/ / Storozhik Valery Stepanovich: biography and creativity

Storozhik Valery Stepanovich: biography and creativity

Today we will tell who is Storozhik ValeryStepanovich. The personal life and features of the creative path of this person will be described in detail later. We are talking about the Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia.


watchman Valery Stepanovich
Storozhik Valery Stepanovich was born in1956, December 7, in the urban-type settlement of Kotelva, which is located in the Poltava region in Ukraine. In 1979, he graduated from the MS Shchepkin Theater School. Since 1979, playing in the Theater of the Moscow City Council. Valery Storozhik - an actor who starred in a variety of films. One of the earliest prominent roles he had played in 1982 in a musical work by Alexander Mitta called "The Tale of Wanderings". In addition, our today's hero is working on dubbing computer games, as well as foreign films.

A family

Valery the watchman actor
Storozhik Valery Stepanovich and Marina Yakovleva onhave been married for a long time. The actor has two sons. Fedor was born in 1987. Ivan was born in 1989. The actor claims that his real family is a theater. It is he who is his real home. Our hero does not want to talk about his personal life, because he believes that this could offend people with whom he maintains a good relationship. He claims that finding his soul mate, being able to hold her, “make the nest”, have children and grandchildren - all this is incredibly difficult, and he has not yet succeeded, but he is happy with his life, because he has two sons.

Carier start

the watchman Valery Stepanovich and Marina Yakovleva
Сторожик Валерий Степанович был приглашен в composition of the Maly theater. He refused the offer. Chose the Mossovet Theater. At first he played a little. I failed my first significant role. This is a play called “Black Midshipman”. His stage debut took place in 1979 and belongs to the play “Day of Arrival”.


watchman Valery Stepanovich personal life
Valery Storozhik - the actor who first wasinvited to star in the production of "Jesus Christ - superstar." During rehearsals, he had to refuse to participate in the play. According to the actor, he probably could not bear the difficulties or was afraid of unusual material. He returned to this production after 8 years. In 1996 the play “The Game” was released. It is based on the musical Benny Andersson - “Chess”. In this production, Valery performed one of the main parts. After that, an offer was received to try yourself in the role of Jesus. Our hero agreed and began rehearsals. The moment came when he nevertheless embodied this image on the stage, and none of his work brought him such high popularity. The actor played this role from 1996 to 2002.


You already know who Valery Storozhik is.Films with his participation will be given below. Since 1968, the actor has starred in children's films at the Gorky Film Studio. At that time he considered the idols of Marcello Mastroianni and Alain Delon. The young man wanted to be the same. In the first adult film "Tale of wandering," he came by accident. Initially, the script was created for Larisa Kuznetsova, who is an actress of the Mossovet Theater. Alexander Mitta - the director of the picture - got on the play called "Sasha". In it, Valery participated in the role of a German. Alexander Mitta suggested that our hero try to play along with Larissa. As a result, it happened that she was not taken into the film, and Valery got the role.

Storozhik Valery Stepanovich in 2013 workedon the films "You will have a child" and "Second Chance". In 2010, tapes “Such an Ordinary Life” and “It Was Love” appeared on the screens. In 2009, he won a role in the film “An informed source”. In 2008, he worked on the films “Urgent”, “Golden Deer”, “Autumn Detective”, “General Therapy”, “Trap”. In 2007 she starred in the tapes “Tutor”, “We Will”, “Icy Passion”, “Gioconda”. In 2006, tapes “King Lear” and “Carom” appeared with his participation. In 2005, she appeared in the film “Unknown”. In 2003, he worked on the films "Tote", "The Northern Sphinx", "Evlampiya Romanova", "Manicure", "The Horseman". In 2001, the tape “Watch” with his participation appeared on the screens. In 2000, starred in the film "Repete."

In 1999worked on the tapes "Foma Opiskin" and "One Love". In 1998, he received a role in the film "Day of the Full Moon". In 1994, the tape "The Empire of Pirates" with his participation. In 1993, he worked on the films "Freak", "Stalin's Testament" and "Split". In 1991, starred in the films "The Weapon of Zeus" and "The Joker". In 1990, the tape "Mediator" with his participation.

In 1989starred in the paintings "The Glass Labyrinth", "Sophia Petrovna" and "The Village of Stepanchikovo." In 1988 he worked on the films "Joy of the Earth" and "Winter's Tale." In 1987 he received roles in the films “Tutor”, “Nationals of the Revolution”, “Wherever” and “Guilty”. In 1986 he took part in the film “Boris Godunov”. In 1984 the tape “Bereg” was published with his participation. In 1983 he worked on the paintings "Case" and "Sasha". In 1982, he starred in the films "The Solar Wind" and "The Tale of Wanderings". In 1981, he played in the film "The Life of the Saints."


Valery the Watchdog movies
Storozhik Valery Stepanovich is working ondubbing licensed serials and movies. The voice of this actor is spoken in the Russian versions of films by Kevin Costner, Dustin Hoffman, Nicolas Cage, Jeremy Irons, Jason Isaacs. Fans of computer games know him as Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell.

The actor, in particular, participated in the dubbingthe following films: “Three Nines”, “Eddie Oryol”, “Vysotka”, “Creed”, “Legend”, “Crimson Peak”, “Girl”, “Mission Impossible”, “Ant-Man”, “London Holidays”, “Gunman”, “Mad Max”, “Gentleman-Robber”, “Avengers”, “Fast and Furious”, “Fifty Shades of Gray”, “Book of Life”, “Adventures of Paddington”, “Water Finder”, “John Wick”, “ The Hobbit "," Tusk "," Beauty "," Judge "," The Most Dangerous "," City of Sins "," Princess of Monaco "," House "," First Avenger "," Pompeii "," I, Frankenstein "," Thor ”,“ Parkland ”,“ Paranoia ”,“ Pacific frontier ”,“ M Alavita "," Big Wedding ".

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