/ Agriculture: branches of agriculture. Russian agriculture

Agriculture: branches of agriculture. Russian agriculture

Agriculture is called a special kindactivities aimed at growing, processing and manufacturing products, as well as the provision of relevant services. Its main branches are livestock and crop production. The well-being of its people largely depends on how developed agriculture is as a branch of production of a country.

Characteristics of plant growing in Russia

Land in our country is very much and it would seemAll the prerequisites for the successful development of this area of ​​agriculture are available. However, unfortunately, Russia is geographically located in such a way that climatic conditions and various kinds of natural factors limit possibilities in this regard quite seriously. Crop production as a branch of agriculture in our country is quite a promising direction, but only with the use of new technologies and a careful attitude to nature.

Only 35% of Russian lands are located intemperate climate, not bad suitable for growing crops such as rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, etc. Huge areas around the Arctic Circle are absolutely not suitable for crop production. In addition, large areas in our country are occupied by taiga, where the cultivation of land is a process that is also associated with a huge number of difficulties.

agriculture agriculture

Crop production as a branch of agriculture: main directions

Currently, the main areas of agriculture in Russia include:

  • Grain farming.This direction is of paramount importance for the population of any state of the world, including our country. Bread can be considered the main product of human nutrition. The most valuable feed for farm animals are also produced from grain crops.
  • Feed production.So called the system of various activities aimed at the manufacture, preparation and processing of animal feed. In this case, the land is used for the cultivation of mainly meadow crops, root crops, tubers, melons, etc.
  • Cultivation of industrial crops. These include cotton, flax, sunflower, sugar beet, tobacco, etc.
  • Vegetable and potato.
  • Viticulture and gardening.

crop as a branch of agriculture

Geography of plant growing in Russia

Итак, основные отрасли специализации сельского farms in our country - livestock and agriculture. Geographically, Russia is located in several climatic zones. On crop production, and in particular on the diversity of the compositions of the cultivated crops, this reason affects primarily.

So, wheat, demanding thermal conditions,preferring nutrient loamy soils, quite drought-resistant culture, grown mainly in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The growing area of ​​the less fastidious rye has wider boundaries. Barley is spread on almost the entire agricultural territory of the country - from the cold northern regions to the arid southern ones.

Разные виды технических культур также common in different areas. Sunflower, for example, grows very well in arid regions. The only thing is that in order to obtain good yields, this crop should be planted only on sufficiently fertile soils. Sunflower is grown at most in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of the country. Sugar beet, on the contrary, is very demanding on the moisture regime. Therefore, it became widespread mainly only in the central and western regions of the forest-steppe zone.

Vegetable production includes a huge amountcrops belonging to different biological species. Therefore, it is well developed practically throughout the entire agricultural territory of Russia. The most common crops of open farming are cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, onions, beets and carrots. They are grown on an industrial scale, most often in those places where there is access to water - along the shores of lakes, rivers and reservoirs. The largest centers of vegetable growing were formed in the lower reaches of the Volga and the Don and in the North Caucasus.

Gardening is also an important direction in suchareas like agriculture. The branches of agriculture related to the cultivation of fruit and berry crops have also received wide distribution in Russia, especially in its European part (Volga region, Krasnodar region). The largest variety of fruit crops is observed in the North Caucasus. A lot of gardens are also bred in Bashkiria and Altai.

Characteristics of animal husbandry

Данная отрасль также для нашей страны является promising. It is enough to remember that until the beginning of the crisis of the end of the last century, it was one of the leading ones. The characteristic of the branch of agriculture in this case will be incomplete without a little history. In the Soviet Union, animal husbandry, and in particular cattle breeding, was developed very well. However, the economic crisis of the following years had more than a negative impact on this direction. From 1991 to 2005, the number of cattle decreased from 54.7 to 21.4 million tons. According to the results of the same 2005, livestock in our country was considered unprofitable. Therefore, there was an increase in imports of this product.

However, at present, agriculture asthe economy (including livestock) in our country can be considered more or less profitable. To some extent, this is related to the development of private farms.

Russian agriculture

Key industries

So, what are the main areas represented in this case, agriculture? The branches of agriculture in animal husbandry are as follows:

  • Cattle breeding. Breeding cattle along with the cultivation of cereals is one of the main areas of agricultural production.
  • Pig production. This is the second most important branch. Its value is also difficult to overestimate. This direction is classified into meat, semi-poultry and bacon.
  • Goat and sheep. The most common data directions received in the steppe zones, as well as in mountainous areas.
  • Horse breeding. This branch is designed to provide the national economy with pedigree breeding animals, sports and productive.
  • Camel breeding. This direction has received the broadest development in the desert and semi-desert regions of Russia. Also from these animals get very high quality wool and milk.
  • Reindeer breeding. This industry is a specialization of areas located in the tundra (Magadan, Arkhangelsk regions, etc.).
  • Poultry farming. Another major livestock industry.
  • Fur farming. The main objective of this area is to provide the national economy with the skins of small fur animals.
  • Beekeeping. This industry is responsible for the production of a number of the most valuable products - honey, wax, royal jelly, bee venom, etc.

