/ / Gostinka. What is it, what are the features and advantages of this housing

Gostinka. What is it, what are the features and advantages of this housing

Despite the financial crisis, inflation, anypolitical changes, the demand for housing will always be. After all, students graduate from institutions and leave hostels, some married couples, unfortunately, are divorced and forced to exchange apartments, lovers get married and want to live separately from their parents, families have children, and they, in turn, grow over time, graduate looking for their own home. So it turns out "the circulation of apartments in nature." Another thing is that only a few can afford luxury housing, and not everyone can afford a full-fledged "odnushka". In this case, it attracts the attention of the dormitory. What is this, we will try to tell in this article.

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Where did go

Apartments of hotel type (KGTshki) activelybuilt in the Soviet Union in the 1960-1970s. They were intended for production workers, and they were often built with their help. The apartment-living room at the time was considered the “transitional stage” between the hostel and the full-length apartment. It was assumed that lonely workers or young couples without children would be enough room in 9-17 square meters. For their meals, dining rooms were intended, which were often located on the first floor of the same house. A Soviet citizen had to bathe in public baths. And by the time the family grew, the workers had to get a more spacious apartment. With such a point of view and related features of the layout of the hotel. But in the 90s, many productions were closed, housing was no longer built in sufficient volumes, and it became possible to purchase the desired square meters only on a commercial basis. Therefore, there are still so many people living in apartments named "guest room". What it is?

guest photo

What do the dormitories look like?

The prototype of the Soviet hotel type apartmentsbecame popular in the 20-30s. last century in America the so-called studio apartments. They just differed in a somewhat larger area, unlike our housing. So, KGT is a living room, resembling a one-room apartment, but much smaller in area, with a combined bathroom (however, sometimes only with a toilet) and a tiny kitchenette or even without it. In addition, the dormitory is the building itself, where similar apartments are located. It is usually from 5 to 16 floors, mostly without balconies. As a rule, one entrance, apartments are located on both sides of the stairs. They can be from 10 to 50 on one floor, on both sides of a long corridor.

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Design features depend on the type of datatype of housing. There are only two of them: room and apartment. The first option is a room with a tiny hallway and a bathroom in which there is a toilet and a sitz bath. Although the latter may not be at all. Places for the kitchen is not reserved. Sometimes there is a small nook without a window, which can be adapted for cooking. All space covers an area of ​​13-18 squares.

KGT flat type

There is also an apartment type guestroom.What it is? This is a larger living space (up to 24 sq. M.), In which, in addition to the room, there is also a kitchen, although quite small (about 5 squares). The bathroom is also combined with a sit-down bath or shower. In fact, it can be said that this is a full-fledged one-room apartment, only more neighbors are on the floor.

guestroom apartment

The advantage of such housing

Despite a very small area, dormitoriesenjoy stable demand in the real estate market. And the reason for this is the relatively low price, compared with the same "odnushku. It is quite natural that yesterday's students or young families cannot afford to immediately buy a full-length apartment, but KGT is much more democratic, and, if necessary, mortgage lending to help. Of course, often when a realtor offers to see a hotel, buyers refuse, considering such housing as something of a dorm room or a communal apartment. However, this opinion is not correct, because, in fact, the dormitory is the same separate, isolated housing, only a smaller area. And quite often you can find and improved planning, and quite interesting variations on the topic of the talented owners.

How to equip malometrazhku?

Дизайн гостинок – дело, конечно, сложное, но quite possible. The main thing in this process is the zoning of space, the separation of the kitchen from the bedroom. To help in this can decorative partitions made of plasterboard, glass structures or interior items. For example, on the border of the kitchen and recreation area, you can put a rectangular dining table or bar counter. Then the hostess will not have to interrupt the conversation with the guests during the change of dishes. The role of the partition can also play a rack, computer desk or sofa. Ideal transforming furniture for an apartment such as a dormitory. The photo clearly demonstrates the advantages of this solution.

design hotel

This can be a retractable bed.It can at the same time be a podium for visual zoning of the room, and beneath it are possible storage boxes. The lifting bed takes up very little space. It easily falls at night, and in the daytime you have enough space for receiving guests. And you can even try and find the whole kitchen-transformer, which, depending on the situation, will divide or unite the space.

kitchen transformer

If you apply fantasy and use all your creative potential, you can turn your small apartment into a cozy and warm nest.

So, we have considered what is a dormitory. We hope that this is a little more clear. Good luck in your search for housing and personal space!

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