For the New Year everyone wants to please themselvesoriginal Christmas decorations. Yes, if you plan to go on a visit, or, on the contrary, visit the guests, you can not do without giving presents. And if there are any contests or even a win-win lottery in the scenario of the New Year's party, then it's worth thinking about seriously.
And the help comes to us the ability to do our own hands with lovely trinkets. For example, with the help of beading skills, we can create so many wonderful things!
About how to make a snowman from beads, will beis described below. A snowman made of beads can be of two types: simple, which can be used as a pendant or a Christmas tree toy, or volumetric, which can be seated under a tree, on a window sill or chest of drawers. Consider the options for making both types of snowmen.
Snowman made of beads.
Plain A snowman made from beads is made very simply.Here we will use one of the most common techniques of weaving. In fact, it will be a little transformed weaving of beads. For this craft we will need: white beads, red (for a smile), black (for eyes and buttons), brown (for hands-twigs) and wire.
Let's get to work.We put white beads on the wire. This will be the first row. After that we put on the beads of the second row (there will be two more) and let the wires through them meet the ends towards each other, as it is done when we weave from the beads. In this technique, we weave a whole snowman, changing only the number of beads in the rows. Also, replacing the white beads with colored ones, we weave buttons, eyes, mouth and nose.
Let's give you an approximate description of the rows by the number of beads in each (snowman plaid from the bottom up):
1 row: 9 white beads;
2nd row: 11 white beads;
3rd row: 13 beads, 12 white and central black (button);
4 row: 15 white beads;
5 row: 15 beads, 14 white and 1 central - black;
6 row: 15 white beads;
7 row: 15 beads, 14 white and 1 central - black;
8th row: 13 white beads;
9 row: 11 white beads;
10 row: 9 beads, 6 white, 3 central red;
11 row: 11 white beads;
12th row: 11 beads, 9 white and one fourth red (2 beads will be produced);
13 row: 11 beads, 9 white and 2 black (we have them over the corners of a smile);
14 row: 9 white beads;
15 row: 7 white beads.
From brown beads and wire we maketwigs-hands and secure separately. If you follow these instructions, then you will get a wonderful snowman from beads, the execution of which took no more than half an hour.
Three-dimensional snowman from beads
A 3D snowman made of beads is done a littlemore difficult than simple. We also need a fishing line or wire, white, red and black beads. We will begin work with the fabrication of the skeleton, outwardly it will resemble two intersecting strips, each of which is executed in the same technique as the usual snowman from beads. The stripes will consist of two beads. As a result, we will have to get a cross with four central beads, from which three beams of 9 pairs of dialed beads and one beam consisting of 11 pairs diverge. The ends of the rays need to be weaved together. So we get a frame for the lower toy ball. Further, fixing the line at the bottom of the frame, we fill the voids between the woven rays, moving in a circle and stringing the right amount of beads, to form a completely woven ball.
To keep the snowman in shape, insideyou can put a foam or a ball of the right size. We weave the head in the same way, just make it smaller diameter and make colored eyes and beads from colored beads, and on the ball of the stem one needs to make buttons of beads of a different color. You can make a snowman hands - twigs, as in the weaving of an ordinary snowman. And you can even weave him a broom, a hat or a bucket on his head.
By making wireframes larger or smallersize, you vary the size of the toy. Also the size can be affected by the size of the selected beads. It all depends on your imagination! A voluminous snowman will serve not only as a wonderful New Year decoration for your home, but also a wonderful toy for your child.