/ / Large enterprises of Moscow. Industrial enterprises and companies

Large enterprises of Moscow. Industrial enterprises and companies

The capital of Russia is the most powerfulresearch and production center of the country. Among the large enterprises of Moscow are the companies of the defense sector, electrical engineering, chemical and nuclear industries, engineering, metallurgy. Here they create space and aircraft, advanced medical devices and electronic components, smelt metal, manufacture vehicles, machine tools, equipment, and military equipment.

Moscow Endocrine Plant

FGUIP "Moscow Endocrine Plant"

The enterprise was established in 1943 forrelease of drugs based on serum. After the war, the nomenclature of the plant expanded. In 1964, after the launch of the new building, the manufacture of such irreplaceable drugs as adrenaline, intermedin, lizad, mycoin and others began.

Today, about 700 people work at the Moscow Endocrine Plant. The production is equipped with modern equipment. It consists of 4 sections, where at the moment they produce:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • β1-blockers;
  • aminoglycosides;
  • adrenomimetics;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antidepressants;
  • antioxidants;
  • anti-congestants;
  • hormones;
  • glucocorticosteroid;
  • gastrointestinal, luteinizing, metabolic agents;
  • local anesthetics;
  • M-anticholinergics;
  • mydriatics;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antipsychotics;
  • nootropics;
  • drugs for the treatment of glaucoma;
  • antiepileptic, antimicrobial, antiviral agents;
  • opiates;
  • solvents;
  • antispasmodics;
  • cardiovascular, hypnotic drugs;
  • sympathomimetics.

OJSC Moscow Tire Plant

Tire factory

The history of OJSC "Moscow Tire Plant" beginsin the late 1930s, when the government made a strategic decision to organize the most modern car tire production at that time. Since there were no developments in this area, in 1940 a working group was sent to the USA, which studied the technical process of leading American enterprises.

Казалось, что с началом войны стране будет не до construction of a tire factory. However, the government’s attention to this topic has not waned. During 1942-1944, construction of production facilities was carried out, and in 1945 new equipment from the United States arrived at the site. The date of November 5, 1945 is considered to be the birthday of the MRZ "Taganka".

Крупное предприятие Москвы освоило широкий tire assortment for various types of vehicles. In total, there are over 70 models with sizes ranging from 12 inches to 20. In recent years, a number of measures have been taken to modernize production facilities and optimize the management system. The plant is the domestic leader in terms of the development and implementation of innovations in tire production. Here, one of the first to organize the production of low-profile single-layer tires with a high-speed mode up to 240 km / h, learned how to use metal and textile cords of new brands, innovative types of rubbers, experimenting with chemical additives. High quality is confirmed not only by various certificates of conformity, but also by innumerable awards and prizes.

Moscow Plant of Electrical Measuring Instruments

The flagship of the electrical industry

CJSC “Moscow Electrical Measurement PlantInstruments ”belongs to the largest enterprises of the electronics industry in Russia. Its products are found everywhere and are famous for their highest quality. And began the story of the flagship of the industry with the workshop "Precise Mechanics", opened in 1935. Initially, arithmometers and typewriters were repaired here, and during the years of the Great Patriotic War they organized the production of various components for military equipment.

In 1953, the company was transformed into the MOH"Electricity meter". In the title laid the profile of production. With the beginning of the massive construction of housing and commercial and industrial facilities, the need has arisen to account for the electricity consumed. The task of providing the industry with electrical measuring instruments was assigned to the factory workers.

Today, they produce, perhaps, the best electricity meters in the country. Of course, production is not limited to them. Its basis is:

  • ASKUE systems, allowing to automate the control and accounting of electricity.
  • Thin light panels.

The highlight of the plant are the newest integrated system ICM-3000, allowing to control not only the power consumption, but also heat, water and gas supply.

Mayak factory

Plant "Mayak"

Machine-building enterprise specializeson the design and production of avionics for civilian and military aircraft: aircraft, UAVs and helicopters. In the Soviet years, it was an important strategic object that produced components for aircraft models of the MiG, Su, An, Il, Tu, Yak, Be, L, Mi, "TO".

The current state of the plant "Mayak" causescertain concerns. A company with worn-out equipment is difficult to compete with modern production. However, the engine start-up units produced here are still in demand in the market.

MZ "Mayak" produces:

  • converters, generators;
  • control units;
  • automatic protection;
  • electromagnets, regulators, contactors;
  • relay;
  • transformers;
  • power supply systems;
  • remote controls;
  • electric motors.

In addition to the profile products, factory workers produce tools for housing and communal services, consumer goods, metal structures (fences, wickets, gates), containers, etc.

OJSC Moscow Oil Refinery

Moscow Oil Refinery

Уникальное предприятие основано в 1925 году.At first, the main products were ozocerite (the so-called mountain wax) of different brands. Products based on it were used in the defense, chemical industry, medicine, cosmetology. Gradually, the focus of the plant shifted to the production of special oils, special lubricants, special liquids, and wax alloys for high-tech complex assemblies, mechanisms, and apparatuses. For the first time in the USSR, a workshop for the production of ultra-pure lubricants was launched.

Today OJSC Moscow Oil Refinery remainsthe only company in the country that produces the most important group of special lubricants for spacecraft and hydraulic fluids for supersonic aircraft. At the same time, certain types of this unique product were supplied in batches of just a few kilograms per year. Their value was determined in the literal sense of the word and worth its weight in gold. All this confirms the unique role of the Moscow NMZ, which he played in his industry over the past decades.

large enterprises of Moscow

AO Renault Russia

Казалось, что после закрытия машиностроительного AZLK giant enterprises will no longer produce cars in the capital. However, in 1998, a large-scale project was launched for the construction of a large enterprise in Moscow, Renault Russia, where in 2005 the assembly of modern cars of a famous French brand was started. 01.28.2015 one millionth car rolled off its conveyor. Today, the current model range includes Renault Duster, Kaptur, Latitude, and Nissan Terrano.

MMP "Hammer and Sickle"

One of the largest enterprises in Moscow and Russia,belonging to the metallurgical industry, was engaged in smelting a wide range of steel and cast iron. Founded in 1883 by an international consortium led by Frenchman Julius Goujon. By 1913, the plant had 7 open-hearth furnaces with a capacity of about 90000 tons of steel per year.

In the 30s after many years of neglecta large-scale reorganization and reconstruction was carried out, thanks to which the most modern equipment was supplied to the production. The following years, Hammer and Sickle remained the flagship of metallurgy. Here promising technologies were tested, which were subsequently introduced throughout the union. Today, according to the plan for the liquidation of large enterprises in the capital and moving them outside the Moscow Ring Road, the work of the MMP has been stopped. It is planned to build a residential complex, social and cultural facilities on the industrial site.

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