/ / What horror films are the worst?

What horror stories are the most terrible?

Many of us love horror movies.Some prefer to look at them to tickle their nerves. Few people know that horror as a genre emerged long before the advent of cinema and television. At the end of the eighteenth century, in the midst of the revolution in Paris, they organized ghost shows, ghosts and monstrous faces. The superstitious French of that time were terrified, but they still went to look at this "devilry." And the solution was simpler than many thought: in an abandoned chapel, several artists served special mobile screens with images of evil spirits. This presentation was called "Phantasmagoria".

At the end of the eighteenth century, the Gothic novel appeared in literature. It was in this style that the works were written.

scary movies
like "Frankenstein", "Dracula" and otherhorror movies The most terrible dreams seemed to come true soon after two Frenchmen - the Lumiere brothers - invented a special apparatus that became the ancestor of the modern TV. In 1896, the screen version of the novel “The Devil's Castle” shook thousands of people. The characters were demons and skeletons. Increasingly, they began to go to the cinema to watch horror films. The most terrible roles in the early twentieth century were taken over by the famous actor Lon Cheney in those days. He became a kind of veteran of the genre. Due to the fact that he often had to act in mask and makeup, he was nicknamed "a man with a thousand faces."

In the thirties, this cinema genre received even more attention and popularity of the public. In 1922, the film "Nosferatu" appeared, which was watched

the most terrible horror films 2012
миллионы людей.The image of Dracula first appears in it. Since then, filmmakers have increasingly made films about the cruel Walachian gentleman Vlad Tsepesh, who became famous not only as a strong and militant ruler, but also as a man with sophisticated sadistic inclinations. In total there are a little more than sixty films in which Dracula appears in the main or secondary roles. It should be said about the creation of the director Joe Cheppel “The Dark Lord”, where the figure of Vlad the Colossor is shown more or less realistic from a historical point of view.

But we considered only one character.horror movies. Many of us, watching television, have seen much worse than Colossor. What horror films are the worst? Of course, every viewer has his own answer to this question. However, it is possible that someone believes that he has not yet watched the worst horrors. The list proposed here includes such films.

The Shining (1980).The main character decides to stay at the hotel with his family. But something starts to negatively affect his psyche. In the end, this turns into a tragedy for his family and the hero himself. Something in the hotel, to put it mildly, is not so.

the worst horror list
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). The tool mentioned in the title of the film, someone cuts not a tree, but people.

"1408" (2007) The protagonist writes books, goalwhich is to dissuade readers from the existence of the supernatural. He is disappointed in religion, is an ardent atheist. Going to write another "horror", he settles in the infamous hotel room. And this makes a fatal mistake.

“Turning the wrong way” (2003). A group of young people lost in the woods. Trying to get out, they stumble upon the remains of dead people. And soon trouble happens to them.

Saw 5 (2005). The plot of the film is intriguing and unpredictable. One of the followers of the famous maniac teaches a terrible lesson to five strangers.

Mirrors (2008).A policeman loses his service due to his lack of balance. He hardly manages to find at least some work. What begins to happen next, resembles a nightmare, and its end is clearly not happy.

It seems a stormy scientific and technical progresstouches and horror movies. The most terrible movies of the twenties now no one will scare, except for small children. Today, we may calmly observe what our ancestors were trembling in cinemas. And those horror, which were viewed ten years ago, now is not the worst. The horror films of 2012 are still “relevant” for us. Among the best of them - "Obsessed", "ATM", "Possession", "Silent Hill 2".

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