/ / How to make a box of paper using gluing and "locking" methods

How to make a box of paper using gluing and "locking" methods

From an early age should be developed in childrenspatial thinking that they will need later in the study of trigonometry and simply in practical life. All these skills are developed when performing simple work on the manufacture of simple paper designs, for example, when cutting out a rectangular box, pencil cup, triangular prism or box with a hexagonal bottom.

So how to make a box of paper at allit’s easy to start with this model. First you need to make a pattern box. If the child is already in elementary school and knows how to work with a ruler and a pencil, then you can entrust this work to him. If the baby is still quite small, then the adult will have to draw the pattern himself. However, it is best to do it in front of the child, loudly explaining his actions to him. Children have a very developed visual memory, and quite soon he will understand how to make a box with his own hands without the help of an adult or independently glue a cube out of cardboard for various board games.

If you plan to continue to use thisan item for storing accessories, there is nothing better than making a box out of thick cardboard with a lid, and then glue it over with colorful pictures or old postcards. After the child understands as make a box of paper, you can teach him to sew beautiful boxes of cards. But first, you still need to learn how to make a pattern out of plain paper.

Итак, начинаем конструирование с построения rectangular base - bottom. Draw a rectangle with a width of "A" and a length of "B". On both long sides of "B" we attach rectangles - the walls so that the sides of the bottom equal to "B" belong simultaneously to the bottom and to the walls of the future box. The width of the rectangles - walls (box height) will be equal to "C". To one of the walls also along the side "B" we attach a rectangle of the lid. It must be identical to the bottom.

Now you need to build the end walls of the box.To do this, we attach the rectangles to the sides of the bottom, equal to "A." For these rectangles, all dimensions are already set, since the second side to be attached (the height of the box) must be equal to the second side of the wall "C".

The main drawing is ready.The moment has come when we should think about the last stage of construction. It is necessary to provide places on which will subsequently be applied glue. To do this, to both sides of the end walls, which are equal to the height of the box "C", it is required to make trapezoidal auxiliary constructions. It is thanks to these glue “locks” that the box accepts and holds a real shape.

The final stages in the manufacture of this model are cutting the outline of the model, bending the drawing along lines and directly gluing it.

And you can also learn how to make a boxfrom paper without glue way. This method is often used to make various boxes for Christmas gifts. Modeling drawing patterns remains the same. Only it is necessary to add on the sides of the walls of the box (not end) with the height “C” two additional “latches”. They need to be built not in the form of a trapezium, with a base resting on the entire side of the wall, but only two small trapeziums on each side of the “C” - on the top and bottom sides. When cutting, it is necessary to make small cuts on both sides of the castle trapezium so that with the middle of the base they firmly hold on the wall. If the loose parts of the "locks" bend inwards, then they can be inserted into a hole of the appropriate size. If then the ends of the “locks” are unbent, then the wall will firmly lock in this position.

Now it is necessary to modify and end "locks"boxes. Along the contour line of the box, between the “castle” trapezoid and the very end wall itself, it is necessary to cut the entrances for the “locks” of the walls — they must exactly match in location and size with the folded locks.

Now everyone understands how to make a box of paper with gluing and without glue? After all, the most important thing in this process is perseverance and accuracy, and this, of course, cannot be taught in the article!

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