/ / Capital construction objects: definition. Types of capital construction objects

Objects of capital construction: definition. Types of capital construction objects

The term "capital construction" (CS)involves not only the erection of new buildings / structures, but also design and survey, installation, commissioning, modernization of existing fixed assets, preparation of technical documentation.

Types of capital construction

To answer the question: "What is the object of capital construction?" - it is necessary to find out what types of CS exist. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

object of capital construction concept and definition

Types of COP:

  1. New construction is the creation of facilities or their complex in new areas, which after completion of the works during commissioning will consist of an independent balance.
  2. Reconstruction of existing enterprises -elimination of physical deterioration of buildings or its elements with possible reorganization of existing workshops for improving production, increasing capacity and improving product quality.
  3. Technical re-equipment of existingenterprises is a whole complex of measures aimed at modernization and automation of production in order to improve the financial performance of the organization. With this type of construction, reconstruction and / or expansion of existing production areas is not carried out.
  4. Expansion of existing enterprises - creationand / or an increase in new / existing facilities, workshops at the operating institution. Objects do not put on an independent balance after the documentary registration associated with commissioning.

In other words, the result of any of the listed types of capital construction is an object.

Objects of capital construction: definition

Construction is a developing industry, in the processwhich appears ready-made objects for production / non-production functions and infrastructure. What falls under the category of "capital construction objects"? Definition (the wording is spelled out in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) treats this concept as follows: residential and non-residential buildings and unfinished construction projects (except for buildings such as canopies and kiosks).

objects of capital construction definition

Types of objects COP

A detached building with all communications, overpasses, equipment, furniture is called the object of construction.

The building is the result of construction activity,forming a system consisting of underground and / or aboveground parts, the structure of which includes rooms, engineering and technical communications. The purpose of erection is accommodation, accommodation of production, keeping animals or storing products.

The building is an engineering and construction facility,intended for production processes: storage of products, movement of people or goods. The main difference from the building is the temporary stay of people at the facility, for example: bridges, dams, power lines, stadiums.

definition and types of capital construction objects

The term "structure" is used as a generalized name for the previous two concepts. It is also the result of construction, but it is not registered in the register of CC facilities.

The objects of unfinished construction are structures suspended for a certain period of time.

Classification of capital construction objects

In the Cadastre Code The definition and types of objects of the capitalconstruction. These are: buildings, facilities (pipelines, wells, power lines and communications, dams), buildings and unfinished construction projects.

According to the Government Decision no. 87, in which the composition of the project documentation was approved, three types of objects of the COP are to be singled out according to the functional significance:

  • for production processes;
  • non-production purpose;
  • linear.

what is the object of capital construction

The objects of industrial nature areIndustrial buildings and structures, as well as security and defense facilities. The buildings of housing stock, communal-domestic, cultural, social purpose and capital nature are considered to be non-productive.

Linear Objects

Engineering networks, communications, pipelines,power transmission lines and communications, highways, bridges, tunnels are linear objects of capital construction. Determination of the location in the design of this category of structures is carried out by identifying experts in the landmark case of characteristic points and is regulated by the Federal Law "On the State Real Estate Cadastre".

linear objects of capital construction definition

Obtaining documents permitting the construction of line facilities is carried out on the basis of the Urban Planning and Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on Roads and Road Activities.

Building objects that do not require authorization documentation

Permit documentation - a package of documents,meeting the requirements of the town planning plan of the land plot (GPRS) and allowing the builder to start the construction and reconstruction.

Urban planning - documentation, withoutwhich the design organization is not entitled to issue its decision for the construction and reconstruction of facilities. Is issued to the developer after a written application by the architectural department with the approval of the district administration.

According to Art. 51 GRK, the beginning of construction without permits is permitted if the following is to be erected:

  • a garage on a land plot belonging to an individual;
  • kiosks, canopies and other objects of non-capital nature;
  • structures of ancillary nature;
  • and also in case of need to change the capital structures, without affecting the bearing structures, without violating the characteristics of reliability and safety.

Distinctive features of the capital object

To understand the difference between temporary and capital structures, it is necessary to consider the legal and economic side of the subject matter.

Temporary construction is an auxiliary object erected for full-scale construction and is subject to dismantling after completion of work. It is not issued with title documents.

signs of belonging to the object of capital construction

On the technical side, the temporary building may have the same features (foundation, capital walls, reinforced concrete floors), as objects of capital construction. The definition of fine edges The difference lies in their different legal status.When building capital facilities, their long term of operation is provided, while temporary buildings have a limited period of use not exceeding five years.

The main signs of belonging to an objectcapital construction - is its inextricable link with the earth and, accordingly, the need for obtaining permits. But more on that later.

Objects of capital construction: problems of their assignment to real estate

Until 2005Legal constructions such as "real estate objects in town planning", "objects of town-planning activity" were used. With the introduction of some corrections, the terminology has changed. So, since 2005 in the Russian legislation for the first time the term "object of capital construction" has been entered. The concept and definition of this category appear not only in urban planning, but also in other branches of law (operate in terms of land, forestry legislation, civil law).

The interpretation of the term ACS is reduced to a simple listobjects, without assigning them any properties and attributes. But it is known that the capital structure has a connection with the land plot and can not be moved or dismantled without prejudice to its purpose.

objects of capital construction of the problem

On the other hand, for comparison, you need to consider the signs of real estate. In the Civil Code, in the position of Art. 130, the list of properties inherent in real estate is indicated:

  • strong connection to the ground;
  • mandatory state registration;
  • impossibility of realizing the movement of real estate without causing damage to its construction; this also applies to structures, buildings and unfinished construction projects.

Normally, the objects of the capitalConstruction, the definition of which is in the GRK RF. That is, real estate objects (unfinished objects, buildings and structures) are ACS, therefore, they are characterized by the same characteristics as for real estate.

Unauthorized construction. Can it be the object of the COP?

Unauthorized construction is an object, constructionwhich was carried out without obtaining the necessary permits in the territory not allocated for these purposes and with violation of sanitary, town-planning norms and rules.

If the court recognizes unauthorized construction as an object of capital construction, two possible solutions are possible:

  1. Demolition of the object by the person who carried out the construction of a building that was not coordinated with the authorities (on its own and at its own expense).
  2. Recognition by the court of the right of ownership for the construction of unauthorized construction. Provided the construction of real estate in compliance with construction standards, without creating a threat to the health and life of citizens.
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