Industries and Agriculturedirectly related to each other. This concerns, of course, including animal husbandry. Without a well-developed pig and cattle breeding, for example, the food industry is unlikely to be particularly profitable. If the state does not pay attention to such branches as fur farming and sheep breeding, the population of Russia will remain without its own warm clothes.

Geography of livestock in Russia

Placement and specialization of this directiondetermined mainly by the availability of food for a particular group of animals. That is, livestock as a branch of agriculture, although to a lesser extent than crop production, is also dependent on natural and climatic factors.

branches of agricultural specialization

Intensive dairy cattle in our countrydeveloped mostly in the European part - in the upper Volga and Dnieper. These are mainly Moscow and Yaroslavl regions. The same trend is characteristic of the south of the St. Petersburg region. Engaged in breeding cattle in other regions of the European part of the country, as well as in the southern regions of Siberia in the Urals. However, in this case we are talking mainly about meat and dairy cattle breeding. It is also distributed to the north - in most parts of Siberia, but in these areas it is mostly extensive. In the circumpolar regions, reindeer herding has been greatly developed. Most cattle are bred in the Urals, in the Volga and Central regions, as well as in the North Caucasus.

Очень широкое распространение выращивание мелкого cattle in our country received in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus, in the Urals and in Eastern Siberia. Sheepskin production is well developed in the central regions of the European part of Russia. Pigs are practiced throughout the country. This direction is somewhat less developed in the Far East.

agriculture as a branch of production

What influences the development of agriculture

In addition to climatic and weather conditions, the following factors can influence the development of animal husbandry and crop production in any state:

  • The degree of support from the state.The more money will be invested in new technologies, the more profitable will be agriculture. Agricultural sectors of any direction are very dependent on the number of subsidies. These funds mainly go to the development of innovative industries, the purchase of equipment, the development of new technologies.
  • Recovery activitiesdepleted soils in areas of intensive crop production. In order for a country to compete with other states on the world market for agricultural products, as much as possible fertile land must be located on its territory.
  • Another very important development factorThe economy of this particular country in the market is a healthy competitive environment. The main branches of agriculture in this regard are no exceptions.
  • The state of science and technology. The more innovations introduced, the more profitable livestock and crop production. Scientific progress is one of the main factors reducing the cost of food.

characteristic of the branch of agriculture

Environmental issues

All branches of agriculture in Russia, in addition toThe above factors are directly dependent on the environmental situation. Unfortunately, in our country, the predatory attitude towards the riches of nature and mismanagement led to a significant deterioration of the situation in this regard.

In the steppe and forest-steppe zones, ecologicalthe balance is greatly disturbed mainly due to wind and water erosion. Meanwhile, the experience of creating landscapes with environmental sustainability was laid out at the end of the 19th century by V. V. Dokuchaev in the Voronezh region, in the tract Kamennaya Steppe. Now here is the Research Institute of Agriculture. This experience is definitely worth using today.

Disruption of the ecological balance in the deciduous-forest and forest-logging zones is usually associated with the drainage of wetlands and uncontrolled logging.

How can environmental problems be solved in modern Russia?

Fortunately, at the moment the situation in ourcountry in this regard begins to change dramatically. The most important task of the newly created science - environmental economics - is not only assessing the state of the environment in the light of the possibility of using it, but also forecasting the development of ecological systems, trying to foresee the future and the ability to manage them today. Of course, such an approach to the main branches of agriculture will have a more than beneficial effect.

The main methods of greening modernland use is currently becoming the preservation of biological organisms and the creation of natural organic fertilizers based on fungi, bacteria and algae. The science concerned with the biology of humus is the future of farming.

The latest developments in this area are being implemented inall branches of agriculture in Russia today. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory non-herbicidal technologies for the production of rice and corn are used. In some farms of the Omsk region, the rejection of the use of pesticides and the use of new farming technologies led to a significant increase in yield.

To new methods can be attributed, for example:

  • Drip irrigation, adopted not only by large farms, but also by many owners of personal plots.
  • Plowless plowing.
  • Natural biological seasonal crop turnover.

To plans awaiting implementation in the near future,can be attributed and the introduction of integrated and comprehensive monitoring of the natural environment. That is, monitoring its reaction to human activities and the adoption of appropriate measures in advance. Of course, this will have a positive impact on agriculture. Agricultural sectors — livestock and crop production — will become profitable and profitable.

livestock as a branch of agriculture

Agriculture in Germany

Reviving livestock and crop productionRussia, of course, should pay attention to the experience of those countries where these industries are very well developed. Germany is often cited as an example. Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the development of agriculture in this country. The profitability of all its structures is largely influenced by an impeccable and well-thought-out organization, as well as the rational and careful use of natural resources.

In the central regions of Germany and in the south of thisThe country’s agricultural producers are mainly owners of small farms. This situation becomes the cause of healthy competition, a powerful incentive for the introduction of new methods. The agriculture of Germany - animal husbandry and crop production - brings huge profits to this country.

In our country, the possibility of implementingMost projects and the development of new technologies in animal husbandry and agriculture will largely depend on the perfection of the legislative base in the near future. Reasonable economic management and conservation of natural resources should become state priorities. Perhaps in the future the structure of the branch of agriculture in Russia will resemble the German one. However, at the moment, rather large agricultural organizations produce the main share of food in our country.

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