The film "Spy Bridge", reviews about whichconstitute the subject of this review, came out on screens last year and in a short time managed to gain popularity as one of the best late paintings of S. Spielberg. The film was nominated for an Oscar in six positions, including as the best movie of the year, which is a serious indicator of quality.
The film attracted interest from a wide audience andcritics thanks to an interesting story dedicated to one of the most controversial periods in the history of Soviet-American relations in the second half of the 20th century - the so-called Cold War. Despite the fact that this stage is formally considered complete, this topic is still relevant. In this sense, the director did not fail, choosing for the scenario of his new tape a rather dramatic episode of the exchange of prisoners between the USSR and the United States.
In this sense, it is very revealing to leaveon the screenshots of the picture "Spy Bridge". Reviews about the film were very positive, of which a considerable credit belongs to Spielberg, who very carefully and accurately presented this historical fact. The director as objectively approached this controversial and ambiguous moment and, weighing all the pros and cons, showed a fairly convincing picture of the relationship of the protagonist with his wards - a Soviet intelligence officer accused of a state crime by an American court.
Фильм «Шпионский мост» (2015), отзывы о котором very eloquently testify to the undoubted success of the film, was remembered by the remarkable performance of the actors. T. Hanks and M. Rylens perfectly coped with the task. Both perfectly embodied on the screen their characters. The first was very persuasive in the role of a lawyer who does everything possible and impossible to prove to American justice that his ward can not be considered guilty, as he was only doing his duty to the country.
Most viewers noted that Hanks was veryeloquently showed his hero - a man of a humanistic mindset, who first of all thinks about the life of the defendant, and only then - about state and political interests. The public liked that the actor portrayed an intelligent man, intelligent and very tactful, who knows how to listen to someone else's opinion and understand the enemy, and also respect him for his courage and loyalty to his country.
The picture "Spy Bridge", reviews of which alsonote and the beautiful game of the performer of the second plan, was appreciated by the American Film Academy, which gave an actor who played the role of a Soviet intelligence officer, Oscar. Very many film critics, spectators, bloggers noted the excellent acting skills of this actor, who, in the opinion of some, even outplayed his partner in places. In their opinion, in joint scenes he sometimes looked more expressive and clearly attracted the attention of the audience, and a prestigious award is the best confirmation of that.
Very revealing is the fact that Rylens sowell played it was a Soviet intelligence officer. In the conditions of complex relations between our countries, this example of respect for the representatives of the opposite camp, in turn, causes respect. The actor showed his hero as a decent, honest and direct person. In the movie "Spy Bridge", the testimonials of which are confirmed by the above thought, one feels a very careful and cautious attitude of this artist to his character, as well as his understanding of the difficult situation in which he once found himself.
A notable phenomenon in modern cinemayou can name the movie "Spy Bridge". Reviews about the film and the director's work of S. Spielberg were very positive. The picture is already called one of the best recent works of the director. According to a number of film critics and most viewers, it was in this film that the best achievements of this outstanding cinematographer were embodied.
The audience notes a restrained and veryintelligent style of narration, very high-quality shooting, beautiful, and most importantly, convincing and historically-authentic background of the plot. The audience also appreciated some of the director's findings, namely: the traditional opposition of two characters, the collision of their characters and at the same time mutual affection and respect for the best qualities of the enemy in this film have found their fullest incarnation.
The film "Spy Bridge" (2015), reviews about whichshow how warm the new picture of Spielberg was adopted, was also remembered by a very interesting story. The scenario was based on a real historical fact of the exchange of prisoners between Soviet and American special services. The audience was very receptive to this peculiar experiment of the director. The fact is that such facts, as a rule, are very controversial from the historical point of view, and it is often very difficult to find a "golden mean" in assessing certain circumstances.
In this case, the audience almost in one voicenote that Spielberg still found this golden mean. He managed to show in one picture, even more so, in general scenes, that each of the actors is right in his own way. An American lawyer and lawyer, who is a convinced patriot, is trying to persuade his ward to his side, and a Soviet intelligence officer who remains true to his duty. In this case, there is no right and guilty, and it is this circumstance that indicates the bulk of moviegoers.
One of the leaders in the rental year of 2015 was the filmThe Spy Bridge. The audience's comments on this director's work show that the mid-20th century background is fairly accurate and convincing. Most of the audience notes that the film really feels the spirit of the era, which can be attributed to the undoubted merits of the picture.
The fact is that the transfer of historical reality- this is a rather difficult problem for modern cinema. As a rule, historical paintings suffer from modernization. "Spy espionage bridge," which is emphasized primarily by the very high quality reproduction of the era, does not suffer from this shortcoming. On the contrary, Spielberg was able to very reliably show the conditions and realities of the second half of the XX century.
The film "Spy Bridge", reviews of the audience onwhich shows that the film has gained popularity largely due to the deep philosophical meaning embedded in it, has a great semantic load. Relations between representatives of opposing socio-political and ideological camps are shown, first of all, as relations between people, and not opponents.
Most viewers appreciated this ideadirector, so the film was one of the best in the last movie season. This suggests that humanistic values still find their spectator and audience. The public was interested in a competent and very balanced approach to the history of the ideological confrontation of two people, who very quickly found a common language, despite the fact that, apparently, for this there were absolutely no conditions.
Cinema "Spy Bridge", reviews of whichprove his undoubted commercial success, shows the complex socio-political situation in which the main character acts. Rejection and misunderstanding of the environment of his actions and confrontation Donovan to public opinion, many viewers found very instructive. According to the audience, the director showed very reliably how difficult the situation for this lawyer was in the psychological sense: he had not only to prove the innocence of the Soviet intelligence officer, but also to show to Americans that the value of human life does not depend on which camp the person belongs to .
Despite the large number of positivereviews, there are still a number of reviews, the authors of which point out some shortcomings of the film. First of all, they talk about the pathos of some scenes that are somewhat out of the general background of the picture. Another drawback, which was noted by a number of spectators, is the depiction of events in Berlin. Some find these scenes somewhat exaggerated: the image of the collisions seems a bit unnatural.