/ Systems Visa and Mastercard in Russia. Description of payment systems Visa and Mastercard

Systems Visa and Mastercard in Russia. Description of payment systems Visa and Mastercard

Payment system - common methods andinstruments used for remittances, settlement and regulation of debt obligations between participants in the economic turnover. In many countries, they differ significantly from each other due to the diverse provisions in the levels of economic development and the characteristics of banking legislation.

visa and mastercard

Varieties of payment systems

All payment systems are divided into two types: international and local.

  • The first type includes companies Visa and MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express.
  • The second type is represented by Sbercard (cards are accepted only in Sberbank and in partner organizations), Union Card, NPS and others.

The higher the status of the settlement organization, themore places are accepted her products. Usually, the type of payment system does not affect the card holder’s additional expenses. So, Visa and Mastercard - what to choose?

Visa payment system

visa and mastercard sanctions
Visa International Service Association - LeadingThe payment system of the world is based on the dollar, so all currency conversion operations go through it. The priority in the work of this company is given to the development of the credit card market. The turnover is about 4.8 trillion dollars a year. This system is listed in 30 million trade and service enterprises in more than 200 countries of the world. It serves one million ATMs worldwide. The number of institutions that are members of the system, totaling more than 20 thousand units. It is Visa that owns more than 50% of the turnover of funds of payment organizations worldwide. The number of cards issued fluctuates around 2 billion pieces. In Western countries, POS-terminals are located in almost all major stores or restaurants. Having a Visa card with credit funds or a non-zero debit account, everyone can pay for goods and services in a cashless way, of course, subject to the availability of banking equipment of the right level. The advantages of the system:

  • access to money around the clock anywhere in the world, as well as using the Internet;
  • the ability to transport currency across the border without being subject to a customs declaration procedure;
  • instant, without a commission, debiting funds from the card (this requires settlement on the POS terminal) worldwide;
  • the ability to transfer certain amounts to various accounts, as well as many other services.

Visa in the Russian banking market

Over the past ten years, the Visa service market inRussia was one of the most dynamic. Many employees of enterprises and organizations have salary cards, and the form of cashless payments is becoming more acceptable and desirable. Today on the territory of the Russian Federation it is almost impossible to imagine any large supermarket or gas station for cars without a POS terminal capable of accepting payment facilities of this company for payment in a cashless way.

 visa and mastercard what to choose

MasterCard Payment System

MasterCard International is an international payment system that brings together more than twenty thousand financial institutions in more than two hundred countries. The main objectives of the company:

  • serving the estimated needs of individuals as well as legal entities;
  • implementation of card issue programs that are issued under the MasterCard, Maestro and Cirrus brands.

The priority direction of development at the present stage are electronic payments on the Internet.

In 1966, several banks in the United Statessigned an agreement, the purpose of which was to create the Interbank Card Association. By 1968, the company began cooperation with the Eurocard payment system. The name MasterCard itself was approved only in 1979. In 1980, this organization took a leading position in the world market - the number of issued cards reached 55 million. By 2006, the system was recognized as one of the most efficient and reliable. More than 25% of bank cards in the world belong to this company. Now MasterCard performs more than 23 billion transactions annually.

There is a special service for card users - the mobile application MasterCard FAVORITES - the phone allows you to view current information.

visa and mastercard cards

MasterCard system in Russia

Using MasterCard in the RussianFederation every year becomes more intense. Russia is considered a promising state for expanding the functionality and development of this payment system. Over the past few years, MasterCard no longer has a significant separation from the leading company in the sector of cashless payments - Visa. 38.5% of plastic cards on the Russian market belong to MasterCard. The total number of them - about 27 million copies. Sberbank, TrasCreditBank, MasterBank and Russian Standard cooperate with MasterCard.

MasterCard and electronic payments

In 2013, the amount of online payments in the systemMasterCard increased by 25%. The number of users who expressed their intention to purchase cards for online payment has also increased. The range of services provided in this industry is actively developing. The company's management intends to create its own service (PayPass Wallet) as an electronic wallet. Its introduction is only planned so far, but on many Internet resources it has already been announced that it intends to activate the payment for sites using this type of calculation.

How to get a bank card of the international payment system

visa and mastercard blocked

The method of obtaining a Visa and MasterCard is quite simple:

  • contact any of the world's banks that support this system;
  • in the presence of identity documents (usually a passport), conclude an agreement on the provision of services.

As for the cards themselves, they can be both debit and credit.

Первый тип представляет собой те, на которых You can only use the amount transferred to them. In a situation when the funds on the card have run out, they must be transferred to your account for the further consumption of the services offered by the system. At the same time, there are cash limits, which are problematic to increase.

Credit cards are more profitable inuse - all payments are covered by a certain amount issued by the bank. It is only necessary to pay off the debt before the expiration date and then the money for the loan is again accumulated on the account. Most of the cards on the territory of Russia are exactly debit, unless a different option is explicitly provided for in the contract.

Making payments online

Не все из международных дебетовых карт можно use to pay for services and purchases on the Internet. For the Visa card system, this is Visa Gold, Visa Classic and higher or specially designed for the Visa Internet network, which is an analogue of Visa Classic. With the help of the Visa Electron card you can withdraw money in the terminals, but calculations on the Internet are not available if there is no CVV2 on it. Also developed a VISA Virtual card, specifically designed for online transactions and in order to increase user confidence in commerce through the network.

system visa and mastercard
For payment system MasterCard in the calculationsOnline fit MasterCard Standart and above. A Master Card Maestro (debit) card, similar to Visa Electron, is used only for offline operations (there is no CVC2 on it).

If the sites are one of the methods of replenishment / withdrawalfunds are designated Visa Electron or Maestro, then in this case it refers to payments using a variety of foreign electronic payment systems similar to Moneybookers, or to cards issued by certain banks in the West (having the code CVV2 or CVC2).

Visa and Mastercard system in Russia - the current situation

In the course of the situation in Ukraine on March 21In 2014, some Russian banks were imposed by some systems (in particular, Visa and Mastercard) sanctions. Cards have ceased to function in retail outlets and stationary cash dispensers. The most unpleasant thing is that Visa and Mastercard blocked the payment system without any warning. About half a million cardholders of these companies are in a quandary. But, as you know, these organizations are interested in further cooperation with the Russian Federation, and therefore two months after the incident, the international payment systems and the government agreed to continue the work of companies in Russia. During the negotiations, the legislative base of the Russian Federation “On the National Payment System” was amended: foreign corporations undertake to place quarterly quarterly daily cash payments of the system (i.e. about $ 100 million for each) on special accounts of Sberbank.

visa and mastercard in Russia

В будущем планируется интеграция дочерних Visa and Master Card companies in Russia in the national payment system. This will create two different organizations. A bill on this topic has already been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Another issue is that the transfer to a single national settlement system of all its participants will take more than one month. But this necessary measure must be implemented for a safer economic situation in the country and the protected position of every citizen of Russia.

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