/ / List of films from "Marvel": description, stories, reviews and reviews

List of films from "Marvel": description, plots, reviews and reviews

Probably, there are no people on the planet who are not familiar withfilms produced by the company "Marvel". Almost all films about superheroes are released under the label of this film giant. Doubt? Then the list of films from "Marvel" will help to make sure the opposite. Choose vending and enjoy viewing.

Trilogy "Blade"

One of the most memorable early productsstudio - a film about a fighter against the bloodthirsty creatures of the night - vampires. The film, like most other films, is based on popular comics - this is the main feature inherent in "Marvel".

list of movies from marvel

The protagonist dedicated his life to fightingvampires, wishing to avenge the death of his mother. But he himself can hardly be called an ordinary man. Blade is a half-vampire, although he was lucky, and unlike ordinary bloodsuckers, he can safely be on the streets during the day, not afraid of silver and garlic. But, like the vampires, Blade is thirsty, which he tries to drown out with special serum. It is she who does not let him finally turn.

Over the course of three films, the protagonist (not without the help of friends) successfully confronts his enemies and tries to save humanity.


The list of films from "Marvel" continues to have time to become a cult film about the adventures of Peter Parker.

movies marvel list

A young man accidentally found a superpower, andAt the same time, he has made super-enemies, whose goal is not only a young man, but also almost world domination. So Peter will have to try for the glory of his homeland. And so that you do not reveal your incognito.

The X-Men

What other superhero films are there from Marvel? The list will not be complete without a epic film about people with extraordinary abilities.

Marvel Movie List 2015

The first project, based on the comic book of the same name,had huge fees, enjoyed great popularity. Numerous reviews and reviews were full of laudatory ode. This made it possible to remove numerous extensions.

The plot of all the stories revolves around the confrontation"Good" mutants under the guidance of Dr. Xavier and "bad" - under the leadership of his opponent Magneto. In addition to clarifying the relationship between themselves, everyone with special strength must also resist ordinary people who do not consider super-abilities as gifts.

Marvel movies: 2015 and 2016 list

Those who are used to watching movies about superheroes, eagerly awaited or waiting for new products, which the film company announced. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

"Fantastic Four"

Over the past year, the studio "Marvel" (the list of films2015 can not do without the projects of this giant of the knoIndustry) released not so many films as we would like, but all of them, judging by the reviews and reviews, are very worthy. Especially the sequel about the adventures of the four superheroes already familiar from previous versions.

marvel list of films 2016

A team of scientists is working on the creation of a teleport.And they seem to be able to create a device, but the authorities forbid testing its operation. This, however, does not stop the daredevils who are willing to take the risk. So Victor, Johnny, Reed and Ben fall into another dimension. But something went wrong according to plan. As a result, only three of them could return back - Ben, Johnny and Reed. The device is destroyed ... After a while, scientists discover superpowers.

After the teleport is recreated, the friends return to theanother dimension and find there a greatly changed Victor. But Doom is not happy with this meeting and announces his intention to destroy the Earth. Heroes will have to combine their abilities to be able to resist the villain's plans.

Bonuses: in all the reviews, in addition to a good action, they note excellent humor and a wonderful soundtrack for the film. However, most viewers expected from this movie something more grandiose.

"The Man-Ant"

The list of films from "Marvel" continues veryan unusual story. The viewer is already difficult to surprise by some superpowers of the characters, because what the writers did not come up with. However, there is no limit to imagination. Which proves this film.

marvel movies 2015 and 2016

The main character, of course, will fight withworld evil and super-opportunity will receive in the course of the next experiment. But ... Where before had it been seen that the super-human was lucky with the possibility of diminishing in size? And will a former criminal, now a world champion for peace, Scott Lang, apply his new abilities in practice?

The film, according to reviews and reviews, is worth 4 points out of five.

"The Avengers: The Age of the Altron"

Movies "Marvel", the list of which is very extensive,distinguish the big box office, which is not surprising. After all, this is a bright, full of action and special effects movie with a dashingly twisted plot. "The Avengers" once again confirmed this.

marvel list of movies

Mankind is once again on the edgedeath. Now the threat to all living things is represented by the Altron - a super-powerful artificial intelligence that seeks to destroy all people. He considers them to be the most important danger for the Earth. Only the team of the greatest heroes can resist it, who again have to unite their efforts in a battle with a serious opponent.

Reviews of the movie a little different, but in general, it is estimated at 8 out of 10. Discontent is explained by the fleeting and muffled love line between Hulk and Romanoff and the discrepancy with comic books.

Expected new items in 2016

2016 will give fans of fantasy new heroes, who have not been, and meet with already grown fond of acquaintances. So, what to expect the movie fans?


Films of the company "Marvel" (the list is attached) was supplemented with one more film. Perhaps, this is one of the most anticipated stories for fans of the universe of People X.

