/ / The ace for the grandmaster. Sicilian defense

Aza for the grandmaster. Sicilian defense

With the help of a game, you can train a personit is logical to think, calculate your actions for several moves forward? Of course, chess will help in this. Some people refer them to the category of sports games, others are categorically against such a statement. After all, how can a game of chess be a sporting event? There is no need to run, jump, or throw anything. But here you need to think, think, analyze. And this is much more important than throwing, skating and somersaulting.

Sicilian defense

Where did they come from?

Many researchers argue that the motherlandchess is India. But there are also theories that their invention is associated with Mesopotamia and the Celestial Empire. It stands to reason that before India gave the world chess in the form in which we know them today, they were preceded by other games, not as complex as chess, but still somewhat reminiscent of them.

Среди древних рукописей можно разыскать легенду о that the creation of chess is the work of some brahmin. He asked his master for such a valuable invention, it would seem, a slight reward. He wanted to get as many wheat grains as he could, if they were arranged on a chessboard in the following order: put one grain on the first cell, two on the second, and four on the third, and so on, doubling each time. As a result, it turned out that there is not as much grain on the whole Earth.

But since in no literary source about chess is mentioned until the sixth century AD, most historians believe that chess appeared just at this time.

Some of the history of Sicilian defense

Sicilian defense is the debut in chess.It starts with 1.e4 c5. The players knew this protection in the XVI century. Her in their parties used Gioachino Greco and Giulio Pollorio. At the heart of this debut is the tendency to create positions of an asymmetric nature.

Sicilian defense of chess

For the first time, Sicilian defense is mentioned inthe sixteenth century in the treatise of Lucena. Further, historians can find information about this debut in the later works of Greco and Palerio. Relative relevance of protection was in the nineteenth century. It was used by such popular chess players as Howard Staunton, Louis-Charles Mach, Luis Paulsen and de La Bourdonna. But with the beginning of the twentieth century, the demand for the Sicilian debut dropped significantly. Jose Raúl Capablanca, the third world champion in chess, considered this defense imperfect.

Only at the beginning of the 40s of the last centurythe demand for protection has gradually increased. Contributed to this Alexander Kotov, Isaak Boleslavsky and other players. A little later, Lubomir Luboyevic, Leonid Stein, Ben Larsen made a contribution to the theory of this defense.

Among the modern grandmasters who prefer the Sicilian defense are Garry Kasparov, Boris Gelfand, Alexei Shirov, Vashvanan Anand and some other famous personalities.

How do blacks react?

Sicilian defense is the beloved debut of manyplayers. It is used only by beginners, and professional grandmasters. In this defense, there are many sub-variants and systems. Let's consider some of them.

Open "Sicilian"

This group of systems includes games where whitechess is fighting for the central location by the moves d2-d4 and g1-f3. Black shapes can react in many ways, for example, a dragon variant. This name comes from the location of pawns of black color, which in appearance resembles a dragon.

Option Sveshnikov, or Chelyabinsk version

Protection in chess on this system means thatin the plans of black figures is an active game in the central part of the board. The one who plays white pieces, will try to use all the weak points of his opponent. This option is actively used by grandmasters of the highest category.

There are many other options for Sicilian defense, but those who have just entered the world of chess will have enough of what has already been described.

game of chess

Physical training for chessplayer

Some skeptics are sure that for a chess playerphysical training does not matter. You know how the Sicilian defense works and other debuts in the game, and that's enough. And here not! The state of health for the grandmaster is just as important as for any other athlete. After all, a chess player spends several hours indoors, sitting at a table and thinking hard. Therefore, it must be well prepared for this process and the conditions in which it will be located.

So, the player will need a dumbbell, a treadmill,barbell. Actively engaging with all this equipment, the grandmaster will gain physical strength, oxygen to his brain will act more actively, and accordingly, and ideas for the game will start to appear more productive.

defense in chess

Start playing today

Encountering the expression "Sicilian defense"(chess) and reading the description in this article, you can not understand much without practice. All this can alienate and lead to the conclusion that chess is too tough for you. But this is not so. It is only necessary to find patience and desire in oneself, and everyone can become a well-known chess player.

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