/ / Stars on the Walk of Fame: Donald Bellisario

Stars on the Walk of Fame: Donald Bellisario

Admirers of American TV series are well-knownthe character of the producer, director and screenwriter Donald Bellisario. The most famous for the creation of TV series "Air Wolf", "Quantum Leap Forward" and "Marine Police: special department".

Biography and personal life

Donald Paul Bellisario was born on August 8, 1935 in the town of Cockenburg, Pennsylvania. His father was Italian Albert Jethro, and his mother was Serbian Dana.

Donald Bellisario served in the Marine Corps of the US Navy since 1955. Four years later he received the rank of sergeant and completed military service.

In 1961 he received an academic bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Pennsylvania. And in 2001 received the highest award Distinguished Alumnus, which graduates of this university receive.

donald bellisario

After four years I got a copywriter inLancaster, and a few years later Donald - the creative director of one of the Dallas agencies. Later he was promoted to the senior vice-president of the agency. But for the sake of his future activity he left everything and went to Hollywood.

Donald Bellisario was married four times, has seven relatives and two adopted children. The last wife of the producer was Vivienne, they were married in November 1998.


Donald Bellisario, whose films have long been known to the viewer, has created more than twenty films during his time.

The first three works were published in 1977-1978.In them Bellisario made a screenwriter. The first serious work was the series "Black Sheep Bleaching", where Donald worked not only as a screenwriter, but also as a producer and director.

donald bellisario films

Many of Donald's heroes are members of the United States Armed Forces.

In 2004, the producer received a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

One of the last works of Donald was the series "Naval Police", which is currently being shot, and "Griffins", after which in 2009 he completed his career.

Currently, Donald Bellisario turns 82, but his work is loved now.

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