The screen version of the adventures of the tongue-tied Deadpool performed by the brilliant Ryan Reynolds will not leave you indifferent.

movies studio marvel list

Wade Wilson - former commando, mercenary -learns that he has cancer. He is offered to take part in a secret project, and the young man agrees, since he has nothing to lose. After the experiment, he acquires new abilities: accelerated regeneration, agility and incredible power. And if you add to this his professional skills ... However, the picture is clouded by a decent fly in the ointment: in addition to bonuses, the package included a permanent change in the cellular structure and problems with the psyche. The only thing left of the former Wade is a black sense of humor.

The film belongs to the category R, ​​which means rivers of blood, swearing and nudity.

X-Men: The Apocalypse

"Marvel" list of films in 2016 replenishes the continuation of a movie epic about mutants, which should be released in May.

superhero movies from the marvel list

This time, one of thethe strongest opponents - the mysterious Apocalypse. He is powerful, immortal and not used to lose. Awakened after a long sleep, the Apocalypse is dissatisfied with the organization of the world and decides to establish its own order. To himself as an aide he invokes four horsemen completely subordinate to his will.

To prevent the new villain from doing so, the team of Professor X will have to try hard.


The story of another mutant will be replenished by the films of the studio "Marvel" (a list of pictures about the X-universe) supposedly in October 2016.

Gambit - a very bright personal in comics, so to see him on the big screen - a dream of many fans who are familiar not only with the epic.

list of movies marvel until 2020

The plot of the film tells about the fate of Remy Etienne Lebo,which parents abandoned in infancy, frightened of his abilities. The child had bright red eyes and the ability to blow everything up. Initially, of course, poorly managed. After meeting with a slightly inadequate genetic scientist who removed part of the brain to Gambit, the mutant was able to control his strength.

Doctor Strange

List of films from "Marvel" in November 2016will add one more bright story. Unlike most supermen, the new hero will become a powerful mage and will fight with the same wizards.

Benedict Cumberbatch was confirmed for the role of Stephen Strange.

"The First Avenger: Confrontation"

Yes, they are such exciting films - "Marvel". The list of adventures of super-heroes-avengers will continue with the release of a new part.

Because of the incident with the teamavengers, which had serious consequences, the government decided to take control of all the people endowed with superforce. Under the new law, they are required to disclose their incognito and work for the state.

list of movies marvel until 2020

Captain America sees this as a violationcivil rights and opposes innovation. Whereas Tony Stark supports the new law. Once the single team now split into two opposing camps. And the evil meanwhile does not slumber: Baron Zemo, taking advantage of the situation, begins to translate his plans for taking the world to life.

What's next?

The company is not going to stop atachieved and will continue to shoot films on comic books. The list of films "Marvel" till 2020 is already known. It will include the continuation of the already beloved bands (Tor, Wolverine, Avengers), as well as retaking old, time-tested paintings (Spider-Man). Of course, there will be something completely new.

2017, for example, promises to please the adventures of Wolverine, Thor, the guardians of the galaxy and the new version of "Spider-Man". So what is next?


The release of a new fantastic action movie was announced in July 2019.

In the course of genetic manipulation of the race of Kriya overpeople in an attempt to create ideal soldiers appeared Non-humans - beings with strong non-ordinary abilities and a changed appearance. The experiments ceased, and the new species formed its own society, which existed in isolation from people on the dark side of the Moon.

list of movies from marvel

However, if necessary, they are always ready to come to the aid of superheroes in the fight against evil.

"Black Panther"

The plot of the movie is twisted around adventureblack superhero T'Challa - the king of the African state Wakanda. The state is remarkable because its lands are rich in vibranium - a mineral with amazing features. Because of this mineral, even during the reign of T'Chall's father, many willing to profit were attempting to land. Now it is the son's turn to defend his territory and wear a black mask.

Exit the film is expected in 2018.

"Captain Marvel"

In July 2018 (some sources call 2019year) the list of films from "Marvel" will be replenished with the story about the unusual hero. Unusual, because it will not be the usual pumped up man, but ... a fragile girl. Carol Denvers from the other graduates of high school differed only in the love of flying. To fulfill her dream, she goes to the US Air Force.

movies marvel list

Because of the accident, Carol's bodyis subject to mutational changes. It receives super-capabilities: superpower, the ability to fly and recycle absorbed energy. In addition, the girl can shoot this energy without any adaptations, because the force beats her directly from the hands.

It is known that in 2020 the studio plans to release three more projects, but their names and the plot are still classified.

Are you interested in Marvel films?The list of them is quite impressive. This applies to projects that have already been published and are expected in the future. So fans of comic book adaptations, and just fans of a quality fantastic action, there is something to see.

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