/ / Janis Marshal: biography, creative activity

Janis Marshall: biography, creative activity

The world of modern dance has a greatthe number of new faces, trends and trends, and to stand out on the general plan is becoming increasingly difficult. But there are those who have the courage to break the generally accepted rules. Janis Marshall, a French dancer and choreographer, is one of those who can be looked at with a wide variety of emotions - surprise, admiration, irritation, envy. But one thing is certain - it is impossible to look at him indifferently.

Janis Marshal


Janis Marshal was born on November 11, 1989.in Grasse, France. He started dancing at the age of 15. The young man has won several awards in the field of contemporary dance. He participated in the musical Les Dix Commandements, and in 2014 became the finalist of the show of Britain’s Got Talent, which brought him worldwide fame. Currently, Janis collaborates with a large number of television programs and dance shows as a choreographer, and gives master classes all over the world.


The main style of dance Janis is defined as Streetjazz, sometimes his style of performance is described as “waking”, but the dancer himself is against any strict framework and restrictions. A distinctive feature of the direction that he teaches is the dance of men in heels. Previously, this was typical only for the participants of the acclaimed Ukrainian group Kazaky, who acted in the video for Madonna.

janis marshal personal life

Janis became a professional dancer at the age of 16,a year after the beginning of the classes. At 20, he ends up in New York, where he faces the growing direction of street jazz, in which elements of hip-hop are intertwined. The young dancer was captivated by this style. Subsequently, he "took" him to Paris, where he actively promoted among the youth. Janis Marshall himself defines his style as “street jazz, lyrical jazz and cabaret heels”. In his dance there are also elements of locks and funk.


After the final of Britain’s Got Talent show, Marshal becamewe learn, but it still did not bring him the fame that he has now. The main source of growth in its popularity was the Internet. After the artist began to upload videos of his choreography to famous pop songs on Youtube and Facebook, the attention to his person increased tenfold.

Its Youtube channel has almost 1 millionsubscribers, and this figure is growing every day. The dancer himself says that most of the work he gets is due to watching his video on the Internet. It is worth noting that this is a very good marketing ploy.

janis marshal blue or not

One of the best moments in the artist's life came,when Beyoncé herself shared a video of his production for the song "Partition" on Facebook. In a short time it gained almost 900 thousand views. Janis describes his impressions as "New Year, Christmas and Birthday at the same time." The video itself of this production was filmed in Ukraine, where Janis at that time worked as a choreographer for the show “Everybody Dance”.

Creative and teaching activities

Янис Маршал достаточно востребован на современной dance arena. The geography of his speeches covers almost the entire world. He visited master classes in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Russia, the USA and England, and this list continues to be replenished.

Janis Marshall, whose biography is for fansIt takes its countdown from 2014, has already done a great job in promoting its individual style. As a teacher, he was involved in the French version of Dancing with the Stars - “Dancing with the Stars”, and also collaborated as a choreographer with the Ukrainian show “Everybody Dance”, an analogue of the British So You Think You Can Dance. The originality of the artist only attracts to him all new proposals for cooperation.

Specificity of execution

The first thing that catches your eye when watching a videoJanis is high heels. This primordially female attribute is one of the dancer's chips. Another feature - a very feminine manner of execution in conjunction with the evocative, blistering through the screen of sexuality. Speaking Janis Marshal often not one, but as part of a trio - two of his students, Arno and Mehdi, make him company. His choreographer prefers to stage the music of famous pop divas - Beyonce, Britney Spears, Ariana Grande, Ciara and others.

Janis Marshal is gay

In the manner of execution, on the one hand, clearlyrough male traits and manners are seen - pumped muscles, sharpness of movements, brutality and audacity, and on the other hand - high heels, gentle female gestures, flirting and flirting, which sophisticated ladies are capable of.


Who inspires the super-popular dancer andchoreographer? To whom does he owe his bright personality? To these questions, Janis himself replies that he draws his sources of inspiration from the music and images of the same pop singers, to whose songs he then makes his own plays. This is Madonna, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Prince, Janet Jackson. Favorite choreographer singers are Barbara Streisand and Kylie Minogue.

Dance inspiration Jānis is brought by suchperformers like Jonte, Brian Friedman and Bobby Newberry. The first in this list is an American singer, musician and dancer, who has long tried on his own image an androgynous man.

Janis Marshal Biography

Jonte is an openly gay person whose reincarnation is notleave no doubt about his orientation. Brian Friedman is an American dancer and choreographer who also has unconventional sexual orientation. It is striking that fact that in the creativity of Janis is more inspired by gays. Is it an accident?

And what about the personal front?

Вот мы и подошли к самому щекотливому вопросу, Everyone who sees this dancer for the first time asks himself. Janis Marshall - blue or not? Or is it all just a game to the public, shocking and defiant French challenge thrown to a multi-million dollar audience around the world?

Around his name is a lot of gossip andrumors. He is charming, attracts the views of men and women, causes an unreal range of emotions, after his two-minute speech, the hall explodes with shouts and applause. For his current popularity, he should thank not only his outstanding talent, but also the most powerful charisma that nature has endowed him with.

Janis Marshall - gay?He does not make secrets from his preferences. After the surprise that the world has already experienced because of it, the nuances of your personal life can be not shown off. But Janis Marshal, whose orientation partially determines the characteristic features of his style, does not hide in his interviews that he prefers men. “I'm proud of who I am, and I'm definitely happy to be gay,” the choreographer said in an interview.

Perfect image

Despite its immense popularity, Janisoften alone. He shares his feelings and preferences about this with the press, and jokingly suggests that his “prince on a white horse” might have shot down a bus. In an interview with The Gaily Grind on July 25, 2013, Janis Marshall, whose personal life has always been keenly interested in journalists and the public, told what kind of person he would like to see next to him. "It must be a simple guy, cute, funny, moderately sarcastic, someone who will not be a dancer, choreographer or singer." Oddly enough, the artist would not want to connect his life with a man as popular as himself.

Janis Marshal orientation

How many girlish hearts have broken since that interview in 2013, one can only guess. But creativity remains, and it is worthy of love beyond frameworks and conventions.

Life position

Find what you truly love and do it- this is how Janis Marshal sees life. Fans, fans, repost, subscribers, worldwide fame - all this is not the essence of existence. The main thing for him in life is to be fully realized as a creative person and to be at peace with himself. Well, judging by the successes, this is all possible for Janis.

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