/ / Daniyar Sugralinov: creativity

Daniyar Sugralinov: creativity

Daniyar Sugralinov, whose books we are going to look at,in the century when almost everything was written, he managed to invent something new. And by this he acquired for himself a readership. What makes this writer stand out?

It has long been no secret that the power of dreams can helpachieve much. Especially if a person has a really strong hand, a goal, as well as willpower and self-confidence. It remains to such qualities either to envy, or to give in to them. But it is better to develop them. The dream of one person gave people electricity, the other - ships, the third - the Internet. The dream of Daniyar Sugralinov brought great works to the world.

Well, by whom to call him?

Assign a particular profession to this person.it will be difficult, as he showed himself in many branches of human activity. A writer, the head of a new web design studio, an innovator of his kind, an inventor.

Daniyar Sugralinov

Actually, in the age of computer technologyit is difficult to invent anything, but it was the Internet that Daniyar decided to use. All enterprises need websites: small, large, new, obsolete - the genius understood this and decided to implement his idea. The risk was justified, and subsequently friends joined Sugarinov, who embodied his idea alone. So, the company grew, and now it is Kaznetmedia, the most famous studio in Aktobe. The head of the company did not calm down on this.

Turning to a friend and doing all the sameInternet great reading room for books, he again received success. The editor of a very popular resource threw in him several chapters of the book Daniyar Sugralinov. Users, and this is 2.5 million, caught on the hook "to be continued." The book was presented to readers in small passages, and the effect was comparable to a time bomb. When two and a half million people are discussing a book, it means the author managed to do the impossible, namely, to make him talk about himself, his ideals and goals.

Builder in the shower

"Bricks" Daniyar Sugralinov wrote so thatpieces of the soul seem to be embedded between the pages of his book (if you can say so about virtual literature), the reader breathes the idea of ​​the author and certainly falls in love with the syllable.

Daniyar Sugralin bricks

And the idea was taken small:Seryoga, a middle-aged guy, is an ordinary office plankton. Colleagues do not trample it into the mud, rather giggling disgustingly behind their backs, considering it to be swollen by a “sucker” (this is how the author put it). In the office there is a girl who takes all the dreams of Sergei Rezvey, but his beer tum and humiliation from colleagues put an insurmountable obstacle in front of possible relationships. One day, when a guy's staff was sent to the store, he met Lech Vernyak. This character turned Seregi's life and made her go to the girl, sign up for the gym, successfully manifest herself in the work - Lech just talked to our hero for 5 minutes.

Genius will find a loophole

Daniyar Sugralinov vividly described what the scientificthe language is trying to hammer into the head psychologists - a person can do anything. Only the right motivation is needed. Time is on fire - good motivation to get to work, I like the girl - a great way to regularly visit the gym. And so on to infinity. Self-development in a simple and clear “language of examples” the reader always likes. The story looks over, as the text is structured correctly. An intriguing start, a coherent story, a blurry ending - laid the foundation for the success of the book.

Level up

Daniyar Sugralinov is the author of another book,which will make you get up off the couch and start making decisions about your life yourself. The author described the story again, just a simple guy, however, an avid gamer. His marriage hangs in the balance, you only need to save by throwing the only thing that a hero gets - a character from a popular game of the 100th level. Suddenly, a hapless husband in real life gets a game interface. Looking at his wife, he sees how she evaluates his skills: dexterity - 4, endurance - 3, strength - 5. The most pumped skill is the skill of playing World of Warcraft.

level up daniyar sugralinov

Such a motivation makes the hero with this somethingdo. Suffering and tormenting, he radically changes his life. The reader wants to do the same thing - it’s just impossible to sit still. Daniyar Sugralinov described the results of a job well done on himself in all shades of the rainbow.

Just gotta start

"Level up", "Bricks" ...Daniyar Sugralinov wrote them in such a way that he shook two and a half million people. It’s hard to imagine, but even if half of the people got up and started to fulfill their dreams and ideas, the power of the young author’s books really does have a stunning effect.

Daniyar Sugralinov books

To get motivation by reading a book - this is what many who buy literature on self-development want. And the readers of this author get what they paid for.

The young writer is not going to rest on his laurels.He has a lively correspondence with his readers, arranges contests and bears new ideas. On the pages of his site, Daniyar even consults with fans of his work on the plot of future books.

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