When you delay payments on loans, conflicts with creditors and constant stress begin. Therefore, it is better to do everything in time. But what if the trouble happened?
When you can not do it peacefullyagree with the bank to extend the loan agreement, and there is no further payment, it is time to prepare to protect your property at all costs. Especially bought in a mortgage loan housing.
Here are some tricky tricks thatwill help you in solving the issue of "how to get rid of loans", and also to extend litigation with banks, and even deprive them of the opportunity to take away your property.
He will help not so much in the question of "how to get rid of loans", but how to get the time until the moment when the money will appear.
So, if the creditor has sued you,try to tighten the process as long as possible. Do not come to court, and they will be postponed from month to month. This process can be stopped with the help of various applications and petitions. For example, on the challenge of the judge, on the collegial examination of the case, etc. You can appeal against decisions and rulings of the court.
But the downside of this method is that the hour of reckoning will still come. And pretty soon you will either have to settle with the creditor, or lose your property.
How to quickly get rid of loans?Profitable to make repairs. If you skillfully change the housing beyond recognition, it will not meet the characteristics specified in the contract concluded with the bank. This will be an excellent reason to recognize such a document as invalid. Thanks to this method, you can defer the foreclosure for good.
Some even manage to change the address of the subject of the mortgage. In this case, the bank loses all right to it.
Still how to get rid of credits?Recognize the contract that you have entered into with the bank, invalid. This is a fairly common method. Not only will this delay the payment for three or four months. So even if successful, you will be able to negotiate a good discount, and also get the right to pay the bank only the principal amount, without paying interest.
If you are still tormented by the question of howget rid of loans, think, why did you get into them and can not pay? Maybe you live beyond your means? You spend more than you can earn. Here everything is very simple. A couple of months of pleasure and luxury, and then the soil leaves from under the feet: it's embarrassing to look into the eyes of friends, hang overdue loans. So get yourself together and rethink your life. Stop spending, start earning and soberly plan your budget.