/ / The most famous Polish writers of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The most famous Polish writers of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Polish writers may not be so goodfamiliar to the Russian reader. However, the classical layer of the literature of this country is very original and especially dramatic. Perhaps this is due to the tragic fate of the Polish people, many centuries of conquest and division of land, with the Nazi invasion, the destruction of the country and its heavy restoration from the ruins.

However, Polish writers are known to us on the otherhand, as the brightest representatives of such popular genres as science fiction and ironic detective. Let's talk about the most notable writers of Poland of the 20th and 21st centuries, whose glory went beyond the borders of their native country.

Senkevich Henrik

At the end of the 19th century, Senkevich became the most famousPolish writer. Books of Polish writers are not often awarded the largest world prizes, but in 1905 Senkevich won the Nobel Prize in Literature. She was given for all his literary work.

Stanislav Polish writer

Одно из самых известных его произведений - historical saga "Fire and sword", narrating about the Commonwealth. In 1894, he wrote his next landmark work Quo Vadis, in the Russian translation of "Kamo Gryadyshi." This novel about the Roman Empire fixes Senkevich's fame as a master of the historical genre in literature. To this day, this novel remains very popular and is translated into various languages. His next work was the novel "The Crusaders" about the attacks of the Teutonic Order on Poland.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Senkevich left for Switzerland, where he died in 1916 and was buried there. Later, his remains were reburied in Warsaw.

Lem Stanislav

The Polish futurologist Stanislaw Lem is familiar to the whole world. His pen includes such famous works as "Solaris", "Eden", "Voice of the Lord" and others.

Polish science fiction writer

He was born in 1921 in the city of Lviv, whichthen was Polish. During the German occupation, by a miracle, I did not get into the ghetto due to forged documents. After the end of World War II, he moved to Krakow under the repatriation program, where he studies for a doctor. In 46, Lem prints his first story, and in 51 his debut novel Astronauts, which instantly made him famous, is published.

All the work of the writer can be divided conditionallyon several groups. One is a serious work in the spirit of science fiction. The other is written by him as a satirical writer. These are grotesque works, such as "Cyberiad" and "Peace on Earth".

Polish science fiction writer is the author of works that have been translated into 40 languages ​​and the world has sold more than 30 million copies of his books. Some of his works are screened.

Gombrovich Witold

This is a Polish writer, a satirist, a dramatist of the period50-60s of the 20th century. His first major novel, Ferdidurka, produced a great response. He forever divided the literary world of Poland into admirers and critics of his work, among which there were other Polish writers.

Polish writer satirist

A month before the start of World War II Gombrowiczsails on a ship to Argentina, where in exile is going through terrible years of war. After the end of hostilities, the writer realizes that his homeland has been forgotten at home, but it is not easy to win fame abroad. Only in the mid-fifties in Poland began to reprint his old works.

In the 60's, popularity is returning to him, inlargely thanks to the new novels "Cosmos" and "Pornography", which are published in France. In the history of world literature, Vitold Gombrowicz remained a master of the word and a philosopher who had repeatedly entered into a dispute with history.

Vishnevsky Janusz

Few modern Polish writers are alsoknown in the world as Janusz Vishnevsky. Despite the fact that he now lives in Frankfurt am Main, his works are always painted with the unique charm of Polish prose, its drama and lyricism.

Books of Polish writers

Vishnevsky's debut novel "Loneliness in the network" about virtual love literally blew up the world. Three years the book was a bestseller, it was screened and translated into many languages.

However, the author's subsequent worksthey leave readers indifferent, because he writes about love, about the strength of this feeling and about its weakness, about everything that the reader knows, but sometimes he can not put it into words.

Khmelevskaya John

Произведения пани Хмелевской не причисляют к high true literature, and it is not surprising, because its genre is an ironic detective story. However, it is impossible to deny her fame. Khmelevsky’s books have become so popular not only because of the intrigue and cunningly twisted detective stories, but also the charm of her characters. The main heroine of many books written off from the author - a bold, ironic, intelligent, gambling, Mrs. John did not leave anyone indifferent. Khmelevskaya wrote off the rest of them from her friends, relatives and colleagues. By the will of her fantasy, many became victims or criminals and, as they noticed with laughter, could not get rid of the imposed image.

Polish writers

Her own life threw her a lotplots - romance novels, dizzying encounters, travels and much less pleasant events of the Second World War, the occupation of Warsaw, the plight of the country's economic life. All this brought in her books that living language and sharp humor that spread far beyond the borders of her native country.

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