/ / Pampering of tomatoes in the open ground. Fundamental rules

Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open ground. Fundamental rules

pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open ground

Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open groundit is necessary to increase the yield. By breaking off lateral shoots, the truck farmer does not allow the bush to spend energy on growing greenery, thereby strengthening the ovary and reducing the number of unnecessary fruits. Since the growth of seedlings, as well as the ripening of fruits, takes a strictly limited time, garden farmers have to exert maximum effort to get a decent harvest. Depending on the climatic conditions, it takes about half a year to grow vegetables. Cold spring and early frosts do not at all contribute to unhindered fruit bearing.

Proper pasynkovanie tomato allowsto limit flowering, to dilute a bush, to direct all forces on growth and maturing of the basic fruits. If you do nothing, the plants will become very thick, they will grow a lot of lateral shoots, which will give the ovary. As a result, there will be many fruits, but they will be small. In addition, it will not be possible to harvest the harvest in time, since there will be no time for maturation in tomatoes. Fruits can and do not wait, because the thickened plantations do not pass enough light and are poorly ventilated, causing various diseases, including rot.

pasynkovanie tomatoes photo
Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open groundbrightens the bush, so that all the fruits get sunlight, which speeds up their maturation. Stepping leaves grow from the sinuses, they need to be pricked, leaving a stump about a centimeter in size to avoid the growth of a new shoot. Before processing the bushes, you need to determine the type of tomato and the type of growth, it can be indeterminate or deterministic. The second stepson is not necessary, because each escape is perverted, and such tomatoes grow only up to a certain point. Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open ground is necessary indeterminate varieties, because they grow all summer.

It is not always necessary to form a shrub in onetrunk, to insure it is worth leaving three stepson. If a strong wind tipped tomatoes, then do not rush them to tie them to pegs. If the place on the site allows, then you can arrange the plant horizontally on the ground. After a while, roots will appear on the trunk, and stepchildren will grow up. In this form they practically do not interfere with each other, the competition for nutrients is small, and the light passes perfectly and falls on the fruit.

Correct pasping of a tomato
Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open groundmust be applied to tall varieties. Such tomatoes first of all need to clean the lower shoots, because they get the least light, and therefore the chance to get a crop there is not large. Under the first flower brushes, you should leave two or three stepsons, but no more. If it is necessary to increase the number of seedlings, then this can be done with the help of lateral shoots, they perfectly take root. To do this, you need to spend pasynkovanie tomatoes (photos help understand the process itself), torn off shoots should be put in water. In a couple of days, roots will appear, and a week later you can plant them in the open ground.

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