/ / Elena Shamova: biography, career and personal life

Elena Shamova: biography, career and personal life

More recently, the photo of Elena Shamova, in fact,like her name, did not appear on the network and did not decorate the covers of magazines. Popularity fell on her after the main role in the series “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik”, where the young actress played the main woman in the life of the gangster - Tsilya.


О жизни Елены Шамовой известно очень мало.She was born on March 21 in Tashkent. After school I decided to become a doctor, so I chose the appropriate college. I can’t say that she dreamed of going to Moscow to become an actress. During the summer holidays, Lena came to the capital to visit her beloved grandmother. One day, passing by the Schepkinsky school, she noticed students who attracted her attention. In a short time she realized that she was dreaming of just such a life. The girl went home, took the documents and four days later was already a student of GITIS. Nobody expected this, even Elena Shamova herself. In 2009, she graduated from the acting department. Its leader was A. Borodin. Until the filming of the series “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik” it is difficult to note any particularly outstanding film works. At the moment, Elena learn precisely the role of Tsili. But more about that.

Elena Shamova

"The Life and Adventures of Mishka Jap"

There are legends about the famous robber, andOf course, before the shooting Elena Shamova studied the information about him. A little later, the young actress shared her impression about the personality of Jap. In her opinion, it was a free man, straightforward, with a huge sense of responsibility, not only for loved ones, but also for all the poor people. Elena Shamova does not want to call the Odessa thief a thug, because he once killed a man, accidentally shooting at him. Mishka Yaponchik belonged to the low layer, so he had to engage in robbery. But even here he had his own code: he took away money only from the rich, and distributed it to the needy. A sort of modern Robin Hood.

photo by Elena Shamova

Despite this, the main line of the series - love.Tsilya is the only woman in the life of Jap who was able to prove to him that real feelings are more important than money. She is a girl from an intelligent family, sensitive to everything that happens. Mishka believed that in order to win her heart, you need to take possession of all of Odessa. Elena herself says that she really enjoyed playing Zilya, and she perfectly felt herself in magnificent dresses, long skirts. Thanks to the hard work of make-up artists, makeup artists and hairdressers, the images turned out to be real. Elena Shamova is very similar to the main character. She notes that she and Yevgeny Tkachuk, the performer of the main male role of the series, have an external resemblance to the real Tsili and Jap.

Alexander Golubev and Elena Shamova - a novel?

After their joint film work "Champions ofgateways "began to attribute the girl a romance with a colleague, but these gossip did not find any confirmation. During the filming of “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik”, Elena Shamova’s heart was free, but she soon met her love. The young man, whose name the girl carefully hides, also worked as an actor, and not so long ago became a producer. It is also known that they are the same age with Lena. She says that it’s interesting and healthy together: they think and see life the same way.

Little about her

Surely you want to know that she loves a young actress. So, in order.

  1. Elena prefers Japanese cuisine.
  2. Of the drinks, she likes grapefruit juice and champagne the most.
  3. The favorite genre of music is jazz, and the performer is Stevie Wonder.
    Alexander Golubev and Elena Shamova

You can also see Elena in the episode of the series “Trace”, where she played the killer. You will also be interested to see the film "The Last Romans", "Gold Reserve" and several other films with Helen.

Now you know almost everything about this young and talented actress. Surely we will meet her name more than once and will find out by more large film roles.

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