/ / When the operative pseudonym is forgotten

When the operative pseudonym is forgotten

Unfortunately, many people who created the film"Operational pseudonym", is no longer alive. At the age of 57 (in 2005) the director Igor Talpa, who specializes in good crime dramas and insurgents, left our world.

operative pseudonym
He started with a good action-packed mini-seriesfrom four parts "Tango over the abyss", continued "Sarmat", "Return of the Titanic." But in 2003, the director shot "Operational pseudonym" - a series about a man who has lost his memory, but has not lost anything human. This same protagonist - a provincial resident Sergei Lapin - was played by Alexander Dediushko, who never faked in a rather bruised image of a real man. The more painful is our viewer's loss: Alexander was killed in a car accident in the Vladimir region, it was four years after the premiere screening of the operative pseudonym on the blue screens. He was only 45. How many spectators could he still conquer with his truly masculine charm!

operative pseudonym
Another Born?

The intrigue of the series is that an ordinary person (unlesswhich is slightly, apparently, "shifted", not without reason in the "psychiatric hospital" once lay) turns out to be a special agent. Of course, such a turn of events is not new, it is worth remembering only the ubiquitous Born who long identified himself.

Amnesia - this technique is popular and opensgreat opportunities for further developments. But still, despite the apparent banality that occurs on the screen (and shows the end of "dashing" nineties, a difficult time) attracts and makes watching the "Operational pseudonym" one series after another. Lapin receives an offer to work in a bank. Memory gradually returns to our agent. It turns out to be between two fires: on the one hand, FSB officers, on the other - criminal types that also do not let Sergei out of sight. The plot is gaining momentum, but everything is just beginning ...

Recognized masters of cinema

operative pseudonym TV series
Of course, the central character attractsmaximum attention, which is quite logical. But the environment of Lapin is very strong. The roles played by recognized masters of Russian cinema art - Vladimir Konkin, Lev Durov, Lev Prygunov, may not be included in the annals of history, but they are also masters in order to translate images with maximum impact.

Charisma of the most intelligent Aristarkh Livanov andVladimir Verzhbitsky helped them this time too. Good in the role of "mafia element" Vladimir Episkoposyan, like a fish in the water feeling in the shoes of all kinds of creeps and scum. Igor Volkov as a lieutenant colonel of the FSB also left a pleasant impression.

The more attracted the viewer is the "Operativepseudonym "? Of course, the spy component. Thanks to the co-author of the script - the famous author-detective Daniel Coretsky - there is no need to be bored. The very essence of what we call male friendship is well illustrated. It appears to exist. "Operational pseudonym" - a series that tells about her, too. Plus tape is also a short duration, so that the viewer just does not have time to get tired of the characters.

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