/ / PayPal - what is it and how to use it?

PayPal - what is it and how to use it?

E-commerce in the 21st century is becoming oneof the most promising ways of calculating between the seller and the buyer. Evidence of this is at least the fact that only in Russia in 2013 the volume of the electronic money market exceeded 2 trillion rubles. If you compare this figure to 2012, you can be sure that the e-commerce market has grown by 23%. By these figures, it is easy to understand that electronic payment systems are gaining popularity every year.

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Consider one of the most common e-commerce systems around the world - PayPal.

The birth of the system

The history of PayPal dates back to March 2000, when it was invented (as a result of the merger) of several students, one of whom was an emigrant from the Soviet Union (Max Levchin).
Immediately after the establishment, the company began to serviceelectronic auctions, in particular, the world-famous eBay (for one month of existence more than one million auctions eBay offered the calculation of the PayPal payment system).

In 2002, a giant eBay corporation purchased PayPal, and from this moment 50% of purchases at the auction occur exactly through the latter.

paypal system

In 2012, 190 countries could calculate ortrade with PayPal, in the arsenal of the system - 24 currencies around the world. The beginning of 2015 was the moment of the split of eBay and PayPal, and now these are two different corporations.

check in

So, the system PayPal.What it is and why it exists, we sorted it out. To start working with PayPal, you need to complete the registration process. To start registration with PayPal, you need to go to the official site (it is the same for all countries, but for convenience you can select the language you need), click on the "Register" button and in the next window select the "Personal account" tab, then click on the button "Continue".

what is paypal and how to use it

After that, the browser is redirected to the page,where to specify the country of residence, e-mail, set a password for logging in (it should consist of at least 8 characters, and it is better to enter both letters and numbers).

The next stage of registration is fillingpersonal information (name, surname, date of birth, nationality, city, street, zip code, and phone number). All the data should be entered correctly in order to avoid further problems, since the account (or PayPal-purse) will be opened precisely according to the specified data, which then is very difficult to change.

account activation

If all the fields are filled correctly, you needput the bird in the column "User Agreement", then click on the "I agree, create an account" button. Then you should check your mail and activate the account by clicking on the link in the email.

Adding a bank card

Consider how to top up PayPal.There is one more important question. It reads: "How do I transfer money to PayPal?" You must first attach a bank card to the system. This is done in the user menu. You need to go to the link "Connect and confirm my debit or credit card" (top right on the site). After that you will need to enter all valid card data, namely: name, card type, Visa number, card number, expiration date and so-called security code (3 digits that are on the back of the card ), then click on the "Continue" button.

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In order for the process of binding the card to be successful, andyou could find out how to pay for PayPal, it is required that the card has an amount equivalent to $ 1.95. This amount of money the system will automatically remove to verify that the card really belongs to the owner. This money will not be lost, but will return to your account account exactly in 24 hours.

Limits on withdrawal of funds

The PayPal system sets certain limits on the withdrawal of funds for security purposes.

The minimum limit for CIS citizens is 50or equivalent in another world currency. Maskimal withdrawal of funds per day (for residents of the Russian Federation) at the moment - 15 000 rubles, a month can withdraw no more than 40 000 rubles. Payment system PayPal in Russia, user feedback about which inspire confidence, collects a minimum commission for withdrawal of funds. This is a very profitable moment.

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How can I learn more about limits and how to top up PayPal? You need to go to the "My Account" tab in your account.

How to transfer money to PayPal

To transfer money in the system (for example,another account), just go to the menu and click on the "Send money" tab. In the window that appears, you will need to enter the data to whom the money will be sent (PayPal-purse of the payee), amount and currency. The default is the US dollar, but you can always choose the equivalent in another currency, if necessary.

If there is a question about transferring to your card,which is tied to the system, then it's still easier, because the transfer of PayPal money to your personal account is provided by the system. This can not but please the users. PayPal - what is it? As you can see, this is a very convenient payment instrument.

To transfer funds to the menu, select "Mypurse "and mark the item" Transfer to a bank card ", indicate which card should be credited (since you can register several cards in the system), enter the amount and click" Translate. "In this case, payment is practically instantly, and if the bank is fine (there are no problems with the network, say), then cash can be cashed from the card in just 2 minutes.

