/ / We compare lenses of different brands

We compare lenses of different brands

To date, the lens market is represented bya wide variety of their species. Even a person who is engaged in amateur photography, such a detail is not in a single copy, what then to talk about professionals.

Compare Lenses
In this case, the choice of lenses is rather difficultoccupation. It is quite difficult to make a decision in favor of one or another optics, even if you know the characteristics of the technology you want to buy, and have read many reviews that compare lenses from different manufacturers. In order to help with the choice, some sites on the Internet offer the opportunity to compare optics with a simulator. You can compare different models directly online, selecting and testing lenses from different manufacturers.

In magazines devoted to photographic equipment, it is enoughoften publish articles that contain a comparison of Canon lenses, Nikon Pnetax and other brands. Such reviews always contain enough information to help all professional photography enthusiasts who find it difficult to choose optics for their camera.

If we compare the characteristics of the first two firms(they have long been considered the most popular in the whole world), and asking yourself which one is better, the answer will be one - both. Both manufacturers do not have any models that are equal in their capabilities. They move as if along parallel staircases, constantly improving technical indicators. Comparison of the lenses of both companies shows that first comes the model of one firm, then another, gently raising the buyer from a lower price to the upper price bracket.

Almost every photographer selects for himselfthe lens most suitable for shooting landscapes or portraits, or trying to find a low-budget universal lens. Although for shooting under different conditions the best option would be the availability of interchangeable optics on the same camera. In this case, comparing Nikon, Canon lenses and other lesser-known brands will help to decide which viewing angle and focal length is better to choose.

Compare Canon lenses

Checking the lens before buying can be as follows:

- external check for mechanical damage, scratches and debris, smoothness of focusing;

Comparing Nikon Lenses
- determination of the optical properties at the center and the edge of the frame (at different focal lengths and apertures) - it is better to check all four corners in the frame;

- checking the lens when working on the camera (triggering of autofocus, shutter and aperture);

- if there is a stabilization system, check its operation (you need to take several pictures at longer exposures);

- checking the comfort of operation;

- If the purchase is made in order to replace the old optics with a new one, then it is necessary to compare the lenses - old and new.

When choosing any photographic equipment, optics is one of the important elements of the camera, while it is worth paying close attention to the lens blur and the presence of an optical zoom in it.

By comparing lenses, you can doconclusion that the various famous brands are good about the same. If the lens model you buy must meet certain personal requirements and perform very specific tasks, then you need to choose not the manufacturer's firm, but the model that meets all the necessary requirements.

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