It would seem that modern needlewomen is difficultto surprise Gone are the days when intricate patterns and schemes roamed from craftswoman to craftswoman from handwritten notebooks with journal clippings. Now the Internet is replete with master classes, and in hobby shops you can find any consumables.
But even against the background of this diversity appeareda completely new and unusual kind of needlework - diamond paintings. It allows painstaking craftswomen to create amazingly beautiful canvases, at the same time it takes less time than embroidery, and no special skills are needed.
Diamond paintings are a kit forcreativity, which includes glue base, instructions, rhinestones, tweezers, a cup and a small press. The process is simple: on the basis of the figure is divided into squares, each of which has its own number. The set includes rhinestones of different colors, also numbered. Removing a small section of the protective film, the needlewomen opens the base pieces with an adhesive layer and lays out the pictures in accordance with the numbers.
Diamond mosaic combines embroidery, puzzlesand drawing by numbers. But it has significant differences. So, according to the craftswomen, it is 5 times faster than embroidery, it does not require adherence to stitches, thread tracking, etc. In contrast to puzzles, it is not necessary to search for a necessary element for a long time. And the pictures by the numbers lose to the “diamonds”, because each rhinestone has different shades, and the result of the work not only looks more spectacular, but also has a greater depth and volume.
You may have noticed that sometimes finished workvery different from each other: there are sparkling and matte paintings. Diamond technology involves the use of two different types of hard plastic pebbles. The former provide an unprecedented play of light, the latter have a more restrained appearance, since they only slightly shine due to the presence of faces.
When choosing a set for needlework pleaseattention to its labeling. Full layout means that rhinestones are glued on the whole base. Partial - involves working only on a specific motive, and the background or other elements are already printed in advance.
A small triangle or circle with a pensimilar to a stamp, is a special press, which should smooth the picture at the end of the calculation. But do not rush to do it in the process of work, because then fix possible errors will not work.
Also, some sets include a special pencil - it is more convenient for them than to take large rhinestones than with tweezers.
It is important to pay attention to the size of the finished work.Often on the set label or in the online store is not the result of the calculations, and the picture from which the paintings are printed. Diamond painting will be realistic and beautiful only when all small elements have their own color. If you want to make a landscape and choose a picture of 25 x 25 cm in size, be prepared for the fact that on such a small canvas it will not be possible to convey all the details and shades.
Needlewomen from small towns are often forcedorder diamond paintings online as local selection is limited. Be sure to ask how the store packs a set. Professional sellers fold the base into a roll, sometimes even wrap it on a cardboard disc, and then put it in a box. This reliably protects the adhesive layer and preserves the integrity of the web. And sellers who are poorly versed in the specifics of the product, simply fold the canvas, which leads to the appearance of ugly creases and deterioration of the adhesive properties of the base. You will need to spend a lot of time to straighten the future picture, and, perhaps, on the places of the folds you will need to use glue.
Sometimes masters think about whether enoughRhinestones in the set to complete the picture. Diamond mosaic in most cases contains 10-15% more rhinestones of each color than you need to work. Very rarely they are missing. Therefore, it is not necessary to save and use defective items.
Еще один животрепещущий вопрос:Is the finished mosaic coming off? At the end of the work, the canvas is pressed through either with a small press that comes in a set or with a rolling pin. This ensures good adhesion of rhinestones with the base. But over time, the adhesive layer can dry out, and the pebbles will crumble. Therefore, it is better to immediately arrange the picture under the glass so that the result of the works will please you for a long time.