/ / Nickname for a guy: interesting ideas and advice on choosing

Nickname for a guy: interesting ideas and advice on choosing

Many people are increasingly replacing their real namesto aliases and network nicknames. Someone wants to express their bright individuality in this way, other original nicknames are needed for registration in all kinds of browser and online games, on blogs, forums, social networks, e-mails.

Tips for finding cool nicks

pseudonym for a guy
How to come up with a pseudonym for a guy?This question does not need to be approached spontaneously, because the nickname will probably be used for a long time. It is recommended to put a little creative energy and imagination into it, so that later it can not be seen as an ordinary user with the login "Vasya2209" or Boy1998.

It is not necessary to take as a basis for a nickname your surname orname, and also add to them the city of residence, date of birth, passport data, telephone number. First, it's not cool at all. Secondly, such an option is unlikely to meet the requirements of uniqueness. Thirdly, it is not very reasonable to post personal information anywhere and everywhere.

In addition, an alias for a guy should notcontain complex and rare characters. After all, their use will make the network name unreadable and difficult to remember. On some portals, the use of non-standard characters is not allowed at all. And other users will be extremely inconvenient to communicate with a man called "Angel%! ~ + *] # $) /". However, you can select a nickname from both sides with symmetric "*" or "<>" signs. If two words are chosen as login, you can associate them with a "&" or a lower underscore.

How to come up with the best nickname

 cool aliases for guys

Steep aliases for guys should not containmore than twenty letters or symbols. This is either prohibited on Internet resources, or difficult to read. If the virtual name you like is already taken, then you do not have to get out of the situation by adding numbers to it. The nickname "Racer2017" or "Turbo2" sounds gray and mediocre.

Where can I get good ideas for drawing up my owna unique nickname? For this perfectly suit all sorts of subject directories, dictionaries, literary works, movies, animated films, games. An alias for a guy can be a favorite car brand, character trait, hobby element and so on.

It is not recommended to change your network name often,because then it will be difficult for other people to monitor it. It is better to choose the best option once, and then work on its promotion and reputation. It is also important to remember that before installing the nickname you need to look at the information about it in the dictionary or the translator, so as not to get into an embarrassing situation.

Interesting ideas

best nicknames for guys
The best pseudonyms for guys usually consist of English letters and words. For example:

  • Nelson;
  • Farriman;
  • Street;
  • Hargus;
  • Game_over;
  • Shooter;
  • Robin;
  • FireStorm;
  • Black_Wold;
  • DragonFighter;
  • * Neytron *.

If you want to use the Russian language, then you can choose as a nickname some mythical creature. For example:

  • Homunculus;
  • The Nephilim;
  • Abaas;
  • Abraxas;
  • Baku;
  • Buggain;
  • Woivr;
  • Cleaning;
  • Oak tree;
  • Vampal;
  • Ayustal;
  • Shilikhan;
  • Makeup.

An intimidating or creative alias for a guybe sure to attract attention, remember to users, will cause admiration and envy. A mediocre or overly complicated nickname will worsen the opinion of a person and his intellectual abilities.

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