/ / Effective plant protection product, instructions for use: "Bi 58 New"

Effective preparation for plant protection, instructions for use: "Bi 58 New"

"Bi-58" is a highly effective, contact anda systemic drug for the protection of crops from pests (caterpillars, butterflies, ticks, etc.). Insecticide has a significant duration of action. "Bi 58 New" (instructions for use, reviews are attached below) after treatment is distributed throughout the plant and destroys insects that absorb juice.

instructions for use bi 58 new

Mechanism of action

As the application instruction informs, "Bi 58 Noviy" operates in two directions: contact and system.

  • System action.The agent is absorbed by the green part of the plants, then the distribution is distributed uniformly in the acropedal direction (from top to bottom) throughout the plant. The death of insects occurs as a result of their absorption of juices. Due to a wide range of activities and excellent tolerance to crops, "Bi-58 New" (instructions for use are available in the package) can be used in many crops: barley, wheat, oats, legumes, millet, apple, plum, citrus, grapes, beet , potatoes, cabbage, raspberries, currants and other plants.
  • Action contact. Insects that are at the time of treatment on the plant die from the effects of poison, which acts on them through the outer cover.

instructions for use bi 58 new

Advantages of the drug and user reviews

The drug itself is well recommended due to its versatility. It is worth noting and some features that favorably distinguish it from analogs:

  • The drug affects a wide range of pests, such as spider mites, aphids, bugs, thrips, leafhoppers, etc.
  • The product is compatible with fertilizers and fungicides.
  • Can be used at different temperatures.
  • The solution is not phytotoxic.
  • Almost instant result.
  • For a long time protects the plant from insect pests and mites.
  • The undoubted advantage of the means "Bee 58 New" (instructions for use is quite simple) is the price. Its cost is much lower than that of analogues.
  • Plant treatment can be carried out throughout the growing season, but only 20-29 days before harvest.

Users appreciated alllisted qualities of the drug, so the reviews about it are only the best. Especially they noted its effectiveness, duration of action and relatively low cost.

bi 58 new user manual


To the minuses of the drug can be attributed caustic and strong odor.

Summer residents are first interested in howcorrectly use the drug. This will help guide the application. "Bi 58 New" should be planted so as not to harm the plants. Despite the fact that the poison belongs to the 3rd class of danger, experienced gardeners refer this substance to class 2 and do not recommend using an increased dosage of the drug in closed rooms, for example, when spraying indoor flowers and plants.

bi 58 new user manual

General Instructions for Use

"Bi 58 New" is sold, usually in the form of twoampoule 5 ml with a dark liquid. Before use, they should be shaken slightly, after which the drug will darken slightly. But you can also meet other packaging, for example - canisters of 10 liters. Emulsion in them can be milky. In addition, the drug is sometimes sold in the form of tablets and a spray.

Preparing a working solution is not at all difficult. At 10 liters of water will need 2 ampoules, as recommended by the instruction for use.

bi 58 new instructions for use for roses

"Bi 58 New" is bred on the basis of one hectare:

  • For spraying wheat and destroying a grass fly, bug, aphids, it is recommended that from 1 to 1.5 liters of remedy.
  • Other cereals are treated against aphids, grass flies and thrips, based on an average liter of poison.
  • Beetroot against the tolstick mites are sprayed twice, using up to 1 liter.
  • Treatment of seed potatoes against nematodes, moths, aphids and wireworms is carried out twice using 1.6 to 1.9 liters of the agent.
  • Bushes of currants and raspberries for the destruction of spider mites and gall midges are sprayed twice, using for this purpose up to one liter of the remedy.
  • Grapes are processed to combat mealybugs and spider mites twice using up to 3 liters of poison per hectare.
  • Planting tobacco against cauliflowers, aphids and thrips two times with a liter of solution means "Bi 58 New".

Instructions for use for roses

For normal growth and development of roses,to identify pests at the beginning of their appearance. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously on all bushes. This drug is effective against aphids on roses. The contents of the ampoule should be diluted in 5-10 liters of water and carry out the resulting solution spraying the bush.

"Bi 58 New" (instruction manual, reviewsare indicated in the article) is a well-known drug that has proved to be an inexpensive and effective means for destroying a variety of pests. If you observe the rules of the work, it is quite safe for people.

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