/ / Elena Laguta: career, films, private life

Elena Laguta: career, films, personal life

In our material, let's talk about a fairly well-knownRussian actress Elena Lagute. Let's find out how her career developed on the stage and in the cinema? Participation in which projects allowed the actress to gain popularity? What is known about Elena Laguta's personal life? We will talk about all this further.

early years

Elena Laguta

Elena Laguta was born on February 22, 1984year in the city of Moscow. From an early age, our heroine was interested in the world of cinema and theater. Like all children, I went to a regular school. However, having reached the age of 15, she moved to a specialized educational institution, which functioned at the Shchepkin Theater School.

Already in the 10th form, teachers in theskillfully recommended Elena to move to a new level, having submitted documents for admission to the theater high school. The girl successfully passed the exams, but when enrolling she began to experience difficulties due to the lack of a certificate of secondary education. The teachers decided to meet our heroine. Elena Laguta completed the 11th form externally and studied at the Shchukinsky School in parallel.

Work in the theater

Back in 2003, before graduation from the school, ElenaLaguta was offered to play the main character of the play "Valentine and Valentine" by director Igor Brichkin. The girl coped well with the task and in the following year she got light in the no less successful play "Tralee-Vali".

Next came the work of the young actress in the Theateron Taganka. However, here Elena Laguta happened to play only in one production - "A day without purchases." In view of the lack of special prospects for the development of a theatrical career, the young actress decided to try herself at the cinema.

Elena Laguta - movies

actress Elena Laguta

The first serious work in cinema for the actressbecame involved in the television project "Hatred." In the multi-part film, Elena got the role of one of the central heroines named Larisa Shustikova. The tape was shown on "The First Channel" in 2008 and caused the most positive assessments of the audience.

True fame to Elena Lagute brought the image oflieutenant of police Savina in the topical project "Visyaki-2". Then followed the shooting in a series of quite popular domestic series, among them: "Bratany-2", "House of exemplary content", "Puteytsy-2", "Ment in law-3".

In addition to intensive filming in a series oftelevision projects, Elena Laguta tries herself in the sphere of dubbing. The actress voiced many heroes of foreign films. In particular, her voice says a character named Solara from the American blockbuster "The Book of Eli."

Personal life

elena laguta movies

While still a student of the first courses of the Theaterschool named Shchukin, Elena met a graduate named Yuri. The beginning actress just worked out the scene from the play "The Brothers Karamazov". A new friend kindly offered his help, after which the young people began a romantic relationship. A hot romance led to an early wedding. And Yuri and Elena decided to hold a secret marriage ceremony, which parents did not know about.

В 2005-м у актрисы родилась дочь, которую назвали Alesey. In the meantime, the husband of our heroine devoted all free time to directing. Thus, the successful family life in Yuri and Helen did not work. Soon the husband began to envy the young wife. The reason was the more successful, rapid development of her career in the cinema. In 2009, the artists decided to divorce.

Despite the fact that Elena remained with a smalla child in her arms, she did not get angry with Yuri. The latter took an active part in the education of her daughter as she grew up. It was possible for the father of the child to maintain friendly relations with his ex-wife.

В наши дни Елена Лагута продолжает активно to be removed in domestic films. The actress admits that she does not lack attention from men. However, he will never dare to connect fate with the artist.

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