/ / New Year's toys from beads - a little shine on a Christmas tree

New Year's toys of beads - a little shine on the Christmas tree

A bright and joyful holiday New Year.This night everything seems magical, and the New Year's beautiful tree, too, must be magical. In order for your fairy-tale guest to shine in your house, you can and even need to decorate with your own making toys. And the best assistant for the work will be the beads. By making New Year's toys from beads, you will understand what your Christmas tree lacked so long.

New Year's toys of beads can be madein different ways and in different techniques. One of the options for making toys is pasting. To do this, you need a ready-made simple, preferably not beating, toy, seed beads, a needle with a thin ear, fishing line and glue. Stringing the beads of the desired shades on the line, staple it to the toy in stages. It is possible to glue in a spiral, it is possible in the form of a fantasy pattern.

The next version of the product is braiding.Materials are the same as in the previous version. Only this work is a little more complicated. You will need to master the mosaic weaving. I braid a toy so you can take a scheme of a small pattern specially designed for mosaic weaving. As a result, you will receive a beautiful decoration with a cute pattern.

You can also make beaded lace and "dress"in it an ordinary toy. Schemes of weaving such laces can be found in almost any book on beading or, if you have a wild fantasy, to invent yourself. You can make a variety of lace at the ends of the lace, which will give the product even more sophistication.

Making New Year's toys from beads, you canuse not only Christmas balls, but also make snowflakes, funny figures or something else like that. The most popular and simple, perhaps, will be snowflakes. To produce them, you will need beads, wire and pliers. Stringing the beads on the wire, you can bend it the way you wish, so you will get a wonderful pattern. In doing so, you can create many different snowflakes that are completely different from each other.

Also used as Christmas toys frombeads can be small snow maidens, grandfathers of frosts, angels and snowmen. You can make them as very elementary, which will display characters only in general terms, and completely full, with clear outlines.

Toys on the Christmas tree of beads - this is not the only onean option for decorating a Christmas tree. You can also take for making toys of a pack, straw, paper and even thread. For example, you can inflate the balloon and wrap it in colorful threads, impregnated with glue. When the product dries well, the ball needs to be punctured and carefully removed - that's all, the toy is ready.

Bead can be made not only toys, butand the very Christmas tree. Let it be small, but how beautiful and brilliant. Created with her own hands, it will be the best gift, even if it turns out to be not perfect.

Increasingly, we can see volumetric toys frombeads. They just fascinate. Masters with great experience working with beads sometimes work such miracles that it is hard to believe that this is possible. If you master the technique of making volumetric toys from beads, you can make anything. And favorite cartoon characters and funny figures that your fantasy tells you. Of course, making a voluminous toy is a painstaking and time-consuming process, but the result will be amazing.

Christmas beaded toys - the best entertainmentfor your kids. Puzzling them with such work and helping them to create the product, you not only decorate the Christmas tree, but also have a great time with the children. Indeed, in the process of work, you can always establish contact with children, and many adults will like it.

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