Account Types

What is PayPal and how to use it, we sorted it out. Now it's time to tell what accounts are in the system.

Global PayPal accounts can be divided into 4 types (types):

  • personal;
  • premium;
  • student;
  • business.

The most common type of account -personal (or personal). They can freely transfer money to PayPal, or accept currency. At the same time, contacts with various payers are envisaged. In order for the money to be delivered to the address, it is enough just to have a PayPal-purse and an e-mail address. This is all limited. The user can not send or receive money from any kind of card, only transfers within the system are allowed.

Premium accounts have added specializedPossibilities that are not available to other users. If you are interested in the question of how to transfer money to PayPal from the card, this kind of personal cabinet will help to answer it. It is in the premium account that you can freely withdraw money to the cards of other participants or take money to your card through the system.

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Student account is an innovation in the systemelectronic payments. Using it, you can easily answer the question of how to transfer money to the child's PayPal account, if he is studying or living abroad. A person must be at least 13 years old, so that you can easily open an account. One parent has the right to have up to 4 such accounts. A real account does not open, but a system of replenishment of the student account from the parent takes place.

The business cabinet allows the user tomaximum use of the service. You can accept payments as an enterprise, there is no limit on the currency turnover per day, and, most importantly, you can take money to an account from any other bank or from an electronic wallet (not PayPal). In the types of accounts discussed above, unfortunately, there is no such option.

Verification of the user

First, let's define the phrase "verificationuser PayPal ", what is it, we will also consider.We explain the word" verification "in simple words.It means confirmation (in literal translation), and in our case - confirmation of the veracity of the filled information about the user that is registered in the system.That is, the system requires certain actions on the part of the user in order to make sure that the information he submitted is 100% true (for example, you can register as Vasya Pupkin, but in fact they do not have to).

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While the user is not verified, payments can beimplement, but with certain limitations. For the removal of the latter you need to send electronically or by mail a scanned copy of the passport (with a residence permit) and confirm the mobile number. This data is confidential, you can be sure that they will not get into bad hands through PayPal.

Advantages of verification:

  • sending and receiving any amount of money at any time of day;
  • trust in the verified user is many times greater than to the unconfirmed;
  • lightning-fast sending of payments from a bank account without delays and other minor annoyances;
  • availability of exclusive services (among them - protection of the seller)

Why PayPal?

Among all possible electronic payment methods inInternet PayPal takes the 1 st place. And it's no accident. For the PayPal system - what is this, how is not the safest place for storing personal savings? Advanced technology and two-factor authentication determine fraud of any kind. To get to your personal means is almost impossible, even if the robber is a hacker with experience. The account is attached to the physical key generated by the system. This key can be stored not on the network, but, say, on a flash drive. Without access to the key, no one will ever be able to steal any amount of money from the account.

A little about commission

How do I transfer money to PayPal and not spend on commission? Actually nothing. The system charges a commission, but only with the transactions held. You do not need to pay for opening an account and servicing it.

To withdraw funds for a check (real, which can be cashed in any bank), you need to give the system $ 1.5.

The commission depends on the country in which (or in which) the transfer will be made, from how to transfer money PayPal (bank or electronic transfer), as well as from the transfer currency.

For example: if you withdraw money from your personal account to your US account, you do not need to pay anything, while in Bulgaria you will need to give $ 2.5 for this transfer.

Also, the system provides for a refund commission. If for some reason you need to return the funds back (how to transfer money to PayPal, described above), then for this too a certain sum will be deducted.

As for the commission within the system, it tooexists, and depends on the country and on other factors. In the system itself, you will need to divide 0.5-2% of the total amount of the transaction or transfer. Again, a certain figure can not be named, since everything depends on many factors.


From all the above it became clear what isPayPal and how to use it. The choice in any case will always remain with you. The system has proven itself and proved the right to its existence by the fact that it is trusted by millions of people around the world - it has existed for more than 15 years. If the question is in translations within the RF, then you can find an alternative, but if the receipts are from different countries, then, of course, you should choose PayPal.

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