/ / Internal site optimization. How to win the love of search engines

Internal optimization of the site. How to win the love of search engines

After you have filled the site with content:articles, anchors, images, possibly video footage, it's time to proceed to the next step. It is called internal optimization. If you ignore or are not serious enough to take this issue, it is unlikely that search engines will pay attention to you. But it is very important to attract new visitors. Therefore, in order for the resource to be popular, the internal optimization of the villages must be carried out correctly.

What is optimized content

What is the procedure that allowsto achieve the issuance of the resource at the request of the user in the top search engines? According to the regulations, it implies the layout of the page or document in such a way that its content reflects the essence of the user's request as accurately as possible.

When a person, for example, enters into the formSearch server "cheap rental apartments", sites that have the highest relevance to this query will be shown in the issue in the first place. The algorithm by which the search engines determine the greatest compliance of content with a search phrase is, in principle, classified. However, all search engines unequivocally allocate resources, on which high-quality internal page optimization was carried out.

How to optimize a resource. Step-by-step instruction

The procedure for creating balanced content for requests implies:

  • Designing a readable page code, reducing its weight, so to speak.
  • Optimize images and animations.
  • Proper formatting of headers using h1- h6, strong tags.
  • Formation of alt attribute values ​​in images and links.
  • The introduction of keywords in the text content of the resource.
  • Working with meta tags.
  • Creating internal links within the site (relink).
  • Defining indexing parameters in the robots.txt index.

Internal site optimization cannot be done without this plan. Let's take a closer look at it.

Reducing code size. Increase its readability for search engines

If you do the site layout using the languageHypertext Markup - HTML, using only the basic syntax, the size of this code will be optimal. When special programs are used for site layout, they often enter into the code a lot of unsolicited attributes for most tags. Because of what the page size increases many times. This step has no special impact on the resource rating in search queries, but allows you to create a “lightweight” site for the visitor, which will not be annoying for excessively long loading.

Work with pictures

Due to the fact that a lot of Russian-speaking visitorsstill use dial-up connection, even simple pages that are not overloaded with content can be transferred for 30-40 seconds. minimum. That is why you should work on optimizing the alt attribute, which involves displaying an alternative explanatory phrase or word, if the picture does not load in full.

Structure for requests of a certain contingent

Internal optimization also includescreation of the resource structure - a convenient navigation interface harmoniously combined with the theme of each page. This parameter must be carefully thought out, otherwise competitors will overtake you and take 50-80% of the target audience.

Analysis of statistics

With the help of a statistical study canto track from which pages of the resource users go to other sites most often. And having defined it, try to find and fix “vulnerabilities” that may act on the visitor, like a red rag on a bull.

Tags and keys

The most significant tag is the title.It displays the name of the page in the browser and in it you need to enter such a word or phrase that most accurately describes the subject of the resource. Also, the title should be written for people and understandable.

Headings and subheadings on the pages should be formatted with the h1-h6 commands. Moreover, the title is determined by the tag H1.

Keywords are usually bold, are written evenly in the text and make up a small part (10% maximum) of the total number of words on a page.

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