/ / Modular Origami - Crane

Modular origami - crane

We offer a master class on the creation of three-dimensionalorigami "crane, hovering in the air." Before proceeding to the very technique of folding sheets of paper, you must specify the number of such sheets and their color. The uniqueness of modular origami lies in the fact that design allows you to convey the most complete features of the selected object.

For work we need a paper of two colors:white and gray (a paper of black color for a beak in calculation now we do not take). From white paper we will make the tail part and the inner side of the wings. And the application of the second color will be relevant for determining the wings and the long crane neck. To make the origami model, the crane will need 199 modules. The size of these parts directly depends on the size of the finished product - crane.

In detail it looks like this:the basic white color is needed for 112 modules, gray for 85, and black for 2 (beak). In the classical version, only seven sheets of A4 paper are used, dividing each sheet into 32 equal parts. Proportion of using the color palette 4: 3.

In what way is every detail collected?The collection is carried out in several stages. First fold the sheet in half, then another. Now, each half is rolled down from the center. We turn the workpiece so that we have a whole plane with two ends in front of us. These ends we bend in a straight line of our triangular detail in such a way that in hands there was a triangle. Next, we form a pocket, from which we obtain a corner, hereinafter referred to as the module.

Everything is elementary, and collecting origami "crane inflight "does not complicate even the novice creator.Each action is due to the presence of only one plane.Each individual piece is fixed and projected to one side.Because strangely, but the assembly of the crane begins not with the head but with the tail.To collect the first four rows, for the first row one module, for the second row - two, and so on up to the fourth row.

Starting with the fifth row, the ratio of the number of modules and rows varies. Thus, the 5th row of the tail consists of 4 parts, the 6th row - from 3, the 7th row - from 2. That's all. The tail of our crane is ready.

After the tail, proceed to feathers for the wings.For this, the 6th and 7th rows of the tail of the crane need to be continued first to the right, and then to the left. Further in the sixth and seventh rows we insert from the edges of the additional modules to begin collecting the wings. Therefore, take these series for the beginning and call them the 1 st and 2 nd respectively.

Change the color palette origami paper Zhuravlik, collecting in the first row of the wing portions 10, and the second - 11. Similarly collect even two rows on the left.

The following 23 modules will be needed for the third rowwing. 4 and 3 modules are projected strictly in the center in the 4th and 5th rows. Next, with white modules, we complete the fourth and fifth rows first to the right (9 + 10), and then to the left (9 + 10).
You should focus on the most extreme modules of the 5th row. After all, they are inserted not only in the 3rd, but also in the 4th row.

The following steps follow the scheme: in the 6th row we use 22 modules. In the 7th row there are 23 modules. As in the fifth row, here the extreme modules are inserted in the 6th and 5th rows.
To wings of our origami "Japanese crane" acquired a sickle-shaped appearance, it is necessary to insert the parts in the center closer to each other.

In the 8th row we insert 4 modules. Two central components form the beginning of the neck. And the two remaining ones are distributed one by one at the ends of the wings.
We turn the workpiece.It remains to collect the head, beak and neck. Let's start with the beak. This is the most difficult and laborious part of the work. We take one module and add it as follows. As in the beginning, to create the module, we do all the same work until we get a triangle. After that, from the center down we bend the two halves so that the back side is an even sheet. After that, bend the center.

Now convert the converted module to another, ordinary module.
Here are the pockets in which you need to insert the following two modules.
We connect the head with the neck. And it, in turn, - with the central modules of the wings. That's all. Our origami crane is ready to fly.

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