash was withdrawn fromproduction. Now the money of Belarus became the official monetary unit of the country, which was called the ruble. But with these positive changes came the negative. And this affected the ordinary citizens of the state. Inflation began, the ruble fell compared with other units of the country. This is clearly seen in the example: in early 1994, the ruble was about 3800 bunnies, and at the end of the same year this number was equated to 10000.

This situation continued until the end of the ninetiesyears of the twentieth century. So next year the dollar cost about 12,000 Belarusian rubles. About a year, this figure has changed slightly. But by the end of the next year this figure has increased by 3000 Belarusian rubles. The money of Belarus began to forge, people had a catastrophic lack of means for existence, increased cases of attacks and robbery, fraud.

Coins and banknotes in Belarus

In just 2 years, the dollar to the Belarusian rublebecame unbearably high. One dollar was equated to 320,000 Belarusian rubles. Therefore, the government decided to hold a denomination and issue new banknotes. At that time, people experienced a real crisis and understood the horror of what was happening. In the country, dollars became actively used, national coins and banknotes in Belarus practically lost their value.


In 2000, the Government againdenomination, which allowed to reduce the denomination of banknotes 1000 times. The design of the bills has not changed much, the images that were printed on them remained unchanged. The only other was the color of monetary units. Also there was a new ten-ruble note, which was in the country's turnover until 2013.

At the beginning of the zero, the Government also decided to issue settlement tickets of 10, 20 and 50 thousand rubles. Since 2004, coins with a nominal value of 1 and 5 rubles have gradually started to circulate.

But not so long ago, in 2016, coins and banknotes in Belarus once again endured a denomination of 10,000 times. Thus, the country has returned to the past standards.

new banknotes and coins of Belarus

Interesting Facts

  • Belarusian monetary units were calledbunnies, because in 1992 a note with a picture of a hare taken from the Soviet book about beasts and birds was issued. Later, with a hare-hare, they began to produce commemorative stamps.
  • New banknotes and coins of Belarus are oftentolerated bilingualism. For example, in 1992 a 500-ruble note was issued, on which all marks were made in Belarusian, and the slogan on the front side was written in Russian. Such banknotes are very valuable at the present time.
  • In 1992, a denomination of 500 rubles was issued, it depicted a bear of the form baribal. It is interesting that this species has never been found on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Unit stability indicators

  • The amount of external debt.
  • Government loans.
  • Political relations with the CIS countries.

Ways to solve the problem

active banknotes of Belarus

The monetary unit of the country is constantly denominated,which indicates the instability of the currency. In order for this problem not to be so significant, it is necessary to privatize and improve relations with the first-order neighbors.

In spite of the fact that the monetary units of the country constantly underwent changes, the operating banknotes of Belarus have a great similarity with the bills of the nineties of the last century.

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