/ / Making an egg from beads at home

Make an egg from beads at home

Everybody knows that bead products alwayselegant and store the warmth of the hands of the craftsmen working on them. After all, in order to create a beautiful work of art, we must try very hard. Just imagine: tiny beads - beads - must be collected in a harmonious composition. Some of these gizmos are real pieces of art.

egg from beads

No lady will refuse to accept a gifta magnificent set of jewelry made of beads, an evening clutch or a little bag for a mobile phone. And how beautiful are the embroideries made of beads! But such things are pleasant not only to receive. Products made of beads, made for oneself with enthusiasm and love, will be equally dear to you. And of course, they will serve as an excellent gift to a close friend or relative.

Products made from beads are usually given to the main onesholidays. Easter is a bright family celebration, during which the closest and dearest people gather together. Let's make together with you the symbol of Easter - an egg from beads!



We will need:

- white transparent beads № 6;

- Matte red beads;

- nylon thread;

- A wooden blank for an egg;

- scissors;

- needles for beads.

We begin work with the manufacture of a girdle, which weaves separately from the egg, and then stitches directly on the egg. We measure the girth of the egg preform in the widest place and determine the width of the girdle.

beadwork with their own hands

We fix the last bead, making of itstop bead, tying the thread bundle. Then we make a belt in the technique of mosaic weaving according to the schemes. Weave a girdle until he tightens his grasp on the egg. Then wrap the workpiece so that the egg from the beads gradually turns out. Sew a belt better right on the workpiece. The number of beads on the right and left must be the same. Sew them together in pairs, tightening the belt. Then we work directly on the egg. We weave the lower part, and then the upper part. After that, turn the egg and attach the next row. The latest series will not be very smooth, but it's normal. It looks a bit sticking out in a zigzag manner.

Everything is fixable.On the reverse side we pass along it by a snake in the opposite direction. Continuing the work, we can see that the previous beaded row sits on the egg somehow not very tight. Begin to reduce the next row. Instead of two beads we sew only one.

As the alignment of this series, whileWe go through the egg with a snake in the opposite direction, it will be clear whether we did everything correctly. It's beautiful whether the beads have fallen into place, whether there are any holes. If the omissions are still formed, then you can fix this by adding an additional bead to this place and correctly picking up its size.

We begin to weave the pattern through 5-6 rows from the girdle.We continue on the same principle to braid an egg, gradually reducing more and more beads and reducing it to nothing. Here the thread can be fixed and cut. And then once again secure from above. You can do differently, passing the thread through the rows to the top, and braid the egg until all its surface is closed with beads. After that, we collect on the thread more red beads and weave a bead thread about 25-30 cm long. Sew the ends of the threads on the sides of the egg, starting from the top. And decorate the egg, tied up a bow at the top.

Easter egg from beads ready!

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