/ / "Notes of a Madman": a summary. "Notes of a Madman" in the works of Gogol

"Notes of a Madman": a summary. "Notes of a Madman" in the works of Gogol

We suggest you to get acquainted with one interestinga work of Russian classics, read its summary. "Notes of a Madman" is a story written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in 1834. She first appeared in the collection "Arabesque" in 1835. Later, the work was included in another collection of this writer called "St. Petersburg novels". The "Notes of a Madman" are summarized in this article.

Abstract: The beginning of the story

Aksentiy Ivanovich Poprishchin, on behalf of whom the narration is being conducted, is a titular counselor for 42 years. He started his diary entries about four months ago.

Gogol notes of a madman analysis

We now describe the first events of the work, theirsummary. "Notes of a Madman" opens the next episode. On October 3, 1833, on a rainy day, the main character goes to an old-fashioned overcoat, late in his service, which he does not like, in one department of St. Petersburg in the hope of receiving some money from the treasurer in advance of his salary. On the way, he notices a carriage that has approached the store, from which the beautiful daughter of the director of the department leaves.

Petersburg stories notes of a madman

The hero overhears a conversation between Meji and Fidelka

Poprischin overhears an inadvertent conversationoccurred between Meji, daughter of a dog, and dog Fidelka, which belongs to two ladies who passed by. The hero, marveling at this fact, goes instead of serving for women and finds out that they live in the fifth floor of the house belonging to Zverkov, located at the Kokushkin bridge.

Aksentiy Ivanovich penetrates the director’s house

Continuing summary."Notes of a Madman" are the following further events. Aksentiy Ivanovich on the next day in the director's office, cleaning up feathers, meets by chance with his daughter, who is increasingly captivating him. He gives the girl a handkerchief that fell to the floor. His dreams and indiscreet behavior during the month regarding this lady become finally noticeable to others. Poprischinu even pronounces the head of the department. But he still secretly penetrates the director's house and, wanting to learn something about the subject of his adoration, he enters into a conversation with the doggy Medzhi. She shies away from him.

Aksentiy Ivanovich penetrates Zverkov's house

What is the summary?"Notes of a Madman" tells about the following further events. Aksentiy Ivanovich comes to the house of Zverkov, rises up to the sixth (the error of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol) floor, where Fidelka lives with his mistresses, and steals a pile of pieces of paper from its corner. It was, as the protagonist assumed, a correspondence between two female friends and friends, from which he finds out many important things: that the department director was awarded another order, that Sophie (as his daughter’s name) is courted by Teplov; Junker, and even about Poprishchyna itself, as if a perfect freak like a "turtle in a bag", seeing which, the girl is not able to stop laughing.

Meji's correspondence with Fidelka

These notes, like the rest of Gogol's prose, are fullvarious references to random characters like Bobrov, who looks like a stork in his jabot, or Lidina, convinced that her eyes are blue, while in fact they are green, or dogs from a neighboring yard named Trezor, who is sweet to Meji's heart . He recognizes Popishin from them, that the case of the girl with Teplovy is obviously going to the wedding.

Poprischin fancies himself the Spanish king

summary of the note of a madman

Окончательно повреждает рассудок главного героя unhappy love, as well as the disturbing messages of various newspapers. Excites Poprashina attempt in connection with the death of the Spanish king to abolish the throne. What if he is the secret heir, a noble man who is honored and loved by others? Mavra, a fine-water artisan who serves Poprischin, will find out the news first. After a three-week absenteeism, this "Spanish king" finally comes to his service, does not stand in front of the director, signs the "Ferdinand VIII" on paper, and then sneaks into his superior's apartment, tries to explain himself to the girl, while making the discovery that ladies fall just a damn thing.

Poprischina taken to a psychiatric clinic

Gogol notes of a madman

Gogol "Notes of a Madman" endsin the following way. Allowed the tense waiting protagonist arrival of the Spanish deputies of their appearance. However, it is very strange land where it is taken. It is inhabited by many different grandees, whose heads are shaved, they drop cold water on the crown and beat them with sticks. Here, obviously, the great inquisition rules, Poprishchin decides, and it is she who prevents him from making great discoveries worthy of his post. The main character writes a tearful letter to his mother asking for help, but his meager attention is distracted by a lump located near the Algerian bey right under his nose.

notes of crazy people

So ends Gogol "Notes of a Madman."According to psychiatrists and psychologists, the author did not set a goal to describe insanity as such. Gogol ("Notes of a Madman") analyzes the state of society. He only showed the poverty of spirituality and manners of the secular and bureaucratic environment. These notes of crazy people, of course, would have looked different, although the writer vividly and plausibly described the delusions of the main character.

The nature of the madness of the official, as notedspecialists refer to the delusions of grandeur, which happens in the so-called paranoid form of the course of schizophrenia, paranoia and syphilitic paralysis. With progressive paralysis and schizophrenia, ideas of megalomania are significantly poorer intellectually than with paranoia. Consequently, the hero's nonsense is precisely paranoid.

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