/ / There is an answer: where are the conservation of Far Cry 3

There is an answer: where are the conservation of Far Cry 3

Today we will tell you where the Far Cry 3 conservation is. It's a multiplatform game from the Action genre with the open world, which has RPG elements.


where there are conservation far cry 3
Before revealing the secret, where are theFar Cry 3 in Windows 7, say a few words about the project itself. The protagonist named Jason Brody, along with his friends, goes on holiday to the shores of the unusually beautiful tropical island of Ruk Island. Tourists make a parachute jump, after which they fall into the hands of local pirates. Supervises them Vaas Montenegro - sadistic and psychotic. At night, Jason and his older brother Grant initiate an escape. At the same time they receive the proceeds of the previously obtained army skills. The brother also teaches the protagonist a noiseless movement in enemy territory. The escape ends with a tragedy, Grant dies, overtaken by Vaas, Jason is given 30 seconds to escape. A combat helicopter with pirates catches the hero by surprise when crossing a cable bridge. Machine-gun shots tear the ropes, Jason loses consciousness and falls into the depths of the river. Saves him Dennis Rogers - head of the resistance. Jason is recognized as a warrior, since he is the only one who escaped from a pirate camp. Here the hero gets his first tattoo, according to the local tradition of consecration of the warrior. Dennis uses Jason in a long war between the rebels and pirates for control of the island. For the assistance of the leader of the resistance, he promises to help the protagonist in freeing his friends.

The solution of the problem

We turn to the story of wheresave Far Cry 3. The question arises because this version of the game has several errors and shortcomings. The creators are continuously improving the project, but at the moment they have not managed to fix everything. So, in order to find the save files in the licensed game, go to drive C. Next, open the Program Files folder. After that, select Ubisoft. In the next step, open the Launcher folder. Finally, go to savegames. It is here that you can find a file that contains your personal ID in the project.

A pirated copy

where there are conservation far cry 3 in windows 7
Now tell us where are the conservation FarCry 3 if the game is unlicensed. First of all, find the directory with the game. In it we open the bin folder. After that, run profiles. This is the most common option for pirated copies. However, in this case, the location of the save files may be different, since it depends on the activator used. For example, if you use Reloaded, the data we need will be in the RLD folder. In the case of the 3DM activator, the changes go to the save3dmgames directory. Now you know where the Far Cry 3 conservation is.

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