The words "online" and "offline" have a special meaningin connection with computer equipment and telecommunications. In general, the first term indicates the connection state, while the second hints at being disconnected.
One example of sharing theseof the concepts is the user's mail account, which can be in the "online" or "offline" state. One such application is Microsoft Outlook. In the connected form, it will try to connect to the mail servers (to check the new mail at regular intervals, for example). In the offline mode, it will not do this. An online or offline agent does not necessarily reflect the status of the connection between the computer on which it is running and the Internet. That is, the device itself can have an Internet connection through a cable modem or other means, while the user status remains unconnected.
Another example of the use of these conceptsare digital audio technologies. The player, digital audio editor or other device located on the site is synchronized with the user's actions. When the connection starts playback, the device automatically synchronizes with the master and starts playing music from the same point in the recording. This technology continues to develop rapidly. Today you can remotely listen to not only music, but also watch movies and even serials online. This category includes news, other video and audio resources available for direct viewing with the Internet on.
The third example of sharing theseconcepts - a web browser that can be in a connected or disconnected status. It will try to extract pages from the servers only at the time it is connected. In offline mode, users can perform offline browsing, where the pages can be opened using local copies that were previously downloaded when they were accessed to the Internet. This can be useful when the computer is disconnected from the network or connecting to it is impossible or undesirable. The pages are loaded either in the browser's own cache as a result of the online preview by the user, or using an application that is configured to save local copies of some pages. The latter are updated when it is in the connected state. For example, when playing browser games online, you can save the page. And then continue the passage from a certain level.
One such web application capable ofDownload the page for offline viewing, is Internet Explorer. When they are added to the favorites list, they are marked as "available for offline viewing". Internet Explorer will download local copies as full pages.
Summarizing the conversation about what is online,we can draw the following conclusions. When an Internet connection is available, it is a constant access to various files, as well as communications. In turn, for a site that does not have such an adequate connection to the network, users try to provide themselves with autonomous access to information.