/ / We get acquainted with the unique substance of aerosil. What it is?

We get acquainted with the unique substance of aerosil. What it is?

Aerosil (or silicon dioxide) istranslucent (has a slightly bluish hue), light and loose powder without flavor and taste. It is obtained as a result of the hydrolysis of silicon in a flame gas (a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen as a result of combustion). The obtained substance does not combine with water. It is referred to the group of hydrophobic substances, since it precipitates without interacting with the liquid, without intermixing with it. Here, in brief, what is this - aerosil. Next we will get acquainted in more detail with this substance and find out the scope of its application.

aerosil what is it

Physicochemical characteristics

In its structure, the aerosil substance hasSpherical particles with a diameter of 7 to 40 nanometers. If it were possible to lay out in the chain all the particles of matter, then this length would be enough to get from Earth to the Moon 17 times.

The acquisition of silicon aerosil was first recorded in 1942, and since then its implementation has been realized on an industrial scale. And it was associated with a wide range of applications of this substance.

The production of silica is characterized bydifferent range of the size of small particles, depending on the conditions of the course of chemical reactions. As a result, the physical and chemical properties of the substance change, and it is marked with different numbers after its main name. Therefore, after the word "aerosil" there is always a figure speaking about the size of its particles.

On the outer surface of the latter are locateda group of siloxane and silanol, which give the aerosol an inertness to the water. For this reason, it is hydrophobic and has a high chemical resistance to various reagents.

silicon aerosil

Aerosil application area

As it was mentioned earlier, its scope is wide and it covers such spheres:

  • construction - the production of silicates, sealants, varnishes, printing inks, insulating materials, etc .;
  • pharmaceutics - the transformation of liquids into free-flowing powders, the manufacture of dragees, tablets, aerosols, etc. (adsorption properties make it possible to use it in medicine);
  • cosmetics - making lotions, creams, powders, pastes, etc.;
  • food products - as additives.

What it is - aerosil, you can tell a very long time, but the above is the main area of ​​use of this substance.

Application in construction

In the construction sphere, the silicon compoundimproves the physical and mechanical properties of materials. It increases the strength, elasticity, wear resistance and heat resistance of materials, perfectly handles the quality of thickener and much more. Transparent varnishes based on polyester resins are also obtained due to this substance.

silicon dioxide aerosil

Aerosil enhances mechanical propertiesplastic products, has excellent insulating qualities (low thermal conductivity), so it is widely used in materials that insulate cables. In addition to the above, silica (aerosil) is used as a stabilizer of pigments in protection against corrosion of metal coatings.

Proceeding from what has been said, silicon dioxide is simply a unique compound. But what is aerosil, in terms ofsafety for humans? A pleasant addition to everything is its fire safety and non-toxicity. This compound is absolutely harmless to the health of a person or other living being.

Use in medicine

And what is aerosil in pharmaceuticals andmedicine? It turns out that colloidal silicon dioxide has a good sorption in respect of enzymes, antigens, tissue decay products, various toxins, allergens, microorganisms and much more. Therefore, it is used topically if necessary in the regeneration of soft tissues and skin (including purulent-inflammatory etiology), as well as inside with poisoning, intestinal infections, allergic manifestations, gastrointestinal disorders.

This compound does not split in the body, is not absorbed by the intestine and is excreted unchanged. But it does not damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and removes toxins.

Also, the administration of preparations containing aerosil,it is possible with violations in metabolic processes, impaired liver and kidney function. He also copes well with the excretion of uric acid, which adversely affects the healthy functioning of the joints.

We should not forget about the abrasive qualities of aerosil. What is this for a common man in the street? This elimination of plaque, due to the delicate cleaning of the mouth with toothpaste.

aerosol substance

In conclusion about the unique substance

Today, we slightly opened the veil overa unique substance called silicon dioxide. And we hope that you will be able to answer what it is - aerosil. Although it will be unambiguously difficult to do this, since it is a universal tool, the scope of which is simply unthinkably huge.

Of the pluses - it is absolutely safe and harmlessfor man, and his numerous positive properties can not but interest specialists. On an industrial scale, it will continue to be used, and its scope will only grow from year to year.

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