/ / Gould Jason: the creative path

Gould Jason: The Creative Way

Jason Gould is an atypical person, and by no meansbecause he is the son of a famous actor's pair: Barbara Streisand and Elliot Gould. Jason is one of those people who are in constant search of himself in this life.

What is it like to be the son of their best and wealthy parents? Jason would envy everyone. But Gould was one of those people who do not want to live in the shadow of their parents.

Gould Jason

Jason Gould: Movies and Film Practice

Movies with Gould's participation can not be reviewedonce. According to critics, his playing in films is so high-quality that at the time of viewing one gets the impression that this is life, not cinema.

Few people know that Jason's debut took place at the age of 6 years. He starred in an episodic role in the film "Sandbox", which, unfortunately, did not go on sale.

After that, he did not appear on the screens for a long time. Therefore, the early photos of Jason Gould can only be found in family archives.

And at the age of 22, in the distant now1988, Gould Jason starred in episodic roles in two films: in the series "The Zoo in the Bronx" in the role of Harry and in the movie "The Big Picture", playing the role of a guy named Karl Manknik.

The following year, he embodied on the screen the image of Mike Cameron in the movie "Say something." In parallel, he played a role in yet another picture - "Listen to me."

In 1991, Gould and his mother took joint pictures. It was a film "The Lord of the Tides", with the creation of which Barbara acted as a director and co-producer.

Gould Jason the actor

And in 1996, another film was released - "The Secretmission". This picture in a sense became decisive for the actor. After participating in the shooting, Jason puts an end to the shooting in the roles of a secondary nature and tries to realize himself in his own projects as a screenwriter and director.

In an interview, Gould stressed thathe pursues fame and does not see himself as an actor in a movie, like his Oscar-winning mother. He wants to find himself in another field, so he constantly works on developing his creative abilities and is looking for an interesting idea for their implementation.

Gould is a screenwriter, producer, director

In 1997, Gould Jason withdrew his firstshort film "Inside Out", in which he tried to maximize the main essence of the plot, namely, to tell how hard it is to be a gay son of famous parents. In fact, Jason took a picture of himself. In the film's shooting, his father (Elliot Gould) and half-brother (Samuel Gould) also took part. The picture did not have much success in the slope, but it helped Jason to open and pour out his soul, that he could not do it in real life.

Jason Emanuel Gould

In 2000, his next film came out -"The life of men is 3". This time Gould again was a screenwriter, director, director, and also performed one of the secondary roles - the guy "Iron" (this hero is present in the film "Inside Out").

The film "Men's Life 3" is a continuation of the story "Inside Out", but it already has a slightly different story.

A new trend in creativity

In 2012, Jason Gould, an actor in the past,takes part in the musical tour of Barbara Sterysand. During this event, he performed with her his song entitled "How deep the ocean". Below you can see how beautifully look in a pair of Barbara Streisand and Jason Gould.

Jason Gould movies

Around the same time, he sang the indie-pop soundtrack to the film Scrooge and Marley.

Gould Jason: A Biography or rather a Life Story

Little is known about Jason's life.His parents divorced, almost immediately the field of his birth. Little Gould Jason spent practically all his childhood in the experimental school. His mother did not have time to pay attention to her son.

According to Jason, the mother constantly triedcontrol every step of it, even after adulthood. All attempts at independent life have been chopped off the roots, so at some point in his life Gould decides to move from Los Angeles (where his mother used to live) to New York. Thus, he relieves himself of Barbara's interference in his personal life.

Jason never concealed that he was gay. And in 1996 he married a sportsman and a fashion model promoting underwear, David Knight.

Interesting Facts:

  • When Barbara Streisand found out she was pregnant, she refused a $ 1 million contract, so after the birth of her son, he was jokingly called "a kid in a million."
  • The legendary mother did not come to his wedding. Comment on her act refused.
  • The full name is Jason Emanuel Gould.
  • Gould to this day is in a relationship with Knight.

Jason Gould Photo

And what about the legendary mother?

In numerous interviews, Barbara admitsthat she did not take due participation in the upbringing of her son. She often told me that she saw the child very rarely, and that, perhaps, it affected his sexual preferences. But since nothing has changed, she decided to accept his choice.

Since 1998, Barbara Streisand has come tohappy marriage with actor Jace Brolin. She had no children in her life. Now Barbara is an exemplary wife, and, for sure, in her heart she realizes all her mistakes about her son. But time is lost, and nothing can be changed.

At the moment, the relationship between mother and son has become better. They are more often found in real life and even create short-term creative projects.

Recently Gould Jason does not appear not in thecinema, not in the musical field. Nobody knows about his future intentions regarding creativity and career - perhaps he decided to prefer a quieter life, and maybe, still, soon he will surprise us with his next appearance? Time will tell, but while fans of his work can enjoy the existing works of Jason Gould.

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