/ / Knitting in the technique of "intarsia". Color knitting knitting

Knitting in the intarsia technique. Color knitting

Surely, many of you are led into indescribabledelight knitwear, which resemble colorful Turkish high-quality carpets or colorful paintings of famous artists. And in most cases, needlewomen believe that this technique is complex and incomprehensible, which in fact is completely wrong.

Multicolored patterns, geometric and not veryknit in the technique of "intarsia". Knitting with knitting needles, technique, a master class with detailed instructions - all this you will find in this article. Note that it is possible to apply this technique for machine knitting, which is a big plus for many needlewomen.

knitting in the technique of intarsia

Intarsia: what is it?

Knitting in the technique of "intarsia" is acanvas with multi-colored areas, for the production of which, like in jacquard knitting, several coils of yarn of different shades are used at once. But there are some differences. When knitting products in jacquard technology, the threads pass on the underside of the product. Here, the threads will be crossed according to a certain technique. Due to simple manipulations, multi-colored squares, rhombuses and triangles are obtained.

Most often knitting in the technique of "intarsia" isusual facial smoothness. In some cases, having experience and skill, knitters experiment with other simple patterns, which effectively look exactly in a multi-colored performance.

Vertical Knitting: Color Changing

Let's look at a few options thatmost often used in knitting in this technique. The most popular is knitting vertical lines. How to make a replacement of flowers in such a way that the product does not break up into pieces? Let's understand.

What is the "intarsia" (knitting)? The technique of vertical knitting is offered to your attention.

First, let's see how to replace the thread if the front row is tied.

  • For this, it is necessary, by tying a thread of one color, to leave it behind the work.
  • Next, pick up a thread of another color so that it crosses with the old one. It turns out that we somehow raise the thread one from under the other.

intarsia knitting techniques

The reverse side of the product is now considered.

  • It is sewn in the same way, in the technique of "one thread from under the other, and the old one - at work."
  • Repeating these simple steps, you will have a smooth transition of colors and the product will be one.

Knitting diagonally: how to change the thread

Consider knitting in the technique of "intarsia" (diagonal on the right).

  • If the previous version of the thread was removed from theanother, when knitting diagonal lines, you need to replace the color according to the technique "over the other". That is, when you change the color of the thread, you need to enter a "new" color over the "old" and knit the desired number of loops.
  • When knitting the seamy side of the product thread againneed to skip one from under the other. At first it seems incomprehensible and difficult, but in the process of knitting you will see clearly and understand how to lay the thread so that it will be fixed with the previous color.

We analyze knitting in the technique of "intarsia" (diagonal on the left).

  • The seamy and front side of the product with such a binding will have the same thread replacement technique. The "new" thread should go out from the "old" in both cases.

crochet intarsia knitting technique

How many balls do I need?

Многие рукодельницы, которые только начали to master this technique, they are wondering, which is related to the number of balls for a given knitting. Here a clear answer can not be found. Everything will depend on how many colors you intend to use to create a knit or other.

Also very important is the point where it will beThere is a color change during knitting. If the threads change from the edges of the product, then one coil of each color is enough. But if you want to make a more complex pattern and change the threads in the center of the product or in its individual parts, you will have to unwind one big ball into several small ones and use them.

Such a method of numerous smallglomeruli is very convenient if you intend to perform the intarsia technique with a hook. The knitting technique here will be similar to the one used in knitting with knitting needles. Many needlewomen even say that the hook gives a clearer color change result. Yes, and knit with a hook for many more convenient than the knitting needles.

 intarsia knitting technique master class

Additional "helpers"

При вязании в технике «интарсия» многие needlewomen recommend the use of special additional tools. For example, it is very convenient in the work of a thimble, having hooks, for which it is good to cling colored threads, so that they do not get tangled while knitting. Some experienced needlewomen use their own fingers instead of similar thimbles, winding a thread on them. But this method is already suitable for those who have some skills in this technique.

If you need a lot of little tangles, thenWe recommend using homemade or purchased spools for threads. They look like elongated pieces of cardboard (or plastic) with holes for winding threads in the top and bottom. With the help of such devices can significantly simplify the work and increase the speed of its implementation. In this case, the threads will never be confused.

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